Re: [chrony-users] Let chrony prefer gps source but allow online sources

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On Wed, Jan 06, 2021 at 01:48:00PM +0000, Ferry Schoenmakers wrote:
> While restarting the machine with a gps fix lets chrony sync nicely with gps, it doesn't do so when it synced with online sources first. Chrony never 'switches' to gps, although it is set as preferred. Moreover, it seems that it doesn't even receive measurement from gps?

In your config there is no makestep directive. Is there a large
initial offset in the online-sources-first test? There might be an
issue with gpsd (I'm assuming you are using gpsd) that it stops
providing measurements when the clock is being adjusted. IIRC that was
the case at least with some old versions. I'd suggest to enable the
gpsd debug output and see if there is any difference between the two

Miroslav Lichvar

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