[chrony-users] chronyd C&M protocol licensing

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I'm working on a Java implementation of the client side of the chronyd command 
and monitoring protocol - its up at https://github.com/bradh/chrony-java-parent/tree/main/chrony-java

At this stage it doesn't do much - just the tracking request + reply parsing. 
I expect to add sources and sourcestats.

As noted at https://chrony.tuxfamily.org/
faq.html#_is_the_chronyc_chronyd_protocol_documented_anywhere the only 
documentation for the protocol is the source code. I realise that the source 
code to chrony is GPL v2 (only).

While there is no doubt that I used information from the chrony source (in 
particular, candm.h and how Float encoding works from util.c), I'm not sure 
whether it is a derived work. If possible, I would like to license my 
implementation under a more liberal license (e.g. Apache or MIT). Is that OK?


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