Re: [chrony-users] Peer selecting when NTS enabled

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On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 07:26:59PM +0100, Kurt Roeckx wrote:
> So the server needs to be better than the worst trusted server
> that's combined before it can also be combined?

This happens before combining. The server needs to be better than the
best interval of trusted sources that form a majority in order to get
to the combining.

> > The length of the interval is the root distance at the time of the
> > selection. The "+/-" value in the sources output is the root distance
> > at the time of the measurement. That is also reported in the
> > measurements log. The 'D' state should clear up after 32 updates of
> > the selected source if the distance doesn't become too large.
> Are you saying that even when it was always smaller than the combine
> limit * selected peer's root delay, when it moved away from the T
> state, it needs to do that for 32 updates? I guess it changes too
> much to the T state.

It needs 32 updates to move from the D state. The T state doesn't do
this. I'd suggest to enable the measurements log and see how the root
dispersion and delay are changing over time for the sources.

Miroslav Lichvar

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