[chrony-users] Questions about a statistics.log field

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I am hoping someone could help me with statistics log contents that the documentation (https://u15165826.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=dbezy-2Fh6QgXgt52GNmniWGY9FWDlBXpj4Z4LKa7aQW-2B-2FI35dpeSXysaiyrQ-2BuWzFKICr0dnmkJW-2Fcv4tPidyTw-3D-3Du5FE_SQaUDoiqj2aNwxHZXFJI8XoZqQPqT7UNEXUXs5L9nmQBuT4ES-2BX6eeTqLLy3XG2VX6YXW6K0vcuMEbRkWg1YXO0t1T1EmSO-2BZIrCZewMCLvPClJxTVa5QVQTSD-2F5EloOrZpy4S0-2B-2F4cD9YEP-2FQP5fmSIFRj-2F3BxVsJG48bn9tAxq8wua6Z0xdXfUMsbe9Xffs9O4ZL8q5CnAppqVg2TW3aDqfQhubJYltJDhyUyyywtZOAEeL247zF7XfYQFH2it describes ambiguously.

Field 4 of statistics.log is the "estimated standard deviation of the measurements from the source (in seconds)", whereas field 6 is the "estimated standard deviation of the offset estimate (in seconds)". Field 6 is apparently the local clock jitter relative to the source, but what is “the measurements from the source” in field 4? Is this an estimate of the source jitter? If so, relative to what?

Is there a reference that describes these (other than the brief doc page)? I could not find one.

Frank Wayne

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