Re: [chrony-users] Delaying postfix until chronyd gets the time

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Gaining understanding...

On 04/21/2017 06:21 AM, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 05:59:12AM -0400, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I was looking at the man for chronyd, and saw that the man for 2.1.1 says it
uses the drift file:

               If  chronyd doesn't support the RTC on your computer or there
               no RTC installed, the system clock will be set with this
               forward  to  the time of the last modification of the drift
               (specified by the driftfile directive)  to  restore the
               time at which chronyd was previously stopped.
You are right. The difference between 2.1.1 and 2.2 actually is that
2.1.1 uses the driftfile only when the RTC is missing. If there is an
RTC, but it is in the past (e.g. it has no battery to keep the time
when the system was powered off), the driftfile will not be used to
restore the system time.

However, you could force chronyd to ignore the RTC by setting
rtcdevice to a nonexistent device and always use the driftfile, e.g.

rtcdevice /dev/doesnotexist

Where do I get the command, rtcdevice? It is not on my system. Then how do I run it? Do I add an ExecStartPre= to the chronyd.service file?

And do I create a /etc/sysconfig/chronyd with the single line:



What does the rtcsync in chronyd.conf do?
It tells the kernel to periodically set the RTC to the system time.
With no battery, that would probably be useful only for reboots.

Got it.


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