Re: [chrony-users] Setting up Chrony with PPS

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On 4/11/2016 10:41 PM, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
That probably depends on the FW of the GPS. If with one update per
second the NMEA messages were only 0.1 second late, with 10 updates
per second that delay wouldn't have to change, it would still fit
between updates. But if it's 0.5 second late, that can't work with 10
updates per second.

I think you just need to change the offset of the SHM refclock to 0.1
second. The delay can stay as it was.

Setting offset to 0.1 works for 10, 5, 4, 3, and 2 updates per second.

Setting offset to 0.5 works for updates every 1 and 2.5 seconds. It does not work for updates every 5 seconds.

If a future version of chrony could support a wide range of gps update rates without having to modify chrony.conf, that would be appreciated.

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