Re: [chrony-users] chronyd.service doesn't have Restart=on-failure?

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On Thu, Jan 07, 2021 at 10:13:12PM +0000, Jamie Gruener wrote:
> We had a scenario where an instance generated the following error after a brief (10-30s?) network issue:
> <26>Dec 16 05:15:45 [instance_name_redacted] chronyd[557]: Fatal error : Possible infinite loop in scheduling

That's bad. It is not supposed to happen unless the machine is
extremely overloaded and chronyd have its execution delayed so much
that its timeouts are just creating more timeouts without processing
any input/output.

Can you post the chrony configuration in which this happened?

> My guess is that this problem occurred because our min and max retries were set the same at 4, but I don't know for sure. We've since changed that.

You mean minpoll and maxpoll?
> Here's my question. Why doesn't the default service file for chronyd have lines like the ones below?
> Restart=on-failure
> RestartSec=30s

That might help, maybe with a bit longer interval to not flood servers
too much if chronyd was crashing soon after start, but there as in
issue that it might break expectations about clock steps happening
only on start (the makestep limit). AFAIK, there is no way to specify
additional options in a systemd unit to be passed to a restarted

Miroslav Lichvar

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