Re: [chrony-users] Multi-PPS+RTC Setup Questions

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Right, ok, so should I presume this isn't a bug normally, but is caused by whatever nonsense brokenness is going on in my u-blox receivers that they mysteriously sync to different time despite identical setups?


On 9/29/20 11:19 AM, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 11:01:53AM -0400, Matt Corallo wrote:
On 9/29/20 10:44 AM, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
Try adding something like "mindelay 0.0001" to both sources.

Would this also force combination of the two ala combinelimit, or only allow
them to be selected in 3.5 when the RTC is not "trust"?

Yes, with the delay their intervals should overlap and both be
considered selectable for synchronization and then combined as their
root distance is similar.

If you are familiar with ntpd, the delay is similar to the tos mindist
setting. ntpd has this fudge by default. chronyd does not. If you have
two very precise but not so accurate sources, their intervals will
overlap only sometimes by chance and disturb the selection.

Right, sorry, indeed. My goal was to force chrony to combine the two GPS PPS
inputs (cause why not, and it seems strange that chrony would, by default,
pick one and stick with it, ignoring the results show much more
stability when they're combined =D).

Yes, that makes sense.

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