AW: [chrony-users] Usage of `chrony accheck ip-address`

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thanks again for your answer.

> How about a new section that would explain all the error messages?

This would be an excellent decision. Why not include all status codes / message? ie also the successful ones.

I just had a look at client.c. Wow, you got many status codes.

Unfortunately, this is nothing I could contribute - I lack any knowledge.

> And maybe improve the "I keep getting the error 501 Not authorised"
answer in the FAQ?

As a new chrony user, who never heard of the password command, I'd propose to not mention it in the first paragraph.

So, how do you like...

4.2. I keep getting the error 501 Not authorised

"This probably means, that you run the chronyc command with insufficient priviledges.

chronyc needs to run locally under the root or chrony user, which are allowed to access the chronyd's Unix domain command socket.

With versions older than 2.2, you need to authenticate with the password command first or use the -a option to authenticate automatically on start. The configuration file needs to specify a file which contains keys (keyfile directive) and which key in the key file should be used for chronyc authentication (commandkey directive).."

I'd still be honored if I could submit a pr for that little change.

Thank you very much for your work and time!


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