RE: [chrony-users] chronyd.service doesn't have Restart=on-failure?

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Please see my other post to Miroslav for more detail.

Normally the local clock would be a reasonable backup, but AWS instances have terrible internal timekeeping. Within a day this box lost >2 hours(!) of time.


Jamie Gruener | Director of IT & Security, Biospatial, Inc. | 919-624-9760 | jamie.gruener@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Unruh <unruh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2021 11:18 AM
To: chrony-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [chrony-users] chronyd.service doesn't have Restart=on-failure?

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> But I think the lines:
>> Restart=on-failure
>> RestartSec=30s
> Should be added in the [Service] section. If chronyd fails for any reason, given how important time is, I can't think why it wouldn't try to restart..

Well, if, due to some bug in chrony or bad configuration, chrony dies, then it is liable to die again and again and again. Having a program do that is not a good idea. Rather the sysadmin needs to fix things. Remember that the local clock is still running, so that time is not a complete disaster.
If you really wanted to you could have a cron job run every minute, and if chrony is not running, then restart it (and send the sysadmin an email saying it had happened).

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