Re: unsubscribe

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> You need to send it to slitaz-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks, I have.

> As for your reason for leaving. It's not good enough. 

What gives you the right to say how I spend my time ?
In the language we use in New Zealand, tough shit. I'm off.

>It's like the
> atheist argument about if God existed why doesn't he do anything about
> the suffering in the world. Do you know the counter-argument to that?
> What are YOU doing about suffering in the world? If everybody wanted to
> do something about it and actually DID something about it, then guess
> what. End of Suffering.

Who gives a F

> The same applies here. Seems you all believe the solution is to leave
> rather DO something about it. Well, all it proves is that your the
> type to jump ship at the hint of trouble. Rather be productive and
> provide suggestions that build. Hell, if you can create or build
> packages, then great. If you can create website, provide hosting or
> create images, then wonderful. If you can code then that's amazing.
> Help where you can and help how you can.

If I had the time and the ability then yes I would help. I dont have the time
ability nor the inclination

> Pankso might not always appreciate it. He sure as hell doesn't do it
> with me or Indigo, but every little bit helps. With the day I've been
> having... Well, let's just say Pankso is lucky that I'm loyal like I
> am. And hey, I know I'm an asshole and I like to argue, but even I can
> see when something is worth sticking to or worth fighting for.

The day you have been having ? Have a look at the mess my city is in
Christchurch.  Something like 20 % of the center of town will be demolished
350,000 people lived in Chch. Dont try and tell me your having a bad day. 

> But, I leave it to your judgment. Leave or don't. It's down to you.

Actually "its up to you" is the term.
Thank you for your comments and the "discussion" which followed.
I no longer have any doubts that my time is better spend elsewere.

Slitaz is a good distro I like it. With luck Christophe will get it back in
control and it will continue to be good, if not, then look at what happened


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