[chrony-dev] Wild frequency fluctuations in macOS 13.2

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chronyd 3.2,  macOS 13.2.

The usual frequency of my computer is 18 … 19 ppm (roughly depending on time of day).

Starting chronyd I see wild changes in frequency from 15 to 75 ppm for more than 6 h before it finally settles down to a reasonable value.
The period of these fluctuations is about 15 minutes, e.g.:
2017-12-08 22:42:51 	+21.220	  
2017-12-08 22:47:10 	+73.421	 
2017-12-08 22:57:57  	+33.983	 

A full tracking.log is available upon request (but probably too large for a mailing list).

This is something I have never seen with chronyd 2.3 / macOS 12.x.

What can I do?


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