On 8/5/19 4:10 am, Chris Greenman wrote:
Is there any possibility of using GPS for time? I had a similar dilemma
on my raspberry pi based boat computer. I didn't want to rely on
internet provided time since it might not be available if away from the
Well, two reasons we didn't go that route straight up:
1. cost (they cost nearly the price of the computer)
2. most are UART-based, and we don't have a UART free (UART0 is the
console, and the PocketBeagle exposes UART2 and UART4).
Putting in a RTC with a back-up battery is the other option, which would
link over I²C, and we'd have to cook up a devicetree overlay to tell the
kernel about it (not hard). In hindsight, I should have put one in to
begin with, but the boards are ordered now.
We may go this route yet, but if I get this up and running, we'll have a
way of setting that RTC when it's in the field rather than having to
remember to do it at base. :-)
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)
I haven't lost my mind...
...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.
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