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> Why can't we have both? Take the subversion (and git) way of thinking.
> We can have a main trunk and branches. We can discuss what goes and is
> expected from the main trunk and we can also branch away and do our
> own things. At the moment, the trunk isn't really focused on and we
> have a whole lot of branches. Clarity of what is desired, expected
> and wanted shouldn't stifle creativity. It's only purpose is so that
> we all know what is expected of us and so we don't make common or
> unwanted mistakes.

Ok I will post in the hour the clear goals for the next weeks and until

I think branching everywhere as the same effect than letting people make
ther own repos like tiny slitaza nd result in the smae way thing goes
these last month. They is a main branch and we always worked on main
branch and people sending patch, noe some people work on ther own
branch because they have they own vision and need that are not common
to all contributors, while ther work for them self they dont help with
the main branch wich is used by all our users.

- Christophe

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