[chrony-users] chronyd.service doesn't have Restart=on-failure?

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First time poster. I searched the mailing list archives but didn’t find what I was looking for, so I’m asking here.


We installed chrony 3.4 on our fleet of RHEL boxes on AWS and configured them to use the special AWS IP of for the time server. That works great and has for months.


We had a scenario where an instance generated the following error after a brief (10-30s?) network issue:
<26>Dec 16 05:15:45 [instance_name_redacted] chronyd[557]: Fatal error : Possible infinite loop in scheduling


And chronyd died. A `systemctl restart chronyd` worked as expected.


My guess is that this problem occurred because our min and max retries were set the same at 4, but I don’t know for sure. We’ve since changed that.


Here’s my question. Why doesn’t the default service file for chronyd have lines like the ones below?





Any insight welcome.





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