Re: [chrony-dev] [PATCH] Fix rounding in UTI_DoubleToTimeval()

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> On 24/07/2015, at 12:34 am, Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 12:05:20AM +1200, Bryan Christianson wrote:
>>> On 23/07/2015, at 11:59 pm, Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Does Mac OS X have 32-bit time_t and 64-bit long? Or it's the other
>>> way around?
>> 64 bit long, 32 bit time_t.
> That's an unusual combination. I've seen time_t longer than long, but
> not shorter. I hope they know about year 2038 :).

from the headers

#define _STRUCT_TIMEVAL		struct timeval
	__darwin_time_t	        tv_sec;	        /* seconds */
	__darwin_suseconds_t    tv_usec;        /* and microseconds */
#endif /* _STRUCT_TIMEVAL */

and then

typedef long			__darwin_time_t;	/* time() */

typedef __int32_t	__darwin_suseconds_t;	/* [???] microseconds */

So there is no 2038 issue and 1.0e6 microseconds will always fit into an int32. Weird that the struct timeval is no longer symmetrical tho. I hadn't actually noticed that before.

Casting tv_usec values to int will work on a Mac and suppress the warnings. Does any supported OS have int < 32 bits ? 

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