Re: [chrony-users] Tracking lost but server selected

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On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 12:48:02PM +0100, Ariel Garcia wrote:
> I'm wondering how my Chrony landed in this state:
> # chronyc tracking
> Reference ID    : 00000000 ()

Tracking reporting no reference probably means that the selection
failed at some point (e.g. no majority reached) and the newly selected
source (if there is one) didn't have an update yet.

Is there a message in the system log corresponding to the selection of

> ==> /var/log/chrony/measurements.log <==
> 2018-03-17 11:42:02   N  2 111 111 1101  10 10 1.00  2.474e-01  6.753e-01  3.317e-06  1.280e-02  4.428e-02 83BC03DC 4B D K
> 2018-03-17 11:42:17  N  2 111 111 1101  10 10 1.00  3.201e-01  8.283e-01  2.489e-06  3.340e-02  4.530e-02 C035676C 4B D K
> 2018-03-17 11:42:27    N  1 111 111 1101  10 10 1.00  3.446e-01  8.649e-01  6.185e-06  0.000e+00  1.099e-03 505A4600 4B D K
> 2018-03-17 11:42:27    N  2 111 111 1101  10 10 1.00  6.632e-02  3.054e-01  2.481e-06  1.364e-02  3.954e-02 814501AA 4B D K

Was there a network change which could cause the delay to be increased?

The sources seem to be failing in the test C, which suggests the
network delay is larger than it used to be before. chronyd is waiting
for the delay to get back to normal, but if it is a permanent change
(e.g. network routing has changed which added more delay), it may take
a while before the sample with the old minimum delay is flushed, or a
different source with better statistics is selected.

If you look further back in the measurements log, do you see a point
when all sources suddenly started to consistently fail the test C?

Miroslav Lichvar

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