AW: [chrony-users] Usage of `chrony accheck ip-address`

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thank you very much for taking the time for this extensive answer!

I think I paid too much attention to the not-that-optimum blog post I used for configuring chrony my first time, and less on the excellent man pages.

Re-reading the complete crhonyc man page carefully, it really gives me all the information I need.

> Which part of the documentation would you suggest to amend? The
> chronyc man page tries to explain the difference between the
> connections and lists commands that always work in the 4th paragraph.

I guess my problem was, that I read a blog post, saw the `accheck` command, wanted to learn more about it, went to the man page, scrolled down to the section `NTP access` and there directly to `accheck address`.

At the command "location" in the man page, there is no mention that this command needs to be executed as root or the chrony user.

At the command "location" there are some examples, but for none the result is shown.

So, if there is anything which could be changed to make it easier for the "admin in a hurry", I'd say:
- add a note to all commands, which can only be executed as root / chrony user
- at least for the `accheck address` give a complete example, ie some configuration, then several checks, and the result / command line output

e.g. something like this:

# excerpt from chrony.conf

# chronyc accheck
209 Access denied

# chronyc accheck
208 Access allowed

$ chronyc accheck
501 Not authorised

And somewhere at the top of the command description I'd write something like

Note: This command can only be executed as root or chrony user.

Even without my suggestions, I think the man page is excellent, so I am happy with your decision to regard this proposal or not.

If this is something you can concur with, I'd volunteer to make a pull request (in some weeks). It would be an honor to contribute to such a fine piece of software.


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