Re: [Sawfish] 2 new blue styles for StyleTab

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On Fri, 23 Sep 2011 19:28:29 +0200
wrote fuchur <flohtransporter@xxxxxxxxx>:

>On Sat, 27 Aug 2011 09:20:12 +0200
>wrote Christopher Roy Bratusek <nano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>Alternatively StyleTab may use recolor-image like in Crux theme and let the 
>>user choose the color? But this would involve additional tasks in theme.jl.
>Ok now we can recolor StyleTab. But if you change the size of the
>titlebar or buttons the foreground will not scale and redraw correct
>(read comment in theme.jl) and i have no idea how to fix it. I have
>rename style DarkColor in Default and remove all other styles (will
>readd later if redraw ready but it take some time). Settings from prev
>StyleTab will not work so you need to set your custom settings for
>The patch is for the theming-1.9 branch.
>Download image here:

I have check why restart with StyleTab is ~ 5 - 8 times slower as load
StyleTab in sawfish, but i have no idea. I think it has something to do
with session restore/load in sawfish. You can check it. Load a other
theme -> restart sawfish, now load StyleTab and check load time (it
takes here 2 - 4 secons) now restart sawfish with loaded StyleTab an
check time to restart (it can takes here 15 secons). Fix for this is
not on my todo list (i don't know what happens in sawfish by restart),
it think it's not a problem with the theme/theme.jl file.

I have add hash tables in StyleTab. Now all images (base and recolor)
save in "styletab-frame-cache". If you think it is faster to load
StyleTab if we save and restore "styletab-frame-cache" (when/and it is
possible) show me the code to save and restore a hash table and i will
try to add in StyleTab. This is also not on my todo list.

Spinbuttons in StyleTab should replace with a (working) combo box, not
on my to do list.

I have update images (add links and compress images). Download here:

Add hash tables for images.
Fix resize bug for buttons.
Fix recolor bug by resize.
Split "create-frames" in "make-buttons" and "make-frame".
Add maximized to call-after-state-changed.

On my todo list is: redraw the remove styles for readd.


GPG Fingerprint: CA3B 8204 5B3E 6D48 6D53  C116 E5BC 70D5 B8D7 B2B0
--- theme.jl.orgi	2011-09-29 19:05:05.000000000 +0200
+++ theme.jl	2011-09-29 19:04:42.000000000 +0200
@@ -27,12 +27,6 @@
 (defgroup StyleTab:right-buttons-group "Right Titlebar Buttons"
   :group (appearance StyleTab:group))
-(defcustom styletab-c:do-reload nil "Do reload. Will reload the theme if switch on/off.
-Essential if you change the title hight or botton size.
-Fix/hack for foreground button, but makes botton ugly."
-  :group (appearance StyleTab:group)
-  :type boolean)
 (defcustom styletab-c:styles 'Default "Frame and button style."
   :group (appearance StyleTab:group)
   :type symbol
@@ -725,17 +719,17 @@
 ;;; make images/recolor 
 ;; button/icon table
-(define styletab-c-icon-cache (make-weak-table eq-hash eq))
+(define styletab-icon-cache (make-weak-table eq-hash eq))
 ;; frames/title table
-(define styletab-c-frame-cache (make-weak-table eq-hash eq))
+(define styletab-frame-cache (make-table equal-hash equal))
 (define (window-icon w)
-  (or (table-ref styletab-c-icon-cache w)
+  (or (table-ref styletab-icon-cache w)
       (let ((icon (window-icon-image w)))
         (if icon
             (let ((scaled (scale-image icon (- styletab-c:title-dimension 7) (- styletab-c:title-dimension 7))))
-              (table-set styletab-c-icon-cache w scaled)
+              (table-set styletab-icon-cache w scaled)
           (scale-image top-frame-icon-title-images (- styletab-c:title-dimension 7) (- styletab-c:title-dimension 7))))))
@@ -761,330 +755,311 @@
                    (max (- green green-delta) 0)
                    (max (- blue blue-delta) 0))))
-(defun do-recolor (img color)
-  (let* ((recolorer
-          (make-image-recolorer color
-                                #:zero-channel blue-channel
-                                #:index-channel green-channel)))
-    (recolorer img)))
 (define (get-recolor-dark dimout color)
   (darken-color color dimout))
 (define (get-recolor-bright bright color)
   (brighten-color color bright))
-(define (do-make-image img)
+(define (do-recolor img color)
+  (let ((recolorer
+         (make-image-recolorer color
+                               #:zero-channel blue-channel
+                               #:index-channel green-channel)))
+    (recolorer img)
+    img))
+(define recolor-lock t)
+(define recolor-cache t)
+(define (do-make-image-cache img)
-   (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache img)
+   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache img)
    (let ((image
           (make-image img)))
-     (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache img image)
-     image)))
+     (table-set styletab-frame-cache img image))))
-(define make-border-image
-  (lambda (w)
-    `((focused . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-f.png")))
-      (inactive . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-f.png")))))) 
+(define (get-cached-image img)
+  (table-ref styletab-frame-cache img))
-(define make-tab-image
-  (lambda (w)
-    `((focused . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-f.png")))
-      (highlighted . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-f.png")))
-      (inactive . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-i.png")))
-      (inactive-highlighted . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-i.png"))))))
+(define (base-tables-images w)
+  (or
+   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache w)
+   (progn  
+     (when (not recolor-cache)
+       (do-make-image-cache (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-f.png"))
+       (do-make-image-cache (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-i.png")))
+     (when recolor-cache
+       (let ((focus (do-recolor (get-cached-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-f.png"))
+                                (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                    (get-recolor-dark 0 styletab-c:focus-frame-color)
+                                  (get-recolor-dark 0 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
+             (inact (do-recolor (get-cached-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-i.png"))
+                                (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                    (get-recolor-dark (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20) styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color)
+                                  (get-recolor-dark (nth 1 (proposals-colors)) (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))))
+         (table-set styletab-frame-cache w `((focused . ,focus) (inactive .. ,inact))))))))
-(define make-base-button-image
-  (lambda (w)
-    `((focused . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-button-f.png")))
-      (highlighted . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-button-f.png")))
-      (clicked . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-button-c.png")))
-      (inactive . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-button-f.png")))
-      (inactive-highlighted . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-button-f.png")))
-      (inactive-clicked . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-button-c.png"))))))
+(define (tab-tables-images w)
+  (or
+   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache w)
+   (progn  
+     (when (not recolor-cache)
+       (do-make-image-cache (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-f.png"))
+       (do-make-image-cache (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-h.png"))
+       (do-make-image-cache (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-i.png"))
+       (do-make-image-cache (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-ih.png")))
+     (when recolor-cache
+       (let ((focus (do-recolor (get-cached-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-f.png"))
+                                (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                    (get-recolor-dark 0 styletab-c:focus-frame-color)
+                                  (get-recolor-dark 0 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
+             (highl (do-recolor (get-cached-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-h.png"))
+                                (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                    (get-recolor-bright 
+                                     (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
+                                         (/ (* styletab-c:active-hightlight-brighten 20) 2) 0)
+                                     styletab-c:focus-frame-color) (get-recolor-bright 
+                                                                    (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
+                                                                        (/ (nth 2 (proposals-colors)) 2) 0)
+                                                                    (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
+             (inact (do-recolor (get-cached-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-i.png"))
+                                (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                    (get-recolor-dark (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20) styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color)
+                                  (get-recolor-dark (nth 1 (proposals-colors)) (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
+             (in-hi (do-recolor (get-cached-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-ih.png"))
+                                (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                    (get-recolor-bright 
+                                     (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
+                                         (- (/ (* styletab-c:inactive-hightlight-brighten 20) 2) (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20))
+                                       (- (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20)))
+                                     styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color)
+                                  (get-recolor-bright (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
+                                                          (- (/ (nth 3 (proposals-colors)) 2) (nth 1 (proposals-colors)))
+                                                        (- (nth 1 (proposals-colors))))
+                                                      (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))))
+         (table-set styletab-frame-cache w `((focused . ,focus) (highlighted . ,highl) (inactive . ,inact) (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi))))))))
-;; Scale foreground botton here.
-;; I have no idea how to scale
-;; a botton after the botton was 
-;; create with make-image, (scale-image
-;; then not work like recolor-image)
-;; so theme or sawfish must restart/reload 
-;; if titel or botton sitz change but it
-;; makes the forground ugly
 (define scale-w nil)
 (define scale-h nil)
-(define make-hight-button-image
-  (lambda (w x)
-    (if (or (= w '"top")
-            (= w '"bottom"))
-        (progn (setq scale-w (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom)))
-               (setq scale-h (- styletab-c:title-dimension 4)))
-      (progn (setq scale-w (- styletab-c:title-dimension 4))
-             (setq scale-h (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom)))))
-    `((focused . ,(scale-image (do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) 
-                                                                  "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-f.png")) scale-w scale-h))
-      (highlighted . ,(scale-image (do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) 
-                                                                      "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-f.png")) scale-w scale-h))
-      (clicked . ,(scale-image (do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) 
-                                                                  "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-c.png")) scale-w scale-h))
-      (inactive . ,(scale-image (do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) 
-                                                                   "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-i.png")) scale-w scale-h))
-      (inactive-highlighted . ,(scale-image (do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) 
-                                                                               "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-ih.png")) scale-w scale-h))
-      (inactive-clicked . ,(scale-image (do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) 
-                                                                           "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-ic.png")) scale-w scale-h))))
-  (reframe-all))
-;;(define make-hight-button-image
-;;  (lambda (w x)
-;;    `((focused . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-f.png")))
-;;      (highlighted . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-f.png")))
-;;      (clicked . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-c.png")))
-;;      (inactive . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-i.png")))
-;;      (inactive-highlighted . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-ih.png")))
-;;      (inactive-clicked . ,(do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-ic.png"))))))
+(define (button-tables-images w x color always)
+  (if (or (equal w '"top")
+          (equal w '"bottom"))
+      (progn (setq scale-w (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom)))
+             (setq scale-h (- styletab-c:title-dimension 4)))
+    (progn (setq scale-w (- styletab-c:title-dimension 4))
+           (setq scale-h (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom)))))
+  (or
+   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-" x "-button"))
+   (progn  
+     (when (not recolor-cache)
+       (do-make-image-cache (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-f.png"))
+       (do-make-image-cache (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-h.png"))
+       (do-make-image-cache (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-c.png"))
+       (do-make-image-cache (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-i.png"))
+       (do-make-image-cache (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-ih.png"))
+       (do-make-image-cache (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-ic.png")))
+     (when recolor-cache
-;; frames/tabbar
-(define top-frame-icon-title-images 
-  (do-make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" "top-frame-icon-title-images-f.png")))
+       (let ((focus (scale-image (do-recolor (get-cached-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-f.png"))
+                                             (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                                 (get-recolor-dark 0 (if (and always color) color styletab-c:focus-frame-color))
+                                               (get-recolor-dark 0 (if (and always color) color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))) 
+                                 scale-w scale-h))
+             (highl (scale-image (do-recolor (get-cached-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-h.png"))
+                                             (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                                 (get-recolor-bright (* styletab-c:active-hightlight-brighten 20)
+                                                                     (if color color styletab-c:focus-frame-color))
+                                               (get-recolor-bright (nth 2 (proposals-colors))
+                                                                   (if color color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))) scale-w scale-h))
+             (click (scale-image (do-recolor (get-cached-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-c.png"))
+                                             (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                                 (get-recolor-bright (* styletab-c:active-hightlight-brighten 20)
+                                                                     (if color color styletab-c:focus-frame-color))
+                                               (get-recolor-bright (nth 2 (proposals-colors))
+                                                                   (if color color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))) scale-w scale-h))
+             (inact (scale-image (do-recolor (get-cached-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-i.png"))
+                                             (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                                 (get-recolor-dark (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20)
+                                                                   (if (and always color) color styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color))
+                                               (get-recolor-dark (nth 1 (proposals-colors))
+                                                                 (if (and always color) color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))) scale-w scale-h))
+             (in-hi (scale-image (do-recolor (get-cached-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-ih.png"))
+                                             (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                                 (get-recolor-bright (- (* styletab-c:inactive-hightlight-brighten 20) (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20))
+                                                                     (if color color styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color))
+                                               (get-recolor-bright (- (nth 3 (proposals-colors)) (nth 1 (proposals-colors)))
+                                                                   (if color color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))) scale-w scale-h))
+             (in-cl (scale-image (do-recolor (get-cached-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-frame-" x "-button-ic.png"))
+                                             (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                                 (get-recolor-bright (- (* styletab-c:inactive-hightlight-brighten 20) (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20))
+                                                                     (if color color styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color))
+                                               (get-recolor-bright (- (nth 3 (proposals-colors)) (nth 1 (proposals-colors)))
+                                                                   (if color color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))) scale-w scale-h)))
+         (table-set styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-" x "-button") `((focused . ,focus) (highlighted . ,highl) (clicked . ,click) 
+                                                                              (inactive . ,inact) (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi) 
+                                                                              (inactive-clicked . ,in-cl))))))))
-(define tabbar-horizontal-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w)  (mapcar (lambda (x) (make-tab-image 
-                                            (concat x "-" w))) (list "top" "bottom"))) (list "frame-tab-left-icon" "frame-tab" "frame-tab-right")))
-(define tabbar-vertical-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w)  (mapcar (lambda (x) (make-tab-image 
-                                            (concat x "-" w))) (list "left" "right"))) (list "frame-tab-top" "frame-tab" "frame-tab-bottom-icon")))
-(define title-cursor-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-title-cursor"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define title-nocursor-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-title-nocursor"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define top-border-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-top-border"))) (list "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define top-left-corner-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-top-left-corner"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define top-right-corner-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-top-right-corner"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define top-left-corner-shaped-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-top-left-corner-shaped"))) (list "top" "left")))
-(define top-right-corner-shaped-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-top-right-corner-shaped"))) (list "top" "right")))
-(define title-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-title"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define left-border-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-left-border"))) (list "top" "bottom" "right")))
-(define right-border-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-right-border"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left")))
-(define bottom-left-corner-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-bottom-left-corner"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define bottom-border-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-bottom-border"))) (list "top" "left" "right")))
-(define bottom-right-corner-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-bottom-right-corner"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define bottom-left-corner-shaped-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-bottom-left-corner-shaped"))) (list "bottom" "left")))
-(define bottom-right-corner-shaped-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-bottom-right-corner-shaped"))) (list "bottom" "right")))
+;; frames/tabbar
+(define top-frame-icon-title-images
+  (make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" "top-frame-icon-title-images-f.png")))
+(define (tabbar-horizontal-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat x "-" w)))
+                                (tab-tables-images (concat x "-" w))) (list "top" "bottom"))) (list "frame-tab-left-icon" "frame-tab" "frame-tab-right")))
+(define (tabbar-vertical-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat x "-" w)))
+                                (tab-tables-images (concat x "-" w))) (list "left" "right"))) (list "frame-tab-top" "frame-tab" "frame-tab-bottom-icon")))
+(define (title-cursor-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-title-cursor")))
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-title-cursor"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (title-nocursor-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-title-nocursor"))) 
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-title-nocursor"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (top-border-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-top-border")))
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-top-border"))) (list "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (top-left-corner-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-top-left-corner"))) 
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-top-left-corner"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (top-right-corner-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-top-right-corner"))) 
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-top-right-corner"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (top-left-corner-shaped-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-top-left-corner-shaped"))) 
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-top-left-corner-shaped"))) (list "top" "left")))
+(define (top-right-corner-shaped-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-top-right-corner-shaped")))
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-top-right-corner-shaped"))) (list "top" "right")))
+(define (title-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-title")))
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-title"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (left-border-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-left-border"))) 
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-left-border"))) (list "top" "bottom" "right")))
+(define (right-border-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-right-border")))
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-right-border"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left")))
+(define (bottom-left-corner-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-bottom-left-corner")))
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-bottom-left-corner"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (bottom-border-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-bottom-border")))
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-bottom-border"))) (list "top" "left" "right")))
+(define (bottom-right-corner-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-bottom-right-corner")))
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-bottom-right-corner"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (bottom-left-corner-shaped-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-bottom-left-corner-shaped"))) 
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-bottom-left-corner-shaped"))) (list "bottom" "left")))
+(define (bottom-right-corner-shaped-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-bottom-right-corner-shaped"))) 
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-bottom-right-corner-shaped"))) (list "bottom" "right")))
 ;; buttons
-(define base-button-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-base-button-image w)) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define space-button-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-border-image (concat w "-frame-title"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define close-button-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-hight-button-image w "close")) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define menu-button-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-hight-button-image w "menu")) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define iconify-button-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-hight-button-image w "iconify")) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define move-resize-button-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-hight-button-image w "move-resize")) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define rename-button-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-hight-button-image w "rename")) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define frame-type-button-images
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (make-hight-button-image w "frame-type")) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
-(define maximize-button-images 
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (make-hight-button-image x w)) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "maximize" "unmaximize")))
-(define shade-button-images 
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (make-hight-button-image x w)) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "shade" "unshade")))
-(define sticky-button-images 
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (make-hight-button-image x w)) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "sticky" "unsticky")))
-(define lock-button-images 
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (make-hight-button-image x w)) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "lock" "unlock")))
-(define prev-button-images 
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (make-hight-button-image x w)) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "prev" "prev-last")))
-(define next-button-images 
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (make-hight-button-image x w)) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "next" "next-last")))
-(define raise-lower-button-images 
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (make-hight-button-image x w)) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "raise-lower" "ontop" "unontop")))
+(define (base-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-button")))
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-button"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (space-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-title")))
+            (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-title"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (close-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-close-button")))
+            (button-tables-images w "close" styletab-c:hightlight-close
+                                  (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-close-all t) t))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (menu-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-menu-button")))
+            (button-tables-images w "menu" styletab-c:hightlight-menu
+                                  (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-menu-all t) t))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (iconify-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-iconify-button"))) 
+            (button-tables-images w "iconify" styletab-c:hightlight-iconify
+                                  (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-iconify-all t) t))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (move-resize-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-move-resize-button"))) 
+            (button-tables-images w "move-resize" styletab-c:hightlight-move-resize
+                                  (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-move-resize-all t) t))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (rename-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-rename-button")))
+            (button-tables-images w "rename" styletab-c:hightlight-rename
+                                  (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-rename-all t) t))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (frame-type-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-frame-type-button"))) 
+            (button-tables-images w "frame-type" styletab-c:hightlight-frame-type
+                                  (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-frame-type-all t) t))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+(define (maximize-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat x "-frame-" w "-button")))
+                                (button-tables-images x w styletab-c:hightlight-maximize
+                                                      (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-maximize-all t) t)))
+                              (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "maximize" "unmaximize")))
+(define (shade-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat x "-frame-" w "-button")))
+                                (button-tables-images x w styletab-c:hightlight-shade
+                                                      (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-shade-all t) t)))
+                              (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "shade" "unshade")))
+(define (sticky-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat x "-frame-" w "-button")))
+                                (button-tables-images x w styletab-c:hightlight-sticky
+                                                      (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-sticky-all t) t)))
+                              (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "sticky" "unsticky")))
+(define (lock-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat x "-frame-" w "-button")))
+                                (button-tables-images x w styletab-c:hightlight-lock
+                                                      (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-lock-all t) t)))
+                              (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "lock" "unlock")))
+(define (prev-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat x "-frame-" w "-button")))
+                                (button-tables-images x w styletab-c:hightlight-prev
+                                                      (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-prev-all t) t)))
+                              (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "prev" "prev-last")))
+(define (next-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat x "-frame-" w "-button")))
+                                (button-tables-images x w styletab-c:hightlight-next
+                                                      (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-next-all t) t)))
+                              (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "next" "next-last")))
+(define (raise-lower-button-images)
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (when recolor-cache (table-unset styletab-frame-cache (concat x "-frame-" w "-button")))
+                                (button-tables-images x w styletab-c:hightlight-raise-lower
+                                                      (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-raise-lower-all t) t)))
+                              (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "raise-lower" "ontop" "unontop")))
 (define (recolor-base)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w)
-            (mapcar (lambda (x)
-                      (do-recolor (cdr (nth 0 x))
-                                  (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                      (get-recolor-dark 0 styletab-c:focus-frame-color)
-                                    (get-recolor-dark 0 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))
-                      (do-recolor (cdr (nth 1 x))
-                                  (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                      (get-recolor-dark (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20) styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color)
-                                    (get-recolor-dark (nth 1 (proposals-colors)) (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))) w))
-          (list title-cursor-images title-nocursor-images top-border-images top-left-corner-images top-right-corner-images
-                top-left-corner-shaped-images top-right-corner-shaped-images title-images left-border-images right-border-images
-                bottom-left-corner-images bottom-border-images bottom-right-corner-images bottom-left-corner-shaped-images
-                bottom-right-corner-shaped-images space-button-images))
-  (mapcar (lambda (w)
-            (mapcar (lambda (x)
-                      (mapcar (lambda (y)
-                                (do-recolor (cdr (nth y x))
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                                (get-recolor-dark 0 styletab-c:focus-frame-color)
-                                              (get-recolor-dark 0 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-                              (list '0 '1 '2))
-                      (mapcar (lambda (y)
-                                (do-recolor (cdr (nth y x))
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                                (get-recolor-dark (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20) styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color)
-                                              (get-recolor-dark (nth 1 (proposals-colors)) (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-                              (list '3 '4 '5))) w))
-          (list base-button-images)))
+  (title-cursor-images) (title-nocursor-images) (top-border-images) (top-left-corner-images) (top-right-corner-images) (top-left-corner-shaped-images)
+  (top-right-corner-shaped-images) (title-images) (left-border-images) (right-border-images) (bottom-left-corner-images) (bottom-border-images)
+  (bottom-right-corner-images) (bottom-left-corner-shaped-images) (bottom-right-corner-shaped-images) (base-button-images) (space-button-images))
 (define (recolor-tab)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w)
-            (mapcar (lambda (x)
-                      (mapcar (lambda (y)
-                                (do-recolor (cdr (nth 0 y))
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                                (get-recolor-dark 0 styletab-c:focus-frame-color)
-                                              (get-recolor-dark 0 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))
-                                (do-recolor (cdr (nth 1 y))
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                                (get-recolor-bright (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
-                                                                        (/ (* styletab-c:active-hightlight-brighten 20) 2)
-                                                                      0)
-                                                                    styletab-c:focus-frame-color)
-                                              (get-recolor-bright (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
-                                                                      (/ (nth 2 (proposals-colors)) 2)
-                                                                    0)
-                                                                  (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))
-                                (do-recolor (cdr (nth 2 y))
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                                (get-recolor-dark (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20) styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color)
-                                              (get-recolor-dark (nth 1 (proposals-colors)) (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))
-                                (do-recolor (cdr (nth 3 y))
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                                (get-recolor-bright 
-                                                 (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
-                                                     (- (/ (* styletab-c:inactive-hightlight-brighten 20) 2) (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20))
-                                                   (- (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20)))
-                                                 styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color)
-                                              (get-recolor-bright (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
-                                                                      (- (/ (nth 3 (proposals-colors)) 2) (nth 1 (proposals-colors)))
-                                                                    (- (nth 1 (proposals-colors))))
-                                                                  (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))) x)) w)) 
-          (list tabbar-horizontal-images tabbar-vertical-images)))
-(define (recolor-botton-static-sing button color always)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w)
-            (mapcar (lambda (x)
-                      (do-recolor (cdr (nth 0 x))
-                                  (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                      (get-recolor-dark 0 (if (and always color) color styletab-c:focus-frame-color))
-                                    (get-recolor-dark 0 (if (and always color) color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-                      (do-recolor (cdr (nth 1 x))
-                                  (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                      (get-recolor-bright (* styletab-c:active-hightlight-brighten 20) (if color color styletab-c:focus-frame-color))
-                                    (get-recolor-bright (nth 2 (proposals-colors)) (if color color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-                      (do-recolor (cdr (nth 2 x))
-                                  (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                      (get-recolor-bright (* styletab-c:active-hightlight-brighten 20) (if color color styletab-c:focus-frame-color))
-                                    (get-recolor-bright (nth 2 (proposals-colors)) (if color color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-                      (do-recolor (cdr (nth 3 x))
-                                  (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                      (get-recolor-dark (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20) (if (and always color) color styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color))
-                                    (get-recolor-dark (nth 1 (proposals-colors)) (if (and always color) color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-                      (do-recolor (cdr (nth 4 x))
-                                  (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                      (get-recolor-bright (- (* styletab-c:inactive-hightlight-brighten 20) (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20))
-                                                          (if color color styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color))
-                                    (get-recolor-bright (- (nth 3 (proposals-colors)) (nth 1 (proposals-colors)))
-                                                        (if color color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-                      (do-recolor (cdr (nth 5 x))
-                                  (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                      (get-recolor-bright (- (* styletab-c:inactive-hightlight-brighten 20) (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20))
-                                                          (if color color styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color))
-                                    (get-recolor-bright (- (nth 3 (proposals-colors)) (nth 1 (proposals-colors)))
-                                                        (if color color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))) w))
-          (list button)))
-(define (recolor-botton-dynamic-sing button color always)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w)
-            (mapcar (lambda (x)
-                      (mapcar (lambda (y)
-                                (do-recolor (cdr (nth 0 y))
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                                (get-recolor-dark 0 (if (and always color) color styletab-c:focus-frame-color))
-                                              (get-recolor-dark 0 (if (and always color) color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-                                (do-recolor (cdr (nth 1 y))
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                                (get-recolor-bright (* styletab-c:active-hightlight-brighten 20) 
-                                                                    (if color color styletab-c:focus-frame-color))
-                                              (get-recolor-bright (nth 2 (proposals-colors)) (if color color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-                                (do-recolor (cdr (nth 2 y))
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                                (get-recolor-bright (* styletab-c:active-hightlight-brighten 20) 
-                                                                    (if color color styletab-c:focus-frame-color))
-                                              (get-recolor-bright (nth 2 (proposals-colors)) (if color color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-                                (do-recolor (cdr (nth 3 y))
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                                (get-recolor-dark (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20) 
-                                                                  (if (and always color) color styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color))
-                                              (get-recolor-dark (nth 1 (proposals-colors)) 
-                                                                (if (and always color) color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-                                (do-recolor (cdr (nth 4 y))
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                                (get-recolor-bright (- (* styletab-c:inactive-hightlight-brighten 20) (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20))
-                                                                    (if color color styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color))
-                                              (get-recolor-bright (- (nth 3 (proposals-colors)) (nth 1 (proposals-colors)))
-                                                                  (if color color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-                                (do-recolor (cdr (nth 5 y))
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
-                                                (get-recolor-bright (- (* styletab-c:inactive-hightlight-brighten 20) (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20))
-                                                                    (if color color styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color))
-                                              (get-recolor-bright (- (nth 3 (proposals-colors)) (nth 1 (proposals-colors)))
-                                                                  (if color color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))) x)) w))
-          (list button)))
+  (tabbar-horizontal-images) (tabbar-vertical-images))
 (define (recolor-close-button)
-  (recolor-botton-static-sing close-button-images styletab-c:hightlight-close (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-close-all t) t)))
+  (close-button-images))
 (define (recolor-menu-button)
-  (recolor-botton-static-sing menu-button-images styletab-c:hightlight-menu (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-menu-all t) t)))
+  (menu-button-images))
 (define (recolor-iconify-button)
-  (recolor-botton-static-sing iconify-button-images styletab-c:hightlight-iconify (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-iconify-all t) t)))
+  (iconify-button-images))
 (define (recolor-move-resize-button)
-  (recolor-botton-static-sing move-resize-button-images styletab-c:hightlight-move-resize (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-move-resize-all t) t)))
+  (move-resize-button-images))
 (define (recolor-rename-button)
-  (recolor-botton-static-sing rename-button-images styletab-c:hightlight-rename (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-rename-all t) t)))
+  (rename-button-images))
 (define (recolor-frame-type-button)
-  (recolor-botton-static-sing frame-type-button-images styletab-c:hightlight-frame-type (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-frame-type-all t) t)))
+  (frame-type-button-images))
 (define (recolor-maximize-button)
-  (recolor-botton-dynamic-sing maximize-button-images styletab-c:hightlight-maximize (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-maximize-all t) t)))
+  (maximize-button-images))
 (define (recolor-shade-button)
-  (recolor-botton-dynamic-sing shade-button-images styletab-c:hightlight-shade (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-shade-all t) t)))
+  (shade-button-images))
 (define (recolor-sticky-button)
-  (recolor-botton-dynamic-sing sticky-button-images styletab-c:hightlight-sticky (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-sticky-all t) t)))
+  (sticky-button-images))
 (define (recolor-lock-button)
-  (recolor-botton-dynamic-sing lock-button-images styletab-c:hightlight-lock (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-lock-all t) t)))
+  (lock-button-images))
 (define (recolor-prev-button)
-  (recolor-botton-dynamic-sing prev-button-images styletab-c:hightlight-prev (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-prev-all t) t)))
+  (prev-button-images))
 (define (recolor-next-button)
-  (recolor-botton-dynamic-sing next-button-images styletab-c:hightlight-next (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-next-all t) t)))
+  (next-button-images))
 (define (recolor-raise-lower-button)
-  (recolor-botton-dynamic-sing raise-lower-button-images styletab-c:hightlight-raise-lower (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-raise-lower-all t) t)))
+  (raise-lower-button-images))
 (define (recolor-all-buttons)
-  (recolor-close-button) (recolor-menu-button) (recolor-iconify-button) (recolor-move-resize-button) (recolor-rename-button) 
-  (recolor-frame-type-button) (recolor-maximize-button) (recolor-shade-button) (recolor-sticky-button) (recolor-lock-button)
-  (recolor-prev-button) (recolor-next-button) (recolor-raise-lower-button))
+  (recolor-close-button) (recolor-menu-button) (recolor-iconify-button) (recolor-move-resize-button) 
+  (recolor-rename-button) (recolor-frame-type-button) (recolor-maximize-button) (recolor-shade-button) 
+  (recolor-sticky-button) (recolor-lock-button) (recolor-prev-button) (recolor-next-button) (recolor-raise-lower-button))
 (define (recolor-all)
   (recolor-base) (recolor-tab) (recolor-all-buttons))
@@ -1125,25 +1100,25 @@
 (define top-frame-default-border-corner-group
   `(((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-title")))
      (left-edge . 0)
      (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (width . ,button-left-edge))
     ((class . top-left-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 top-left-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-top-left-corner")))
      (left-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (top-edge . ,title-edge)
      (height . ,title-height)
      (width . ,frame-width))
     ((class . top-right-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 top-right-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-top-right-corner")))
      (top-edge . ,title-edge)
      (right-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (height . ,title-height)
      (width . ,frame-width))
     ((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-title")))
      (right-edge . 0)
      (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1151,25 +1126,25 @@
 (define bottom-frame-default-border-corner-group
   `(((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-title")))
      (left-edge . 0)
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (width . ,button-left-edge))
     ((class . bottom-left-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 bottom-left-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-bottom-left-corner")))
      (left-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge)
      (height . ,title-height)
      (width . ,frame-width))
     ((class . bottom-right-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 bottom-right-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-bottom-right-corner")))
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge)
      (right-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (height . ,title-height)
      (width . ,frame-width))
     ((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-title")))
      (right-edge . 0)
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1177,25 +1152,25 @@
 (define left-frame-default-border-corner-group
   `(((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 2 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-title")))
      (top-edge . 0)
      (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,button-right-edge)
      (width . ,title-height-s))
     ((class . bottom-left-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 2 bottom-left-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-bottom-left-corner")))
      (bottom-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (left-edge . ,title-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,title-height))
     ((class . top-left-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 2 top-left-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-top-left-corner")))
      (top-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (left-edge . ,title-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,title-height))
     ((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 2 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-title")))
      (bottom-edge . 0)
      (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,button-left-edge)
@@ -1203,25 +1178,25 @@
 (define right-frame-default-border-corner-group
   `(((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 3 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-title")))
      (top-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,button-left-edge)
      (width . ,title-height-s))
     ((class . bottom-right-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 3 bottom-right-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-bottom-right-corner")))
      (bottom-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (right-edge . ,title-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,title-height))
     ((class . top-right-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 3 top-right-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-top-right-corner")))
      (top-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (right-edge . ,title-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,title-height))
     ((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 3 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-title")))
      (bottom-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,button-right-edge)
@@ -1229,33 +1204,33 @@
 (define top-frame-border-group
   `(((class . left-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 left-border-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-left-border")))
      (cursor . sb_h_double_arrow)
      (left-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (top-edge . 0)
      (width . ,frame-width)
      (bottom-edge . 0))
 	((class . bottom-left-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 bottom-left-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-bottom-left-corner")))
      (left-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,frame-width)
      (bottom-edge . ,frame-edge))
 	((class . bottom-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 bottom-border-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-bottom-border")))
      (cursor . sb_v_double_arrow)
      (left-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . 0)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (bottom-edge . ,frame-edge))
 	((class . bottom-right-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 bottom-right-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-bottom-right-corner")))
      (right-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,frame-width)
      (bottom-edge . ,frame-edge))
 	((class . right-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 right-border-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-right-border")))
      (cursor . sb_h_double_arrow)
      (top-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . ,frame-edge)
@@ -1264,33 +1239,33 @@
 (define bottom-frame-border-group
   `(((class . left-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 left-border-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-left-border")))
      (cursor . sb_h_double_arrow)
      (left-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (bottom-edge . 0)
      (width . ,frame-width)
      (top-edge . 0))
     ((class . top-left-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 top-left-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-top-left-corner")))
      (left-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,frame-width)
      (top-edge . ,frame-edge))
     ((class . top-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 top-border-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-top-border")))
      (cursor . sb_v_double_arrow)
      (left-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . 0)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (top-edge . ,frame-edge))
     ((class . top-right-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 top-right-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-top-right-corner")))
      (right-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,frame-width)
      (top-edge . ,frame-edge))
     ((class . right-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 right-border-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-right-border")))
      (cursor . sb_h_double_arrow)
      (bottom-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . ,frame-edge)
@@ -1299,33 +1274,33 @@
 (define left-frame-border-group
   `(((class . bottom-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 bottom-border-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-bottom-border")))
      (cursor . sb_v_double_arrow)
      (left-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . 0)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (bottom-edge . ,frame-edge))
     ((class . bottom-right-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 2 bottom-right-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-bottom-right-corner")))
      (right-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,frame-width)
      (bottom-edge . ,frame-edge))
     ((class . right-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 2 right-border-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-right-border")))
      (cursor . sb_h_double_arrow)
      (top-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (width . ,frame-width)
      (bottom-edge . 0))
     ((class . top-right-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 2 top-right-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-top-right-corner")))
      (top-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (right-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,frame-width))
     ((class . top-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 top-border-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-top-border")))
      (cursor . sb_v_double_arrow)
      (left-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . 0)
@@ -1334,33 +1309,33 @@
 (define right-frame-border-group
   `(((class . bottom-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 2 bottom-border-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-bottom-border")))
      (cursor . sb_v_double_arrow)
      (left-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . 0)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (bottom-edge . ,frame-edge))
     ((class . bottom-left-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 3 bottom-left-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-bottom-left-corner")))
      (left-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,frame-width)
      (bottom-edge . ,frame-edge))
     ((class . left-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 2 left-border-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-left-border")))
      (cursor . sb_h_double_arrow)
      (top-edge . 0)
      (left-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (width . ,frame-width)
      (bottom-edge . 0))
     ((class . top-left-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 3 top-left-corner-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-top-left-corner")))
      (top-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (left-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,frame-width))
     ((class . top-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 2 top-border-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-top-border")))
      (cursor . sb_v_double_arrow)
      (left-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . 0)
@@ -1369,7 +1344,7 @@
 (define top-frame-title-group
   `(((class . top-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 title-cursor-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-title-cursor")))
      (cursor . sb_v_double_arrow)
      (left-edge . 0)
      (top-edge . ,title-edge)
@@ -1378,14 +1353,14 @@
     ((class . tabbar-horizontal)
      (x-justify . ,(lambda (w) (- styletab-c:title-dimension 12)))
      (y-justify . center)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 (nth 1 tabbar-horizontal-images)))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-tab")))
      (foreground . ,title-colors-images)
      (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (text . ,window-name))
     ((class . tabbar-horizontal-left-edge)
      (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (window-icon w)))
-     (background . ,(nth 0 (nth 0 tabbar-horizontal-images)))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-tab-left-icon")))
      (cursor . hand2)
      (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1393,12 +1368,12 @@
      (y-justify . 2)
      (x-justify . ,(lambda (w) (+ 3 (icon-edge w)))))
     ((class . tabbar-horizontal-right-edge)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 (nth 2 tabbar-horizontal-images)))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-tab-right")))
      (width . ,tabbar-right-edge-width)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (top-edge . ,title-edge-s))
     ((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 title-nocursor-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-title-nocursor")))
      (left-edge . 0)
      (top-edge . -2)
      (right-edge . 0)
@@ -1406,7 +1381,7 @@
 (define bottom-frame-title-group
   `(((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 title-nocursor-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-title-nocursor")))
      (left-edge . 0)
      (bottom-edge . -2)
      (right-edge . 0)
@@ -1414,14 +1389,14 @@
     ((class . tabbar-horizontal)
      (x-justify . ,(lambda (w) (- styletab-c:title-dimension 12)))
      (y-justify . center)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 (nth 1 tabbar-horizontal-images)))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-tab")))
      (foreground . ,title-colors-images)
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (text . ,window-name))
     ((class . tabbar-horizontal-left-edge)
      (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (window-icon w)))
-     (background . ,(nth 0 (nth 0 tabbar-horizontal-images)))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-tab-left-icon")))
      (cursor . hand2)
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1429,12 +1404,12 @@
      (y-justify . 2)
      (x-justify . ,(lambda (w) (+ 3 (icon-edge w)))))
     ((class . tabbar-horizontal-right-edge)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 (nth 2 tabbar-horizontal-images)))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-tab-right")))
      (width . ,tabbar-right-edge-width)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s))
     ((class . bottom-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 title-cursor-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-title-cursor")))
      (cursor . sb_v_double_arrow)
      (left-edge . 0)
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge)
@@ -1443,7 +1418,7 @@
 (define left-frame-title-group
   `(((class . left-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 2 title-cursor-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-title-cursor")))
      (cursor . sb_h_double_arrow)
      (top-edge . 0)
      (left-edge . ,title-edge)
@@ -1451,7 +1426,7 @@
      (width . 2))
     ((class . tabbar-vertical-top-edge)
      (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (window-icon w)))
-     (background . ,(nth 0 (nth 0 tabbar-vertical-images)))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-tab-top")))
      (cursor . hand2)
      (height . ,(lambda (w) (+ 2 (title-height-s w))))
      (width . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1461,19 +1436,19 @@
     ((class . tabbar-vertical)
      (x-justify . 12)
      (y-justify . center)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 (nth 1 tabbar-vertical-images)))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-tab")))
      (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (width . ,title-height-s))
     ((class . tabbar-vertical-bottom-edge)
      (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (window-icon w)))
-     (background . ,(nth 0 (nth 2 tabbar-vertical-images)))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-tab-bottom-icon")))
      (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (width . ,title-height-s)
      (y-justify . ,(lambda (w) (- (+ 0 (icon-edge w)))))
      (x-justify . 2))
     ((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 2 title-nocursor-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-title-nocursor")))
      (top-edge . 0)
      (left-edge . -2)
      (bottom-edge . 0)
@@ -1481,7 +1456,7 @@
 (define right-frame-title-group
   `(((class . right-border)
-     (background . ,(nth 3 title-cursor-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-title-cursor")))
      (cursor . sb_h_double_arrow)
      (top-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . ,title-edge)
@@ -1489,7 +1464,7 @@
      (width . 2))
     ((class . tabbar-vertical-top-edge)
      (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (window-icon w)))
-     (background . ,(nth 1 (nth 0 tabbar-vertical-images)))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-tab-top")))
      (cursor . hand2)
      (height . ,(lambda (w) (+ 2 (title-height-s w))))
      (width . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1499,19 +1474,19 @@
     ((class . tabbar-vertical)
      (x-justify . 12)
      (y-justify . center)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 (nth 1 tabbar-vertical-images)))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-tab")))
      (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (width . ,title-height-s))
     ((class . tabbar-vertical-bottom-edge)
      (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (window-icon w)))
-     (background . ,(nth 1 (nth 2 tabbar-vertical-images)))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-tab-bottom-icon")))
      (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (width . ,title-height-s)
      (y-justify . ,(lambda (w) (- (+ 0 (icon-edge w)))))
      (x-justify . 2))
     ((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 3 title-nocursor-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-title-nocursor")))
      (top-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . -2)
      (bottom-edge . 0)
@@ -1519,8 +1494,8 @@
 (define top-frame-close-button
   `((class . close-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 0 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 0 close-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-close-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1528,8 +1503,8 @@
 (define bottom-frame-close-button
   `((class . close-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 1 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 1 close-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-close-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1537,8 +1512,8 @@
 (define left-frame-close-button
   `((class . close-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 2 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 2 close-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-close-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,left-frame-button-height)
@@ -1546,8 +1521,8 @@
 (define right-frame-close-button
   `((class . close-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 3 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 3 close-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-close-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,right-frame-button-height)
@@ -1555,8 +1530,8 @@
 (define top-frame-menu-button
   `((class . menu-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 0 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 0 menu-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-menu-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1564,8 +1539,8 @@
 (define bottom-frame-menu-button
   `((class . menu-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 1 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 1 menu-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-menu-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1573,8 +1548,8 @@
 (define left-frame-menu-button
   `((class . menu-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 2 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 2 menu-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-menu-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,left-frame-button-height)
@@ -1582,8 +1557,8 @@
 (define right-frame-menu-button
   `((class . menu-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 3 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 3 menu-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-menu-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,right-frame-button-height)
@@ -1591,8 +1566,8 @@
 (define top-frame-iconify-button
   `((class . iconify-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 0 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 0 iconify-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-iconify-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1600,8 +1575,8 @@
 (define bottom-frame-iconify-button
   `((class . iconify-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 1 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 1 iconify-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-iconify-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1609,8 +1584,8 @@
 (define left-frame-iconify-button
   `((class . iconify-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 2 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 2 iconify-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-iconify-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,left-frame-button-height)
@@ -1618,8 +1593,8 @@
 (define right-frame-iconify-button
   `((class . iconify-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 3 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 3 iconify-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-iconify-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,right-frame-button-height)
@@ -1627,9 +1602,10 @@
 (define top-frame-maximize-button
   `((class . maximize-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 0 base-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
     (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'unmaximized-geometry) 
-                                   (nth 0 (nth 1 maximize-button-images)) (nth 0 (nth 0 maximize-button-images)))))
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-unmaximize-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-maximize-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1637,9 +1613,10 @@
 (define bottom-frame-maximize-button
   `((class . maximize-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 1 base-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
     (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'unmaximized-geometry) 
-                                   (nth 1 (nth 1 maximize-button-images)) (nth 1 (nth 0 maximize-button-images)))))
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-unmaximize-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-maximize-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1647,9 +1624,10 @@
 (define left-frame-maximize-button
   `((class . maximize-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 2 base-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
     (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'unmaximized-geometry) 
-                                   (nth 2 (nth 1 maximize-button-images)) (nth 2 (nth 0 maximize-button-images)))))
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-unmaximize-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-maximize-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,left-frame-button-height)
@@ -1657,9 +1635,10 @@
 (define right-frame-maximize-button
   `((class . maximize-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 3 base-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
     (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'unmaximized-geometry) 
-                                   (nth 3 (nth 1 maximize-button-images)) (nth 3 (nth 0 maximize-button-images)))))
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-unmaximize-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-maximize-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,right-frame-button-height)
@@ -1667,8 +1646,10 @@
 (define top-frame-shade-button
   `((class . shade-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 0 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'shaded) (nth 0 (nth 1 shade-button-images)) (nth 0 (nth 0 shade-button-images)))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'shaded) 
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-unshade-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-shade-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1676,8 +1657,10 @@
 (define bottom-frame-shade-button
   `((class . shade-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 1 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'shaded) (nth 1 (nth 1 shade-button-images)) (nth 1 (nth 0 shade-button-images)))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'shaded) 
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-unshade-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-shade-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1685,8 +1668,10 @@
 (define left-frame-shade-button
   `((class . shade-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 2 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'shaded) (nth 2 (nth 1 shade-button-images)) (nth 2 (nth 0 shade-button-images)))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'shaded) 
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-unshade-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-shade-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,left-frame-button-height)
@@ -1694,8 +1679,10 @@
 (define right-frame-shade-button
   `((class . shade-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 3 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'shaded) (nth 3 (nth 1 shade-button-images)) (nth 3 (nth 0 shade-button-images)))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'shaded) 
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-unshade-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-shade-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,right-frame-button-height)
@@ -1703,8 +1690,10 @@
 (define top-frame-sticky-button
   `((class . sticky-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 0 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'sticky) (nth 0 (nth 1 sticky-button-images)) (nth 0 (nth 0 sticky-button-images)))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'sticky) 
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-unsticky-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-sticky-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1712,8 +1701,10 @@
 (define bottom-frame-sticky-button
   `((class . sticky-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 1 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'sticky) (nth 1 (nth 1 sticky-button-images)) (nth 1 (nth 0 sticky-button-images)))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'sticky) 
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-unsticky-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-sticky-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1721,8 +1712,10 @@
 (define left-frame-sticky-button
   `((class . sticky-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 2 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'sticky) (nth 2 (nth 1 sticky-button-images)) (nth 2 (nth 0 sticky-button-images)))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'sticky) 
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-unsticky-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-sticky-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,left-frame-button-height)
@@ -1730,8 +1723,10 @@
 (define right-frame-sticky-button
   `((class . sticky-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 3 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'sticky) (nth 3 (nth 1 sticky-button-images)) (nth 3 (nth 0 sticky-button-images)))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'sticky) 
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-unsticky-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-sticky-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,right-frame-button-height)
@@ -1739,37 +1734,38 @@
 (define top-frame-space-button
   `((class . title)
-    (background . ,(nth 0 space-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-title")))
     (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
     (width . ,top-frame-button-width)))
 (define bottom-frame-space-button
   `((class . title)
-    (background . ,(nth 1 space-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-title")))
     (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
     (width . ,bottom-frame-button-width)))
 (define left-frame-space-button
   `((class . title)
-    (background . ,(nth 2 space-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-title")))
     (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,left-frame-button-height)
     (width . ,title-height-s)))
 (define right-frame-space-button
   `((class . title)
-    (background . ,(nth 3 space-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-title")))
     (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,right-frame-button-height)
     (width . ,title-height-s)))
 (define top-frame-prev-button
   `((class . previous-workspace-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 0 base-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
     (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-first-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
-                                   (nth 0 (nth 1 prev-button-images)) (nth 0 (nth 0 prev-button-images)))))    
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-prev-last-button")   
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-prev-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
     (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1777,9 +1773,10 @@
 (define bottom-frame-prev-button
   `((class . previous-workspace-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 1 base-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
     (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-first-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
-                                   (nth 1 (nth 1 prev-button-images)) (nth 1 (nth 0 prev-button-images)))))    
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-prev-last-button")   
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-prev-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
     (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1787,9 +1784,10 @@
 (define left-frame-prev-button
   `((class . previous-workspace-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 2 base-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
     (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-first-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
-                                   (nth 2 (nth 1 prev-button-images)) (nth 2 (nth 0 prev-button-images)))))    
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-prev-last-button")   
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-prev-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
     (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,left-frame-button-height)
@@ -1797,9 +1795,10 @@
 (define right-frame-prev-button
   `((class . previous-workspace-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 3 base-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
     (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-first-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
-                                   (nth 3 (nth 1 prev-button-images)) (nth 3 (nth 0 prev-button-images)))))    
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-prev-last-button")   
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-prev-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
     (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,right-frame-button-height)
@@ -1807,9 +1806,10 @@
 (define top-frame-next-button
   `((class . next-workspace-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 0 base-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
     (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-last-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
-                                   (nth 0 (nth 1 next-button-images)) (nth 0 (nth 0 next-button-images)))))
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-next-last-button")   
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-next-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
     (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1817,9 +1817,10 @@
 (define bottom-frame-next-button
   `((class . next-workspace-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 1 base-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
     (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-last-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
-                                   (nth 1 (nth 1 next-button-images)) (nth 1 (nth 0 next-button-images)))))
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-next-last-button")   
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-next-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
     (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1827,9 +1828,10 @@
 (define left-frame-next-button
   `((class . next-workspace-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 2 base-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
     (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-last-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
-                                   (nth 2 (nth 1 next-button-images)) (nth 2 (nth 0 next-button-images)))))
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-next-last-button")   
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-next-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
     (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,left-frame-button-height)
@@ -1837,9 +1839,10 @@
 (define right-frame-next-button
   `((class . next-workspace-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 3 base-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
     (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-last-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
-                                   (nth 3 (nth 1 next-button-images)) (nth 3 (nth 0 next-button-images)))))
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-next-last-button")   
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-next-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
     (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,right-frame-button-height)
@@ -1847,8 +1850,10 @@
 (define top-frame-lock-button
   `((class . lock-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 0 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'fixed-position) (nth 0 (nth 1 lock-button-images)) (nth 0 (nth 0 lock-button-images)))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'fixed-position) 
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-unlock-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-lock-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1856,8 +1861,10 @@
 (define bottom-frame-lock-button
   `((class . lock-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 1 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'fixed-position) (nth 1 (nth 1 lock-button-images)) (nth 1 (nth 0 lock-button-images)))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'fixed-position) 
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-unlock-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-lock-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1865,8 +1872,10 @@
 (define left-frame-lock-button
   `((class . lock-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 2 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'fixed-position) (nth 2 (nth 1 lock-button-images)) (nth 2 (nth 0 lock-button-images)))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'fixed-position) 
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-unlock-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-lock-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,left-frame-button-height)
@@ -1874,8 +1883,10 @@
 (define right-frame-lock-button
   `((class . lock-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 3 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'fixed-position) (nth 3 (nth 1 lock-button-images)) (nth 3 (nth 0 lock-button-images)))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'fixed-position) 
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-unlock-button") 
+                                 (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-lock-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,right-frame-button-height)
@@ -1883,9 +1894,11 @@
 (define top-frame-raise-lower-button
   `((class . raise-lower-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 0 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (= (window-get w 'depth) 0) (nth 0 (nth 0 raise-lower-button-images)) 
-                                 (if (> (window-get w 'depth) 0) (nth 0 (nth 1 raise-lower-button-images)) (nth 0 (nth 2 raise-lower-button-images))))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (= (window-get w 'depth) 0) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-raise-lower-button") 
+                                 (if (> (window-get w 'depth) 0) 
+                                     (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-ontop-button")
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-unontop-button")))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1893,9 +1906,11 @@
 (define bottom-frame-raise-lower-button
   `((class . raise-lower-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 1 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (= (window-get w 'depth) 0) (nth 1 (nth 0 raise-lower-button-images)) 
-                                 (if (> (window-get w 'depth) 0) (nth 1 (nth 1 raise-lower-button-images)) (nth 1 (nth 2 raise-lower-button-images))))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (= (window-get w 'depth) 0) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-raise-lower-button") 
+                                 (if (> (window-get w 'depth) 0) 
+                                     (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-ontop-button")
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-unontop-button")))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1903,9 +1918,11 @@
 (define left-frame-raise-lower-button
   `((class . raise-lower-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 2 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (= (window-get w 'depth) 0) (nth 2 (nth 0 raise-lower-button-images)) 
-                                 (if (> (window-get w 'depth) 0) (nth 2 (nth 1 raise-lower-button-images)) (nth 2 (nth 2 raise-lower-button-images))))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (= (window-get w 'depth) 0) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-raise-lower-button") 
+                                 (if (> (window-get w 'depth) 0) 
+                                     (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-ontop-button")
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-unontop-button")))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,left-frame-button-height)
@@ -1913,9 +1930,11 @@
 (define right-frame-raise-lower-button
   `((class . raise-lower-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 3 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (= (window-get w 'depth) 0) (nth 3 (nth 0 raise-lower-button-images)) 
-                                 (if (> (window-get w 'depth) 0) (nth 3 (nth 1 raise-lower-button-images)) (nth 3 (nth 2 raise-lower-button-images))))))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (= (window-get w 'depth) 0) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-raise-lower-button") 
+                                 (if (> (window-get w 'depth) 0) 
+                                     (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-ontop-button")
+                                   (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-unontop-button")))))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,right-frame-button-height)
@@ -1923,8 +1942,8 @@
 (define  top-frame-move-resize-button
   `((class . move-resize-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 0 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 0 move-resize-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-move-resize-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1932,8 +1951,8 @@
 (define  bottom-frame-move-resize-button
   `((class . move-resize-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 1 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 1 move-resize-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-move-resize-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1941,8 +1960,8 @@
 (define  left-frame-move-resize-button
   `((class . move-resize-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 2 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 2 move-resize-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-move-resize-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,left-frame-button-height)
@@ -1950,8 +1969,8 @@
 (define  right-frame-move-resize-button
   `((class . move-resize-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 3 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 3 move-resize-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-move-resize-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,right-frame-button-height)
@@ -1959,8 +1978,8 @@
 (define top-frame-rename-button
   `((class . rename-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 0 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 0 rename-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-rename-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1968,8 +1987,8 @@
 (define bottom-frame-rename-button
   `((class . rename-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 1 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 1 rename-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-rename-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1977,8 +1996,8 @@
 (define left-frame-rename-button
   `((class . rename-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 2 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 2 rename-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-rename-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,left-frame-button-height)
@@ -1986,8 +2005,8 @@
 (define right-frame-rename-button
   `((class . rename-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 3 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 3 rename-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-rename-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,right-frame-button-height)
@@ -1995,8 +2014,8 @@
 (define top-frame-frame-type-button
   `((class . frame-type-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 0 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 0 frame-type-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-frame-type-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -2004,8 +2023,8 @@
 (define bottom-frame-frame-type-button
   `((class . frame-type-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 1 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 1 frame-type-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-frame-type-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -2013,8 +2032,8 @@
 (define left-frame-frame-type-button
   `((class . frame-type-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 2 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 2 frame-type-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-frame-type-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,left-frame-button-height)
@@ -2022,8 +2041,8 @@
 (define right-frame-frame-type-button
   `((class . frame-type-button)
-    (background . ,(nth 3 base-button-images))
-    (foreground . ,(nth 3 frame-type-button-images))
+    (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-frame-type-button")))
     (cursor . hand2)
     (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
     (height . ,right-frame-button-height)
@@ -2031,27 +2050,27 @@
 (define top-frame-shaped-border-corner-group
   `(((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-title")))
      (left-edge . 0)
      (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (width . ,button-left-edge))
     ((class . top-left-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 top-left-corner-shaped-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-top-left-corner-shaped")))
      (cursor . sb_h_double_arrow)
      (left-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (top-edge . ,title-edge)
      (height . ,title-height)
      (width . ,frame-width))
     ((class . top-right-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 top-right-corner-shaped-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-top-right-corner-shaped")))
      (cursor . sb_h_double_arrow)
      (top-edge . ,title-edge)
      (right-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (height . ,title-height)
      (width . ,frame-width))
     ((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"top-frame-title")))
      (right-edge . 0)
      (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -2059,27 +2078,27 @@
 (define bottom-frame-shaped-border-corner-group
   `(((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-title")))
      (left-edge . 0)
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (width . ,button-left-edge))
     ((class . bottom-left-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 bottom-left-corner-shaped-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-bottom-left-corner-shaped")))
      (cursor . sb_h_double_arrow)
      (left-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge)
      (height . ,title-height)
      (width . ,frame-width))
     ((class . bottom-right-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 0 bottom-right-corner-shaped-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-bottom-right-corner-shaped")))
      (cursor . sb_h_double_arrow)
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge)
      (right-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (height . ,title-height)
      (width . ,frame-width))
     ((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-title")))
      (right-edge . 0)
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -2087,25 +2106,25 @@
 (define left-frame-shaped-border-corner-group
   `(((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 2 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-title")))
      (top-edge . 0)
      (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,button-right-edge)
      (width . ,title-height-s))
     ((class . bottom-left-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 bottom-left-corner-shaped-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-bottom-left-corner-shaped")))
      (bottom-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (left-edge . ,title-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,title-height))
     ((class . top-left-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 top-left-corner-shaped-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-top-left-corner-shaped")))
      (top-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (left-edge . ,title-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,title-height))
     ((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 2 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"left-frame-title")))
      (bottom-edge . 0)
      (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,button-left-edge)
@@ -2113,25 +2132,25 @@
 (define right-frame-shaped-border-corner-group
   `(((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 3 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-title")))
      (top-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,button-left-edge)
      (width . ,title-height-s))
     ((class . bottom-right-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 bottom-right-corner-shaped-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-bottom-right-corner-shaped")))
      (bottom-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (right-edge . ,title-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,title-height))
     ((class . top-right-corner)
-     (background . ,(nth 1 top-right-corner-shaped-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-top-right-corner-shaped")))
      (top-edge . ,frame-edge)
      (right-edge . ,title-edge)
      (height . ,frame-width)
      (width . ,title-height))
     ((class . title)
-     (background . ,(nth 3 title-images))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-frame-cache '"right-frame-title")))
      (bottom-edge . 0)
      (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,button-right-edge)
@@ -2214,248 +2233,210 @@
 (define shaped-transient-frame nil)
 (define button-alist nil)
 (define current-title styletab-c:titlebar-place)
-(define top-normal-buttons-left nil)
-(define top-transient-buttons-left nil)
-(define top-normal-buttons-right nil)
-(define top-transient-buttons-right nil)
-(define bottom-normal-buttons-left nil)
-(define bottom-transient-buttons-left nil)
-(define bottom-normal-buttons-right nil)
-(define bottom-transient-buttons-right nil)
-(define left-normal-buttons-top nil)
-(define left-transient-buttons-top nil)
-(define left-normal-buttons-bottom nil)
-(define left-transient-buttons-bottom nil)
-(define right-normal-buttons-top nil)
-(define right-transient-buttons-top nil)
-(define right-normal-buttons-bottom nil)
-(define right-transient-buttons-bottom nil)
 (define top-tab-adjustments nil)
 (define bottom-tab-adjustments nil)
 (define left-tab-adjustments nil)
 (define right-tab-adjustments nil)
-(define make-buttons
+;; botton list table
+(define styletab-botton-cache (make-table equal-hash equal))
+(define (make-buttons)
+  (setq styletab-botton-cache (make-weak-table equal-hash equal))
   ;; ripped from Anonymous
-  (lambda ()
-    (let* (
-           ;; turns one cons cell (btn-name . show-in-transients) into a button
-           ;; definition, adding the button position
-           (make-button
-            (lambda (is-trans btn edge pos)
-              (let ((btn-def  (cdr (assq (car btn) button-alist)))
-                    (btn-in-trans (last btn)))
-                (if (or (null btn-def) (and is-trans (not btn-in-trans)))
-                    nil
-                  (cons (cons edge pos) btn-def)))))
-           ;; turns the list of cons cells (btn-name . show-in-transients) into
-           ;; a list of button definitions, adding the button positions
-           (make-button-list
-            (lambda (is-trans btn-list edge pos-start pos-inc)
-              (let loop ((rest btn-list) (pos pos-start) (result ()))
-                (if (null rest)
-                    result
-                  (let ((new-btn (make-button is-trans (car rest) edge pos)))
-                    (if (null new-btn)
-                        (loop (cdr rest) pos result)
-                      (loop (cdr rest) (+ pos pos-inc) (append (list new-btn) result))))))))
-           (top-frame-normal-buttons-left
-            (setq button-alist top-button-alist)
-            (make-button-list nil styletab-c:top-left-buttons 'left-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (top-frame-normal-buttons-right
-            (make-button-list nil styletab-c:top-right-buttons 'right-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (top-frame-transient-buttons-left
-            (make-button-list t styletab-c:top-left-buttons 'left-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (top-frame-transient-buttons-right
-            (make-button-list t styletab-c:top-right-buttons 'right-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (bottom-frame-normal-buttons-left 
-            (setq button-alist bottom-button-alist)
-            (make-button-list nil styletab-c:bottom-left-buttons 'left-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (bottom-frame-normal-buttons-right
-            (make-button-list nil styletab-c:bottom-right-buttons 'right-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (bottom-frame-transient-buttons-left
-            (make-button-list t styletab-c:bottom-left-buttons 'left-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (bottom-frame-transient-buttons-right
-            (make-button-list t styletab-c:bottom-right-buttons 'right-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (left-frame-normal-buttons-bottom 
-            (setq button-alist left-button-alist)
-            (make-button-list nil styletab-c:left-bottom-buttons 'bottom-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (left-frame-normal-buttons-top
-            (make-button-list nil styletab-c:left-top-buttons 'top-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (left-frame-transient-buttons-bottom
-            (make-button-list t styletab-c:left-bottom-buttons 'bottom-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (left-frame-transient-buttons-top
-            (make-button-list t styletab-c:left-top-buttons 'top-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (right-frame-normal-buttons-bottom 
-            (setq button-alist right-button-alist)
-            (make-button-list nil styletab-c:right-bottom-buttons 'bottom-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (right-frame-normal-buttons-top
-            (make-button-list nil styletab-c:right-top-buttons 'top-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (right-frame-transient-buttons-bottom
-            (make-button-list t styletab-c:right-bottom-buttons 'bottom-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
-           (right-frame-transient-buttons-top
-            (make-button-list t styletab-c:right-top-buttons 'top-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom)))))
-      (let ((top-left-d-w 11)
-            (top-right-d-w (tabbar-right-edge-width))
-            (top-left-m
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car top-frame-normal-buttons-left))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car top-frame-normal-buttons-left))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0))
-            (top-right-m
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car top-frame-normal-buttons-right))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car top-frame-normal-buttons-right))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0))
-            (top-left-m-t
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car top-frame-transient-buttons-left))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car top-frame-transient-buttons-left))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0))
-            (top-right-m-t
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car top-frame-transient-buttons-right))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car top-frame-transient-buttons-right))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0)))
-        (setq top-normal-buttons-left top-frame-normal-buttons-left)
-        (setq top-transient-buttons-left top-frame-transient-buttons-left)
-        (setq top-normal-buttons-right top-frame-normal-buttons-right)
-        (setq top-transient-buttons-right top-frame-transient-buttons-right)
-        (setq top-tab-adjustments (list top-left-d-w top-right-d-w top-left-m top-right-m top-left-m-t top-right-m-t)))
-      (let ((bottom-left-d-w 11)
-            (bottom-right-d-w (tabbar-right-edge-width))
-            (bottom-left-m
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car bottom-frame-normal-buttons-left))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car bottom-frame-normal-buttons-left))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0))
-            (bottom-right-m
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car bottom-frame-normal-buttons-right))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car bottom-frame-normal-buttons-right))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0))
-            (bottom-left-m-t
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car bottom-frame-transient-buttons-left))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car bottom-frame-transient-buttons-left))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0))
-            (bottom-right-m-t
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car bottom-frame-transient-buttons-right))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car bottom-frame-transient-buttons-right))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0)))
-        (setq bottom-normal-buttons-left bottom-frame-normal-buttons-left)
-        (setq bottom-transient-buttons-left bottom-frame-transient-buttons-left)
-        (setq bottom-normal-buttons-right bottom-frame-normal-buttons-right)
-        (setq bottom-transient-buttons-right bottom-frame-transient-buttons-right)
-        (setq bottom-tab-adjustments (list bottom-left-d-w bottom-right-d-w bottom-left-m bottom-right-m bottom-left-m-t bottom-right-m-t)))
-      (let ((left-left-d-w 11)
-            (left-right-d-w (- styletab-c:title-dimension 2))
-            (left-left-m
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car left-frame-normal-buttons-bottom))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car left-frame-normal-buttons-bottom))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0))
-            (left-right-m
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car left-frame-normal-buttons-top))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car left-frame-normal-buttons-top))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0))
-            (left-left-m-t
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car left-frame-transient-buttons-bottom))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car left-frame-transient-buttons-bottom))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0))
-            (left-right-m-t
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car left-frame-transient-buttons-top))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car left-frame-transient-buttons-top))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0)))
-        (setq left-normal-buttons-top left-frame-normal-buttons-top)
-        (setq left-transient-buttons-top left-frame-transient-buttons-top)
-        (setq left-normal-buttons-bottom left-frame-normal-buttons-bottom)
-        (setq left-transient-buttons-bottom left-frame-transient-buttons-bottom)
-        (setq left-tab-adjustments (list left-left-d-w left-right-d-w left-left-m left-right-m left-left-m-t left-right-m-t)))
-      (let ((right-left-d-w 11)
-            (right-right-d-w (- styletab-c:title-dimension 2))
-            (right-left-m
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car right-frame-normal-buttons-bottom))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car right-frame-normal-buttons-bottom))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0))
-            (right-right-m
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car right-frame-normal-buttons-top))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car right-frame-normal-buttons-top))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0))
-            (right-left-m-t
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car right-frame-transient-buttons-bottom))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car right-frame-transient-buttons-bottom))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0))
-            (right-right-m-t
-             (if (numberp (cdr (car (car right-frame-transient-buttons-top))))
-                 (+ (cdr (car (car right-frame-transient-buttons-top))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0)))
-        (setq right-normal-buttons-top right-frame-normal-buttons-top)
-        (setq right-transient-buttons-top right-frame-transient-buttons-top)
-        (setq right-normal-buttons-bottom right-frame-normal-buttons-bottom)
-        (setq right-transient-buttons-bottom right-frame-transient-buttons-bottom)
-        (setq right-tab-adjustments (list right-left-d-w right-right-d-w right-left-m right-right-m right-left-m-t right-right-m-t))))))
+  (let* (;; turns one cons cell (btn-name . show-in-transients) into a button
+         ;; definition, adding the button position
+         (make-button
+          (lambda (is-trans btn edge pos)
+            (let ((btn-def  (cdr (assq (car btn) button-alist)))
+                  (btn-in-trans (last btn)))
+              (if (or (null btn-def) (and is-trans (not btn-in-trans)))
+                  nil
+                (cons (cons edge pos) btn-def)))))
+         ;; turns the list of cons cells (btn-name . show-in-transients) into
+         ;; a list of button definitions, adding the button positions
+         (make-button-list
+          (lambda (is-trans btn-list edge pos-start pos-inc)
+            (let loop ((rest btn-list) (pos pos-start) (result ()))
+              (if (null rest)
+                  result
+                (let ((new-btn (make-button is-trans (car rest) edge pos)))
+                  (if (null new-btn)
+                      (loop (cdr rest) pos result)
+                    (loop (cdr rest) (+ pos pos-inc) (append (list new-btn) result))))))))
-(define make-frame
-  (lambda ()
-    (require '
-    (when (eq current-title 'top)
-      (update-title-x-offsets `(,(- styletab-c:title-dimension 12) . 0))
-      (set-tab-adjustments #:theme-left-dec-width (nth 0 top-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-dec-width (nth 1 top-tab-adjustments)
-                           #:theme-left-margin (nth 2 top-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin (nth 3 top-tab-adjustments)
-                           #:theme-left-margin-transient (nth 4 top-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin-transient (nth 5 top-tab-adjustments))
-      (setq normal-frame
-            (append top-frame-title-group top-frame-default-border-corner-group top-normal-buttons-left
-                    top-frame-border-group top-normal-buttons-right))
-      (setq shaped-frame
-            (append top-frame-title-group top-frame-shaped-border-corner-group top-normal-buttons-left
-                    top-normal-buttons-right))
-      (setq transient-frame
-            (append top-frame-title-group top-frame-default-border-corner-group top-transient-buttons-left
-                    top-frame-border-group top-transient-buttons-right))
-      (setq shaped-transient-frame
-            (append top-frame-title-group top-frame-shaped-border-corner-group top-transient-buttons-left
-                    top-transient-buttons-right)))
+         (adjus
+          (lambda (b-list) 
+            (if (numberp (cdr (car (car b-list))))
+                (+ (cdr (car (car b-list))) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))) 0)))
-    (when (eq current-title 'bottom)
-      (update-title-x-offsets `(,(- styletab-c:title-dimension 12) . 0))
-      (set-tab-adjustments #:theme-left-dec-width (nth 0 bottom-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-dec-width (nth 1 bottom-tab-adjustments)
-                           #:theme-left-margin (nth 2 bottom-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin (nth 3 bottom-tab-adjustments)
-                           #:theme-left-margin-transient (nth 4 bottom-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin-transient (nth 5 bottom-tab-adjustments))
-      (setq normal-frame
-            (append bottom-frame-title-group bottom-frame-default-border-corner-group bottom-normal-buttons-left
-                    bottom-frame-border-group bottom-normal-buttons-right))
-      (setq shaped-frame
-            (append bottom-frame-title-group bottom-frame-shaped-border-corner-group bottom-normal-buttons-left
-                    bottom-normal-buttons-right))
-      (setq transient-frame
-            (append bottom-frame-title-group bottom-frame-default-border-corner-group bottom-transient-buttons-left
-                    bottom-frame-border-group bottom-transient-buttons-right))
-      (setq shaped-transient-frame
-            (append bottom-frame-title-group bottom-frame-shaped-border-corner-group bottom-transient-buttons-left
-                    bottom-transient-buttons-right)))
+         (setalist (setq button-alist top-button-alist))
+         (top-normal-buttons-left
+          (make-button-list nil styletab-c:top-left-buttons 'left-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (top-normal-buttons-right
+          (make-button-list nil styletab-c:top-right-buttons 'right-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (top-transient-buttons-left
+          (make-button-list t styletab-c:top-left-buttons 'left-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (top-transient-buttons-right
+          (make-button-list t styletab-c:top-right-buttons 'right-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (setalist (setq button-alist bottom-button-alist))
+         (bottom-normal-buttons-left 
+          (make-button-list nil styletab-c:bottom-left-buttons 'left-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (bottom-normal-buttons-right
+          (make-button-list nil styletab-c:bottom-right-buttons 'right-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (bottom-transient-buttons-left
+          (make-button-list t styletab-c:bottom-left-buttons 'left-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (bottom-transient-buttons-right
+          (make-button-list t styletab-c:bottom-right-buttons 'right-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (setalist (setq button-alist left-button-alist))
+         (left-normal-buttons-bottom 
+          (make-button-list nil styletab-c:left-bottom-buttons 'bottom-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (left-normal-buttons-top
+          (make-button-list nil styletab-c:left-top-buttons 'top-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (left-transient-buttons-bottom
+          (make-button-list t styletab-c:left-bottom-buttons 'bottom-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (left-transient-buttons-top
+          (make-button-list t styletab-c:left-top-buttons 'top-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (setalist (setq button-alist right-button-alist))
+         (right-normal-buttons-bottom 
+          (make-button-list nil styletab-c:right-bottom-buttons 'bottom-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (right-normal-buttons-top
+          (make-button-list nil styletab-c:right-top-buttons 'top-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (right-transient-buttons-bottom
+          (make-button-list t styletab-c:right-bottom-buttons 'bottom-edge (button-right-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom))))
+         (right-transient-buttons-top
+          (make-button-list t styletab-c:right-top-buttons 'top-edge (button-left-edge) (+ styletab-c:title-dimension (button-width-custom)))))
+    (let ((top-left-d-w 11)
+          (top-right-d-w (tabbar-right-edge-width))
+          (top-left-m (adjus top-normal-buttons-left))
+          (top-right-m (adjus top-normal-buttons-right))
+          (top-left-m-t (adjus top-transient-buttons-left))
+          (top-right-m-t (adjus top-transient-buttons-right))
+          (bottom-left-d-w 11)
+          (bottom-right-d-w (tabbar-right-edge-width))
+          (bottom-left-m (adjus bottom-normal-buttons-left))
+          (bottom-right-m (adjus bottom-normal-buttons-right))
+          (bottom-left-m-t (adjus bottom-transient-buttons-left))
+          (bottom-right-m-t (adjus bottom-transient-buttons-right))
+          (left-left-d-w 11)
+          (left-right-d-w (- styletab-c:title-dimension 2))
+          (left-left-m (adjus left-normal-buttons-bottom))
+          (left-right-m (adjus left-normal-buttons-top))
+          (left-left-m-t (adjus left-transient-buttons-bottom))
+          (left-right-m-t (adjus left-transient-buttons-top))
+          (right-left-d-w 11)
+          (right-right-d-w (- styletab-c:title-dimension 2))
+          (right-left-m (adjus right-normal-buttons-bottom))
+          (right-right-m (adjus right-normal-buttons-top))
+          (right-left-m-t (adjus right-transient-buttons-bottom))
+          (right-right-m-t (adjus right-transient-buttons-top)))
-    (when (eq current-title 'left)
-      (update-title-x-offsets '(11 . -11))
-      (set-tab-adjustments #:theme-left-dec-width (nth 0 left-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-dec-width (nth 1 left-tab-adjustments)
-                           #:theme-left-margin (nth 2 left-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin (nth 3 left-tab-adjustments)
-                           #:theme-left-margin-transient (nth 4 left-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin-transient (nth 5 left-tab-adjustments))
-      (setq normal-frame
-            (append left-frame-title-group left-normal-buttons-bottom left-frame-default-border-corner-group
-                    left-frame-border-group left-normal-buttons-top))
-      (setq shaped-frame
-            (append left-frame-title-group left-normal-buttons-bottom left-frame-shaped-border-corner-group
-                    left-normal-buttons-top))
-      (setq transient-frame
-            (append left-frame-title-group left-transient-buttons-bottom left-frame-default-border-corner-group
-                    left-frame-border-group left-transient-buttons-top))
-      (setq shaped-transient-frame
-            (append left-frame-title-group left-transient-buttons-bottom left-frame-shaped-border-corner-group
-                    left-transient-buttons-top)))
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "top-normal-buttons-left" top-normal-buttons-left)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "top-transient-buttons-left" top-transient-buttons-left)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "top-normal-buttons-right" top-normal-buttons-right)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "top-transient-buttons-right" top-transient-buttons-right)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "top-tab-adjustments" 
+                 (list top-left-d-w top-right-d-w top-left-m top-right-m top-left-m-t top-right-m-t))
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "bottom-normal-buttons-left" bottom-normal-buttons-left)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "bottom-transient-buttons-left" bottom-transient-buttons-left)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "bottom-normal-buttons-right" bottom-normal-buttons-right)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "bottom-transient-buttons-right" bottom-transient-buttons-right)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "bottom-tab-adjustments"
+                 (list bottom-left-d-w bottom-right-d-w bottom-left-m bottom-right-m bottom-left-m-t bottom-right-m-t))
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "left-normal-buttons-top" left-normal-buttons-top)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "left-transient-buttons-top" left-transient-buttons-top)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "left-normal-buttons-bottom" left-normal-buttons-bottom)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "left-transient-buttons-bottom" left-transient-buttons-bottom)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "left-tab-adjustments" 
+                 (list left-left-d-w left-right-d-w left-left-m left-right-m left-left-m-t left-right-m-t))
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "right-normal-buttons-top" right-normal-buttons-top)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "right-transient-buttons-top" right-transient-buttons-top)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "right-normal-buttons-bottom" right-normal-buttons-bottom)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "right-transient-buttons-bottom" right-transient-buttons-bottom)
+      (table-set styletab-botton-cache "right-tab-adjustments" 
+                 (list right-left-d-w right-right-d-w right-left-m right-right-m right-left-m-t right-right-m-t)))))
-    (when (eq current-title 'right)
-      (update-title-x-offsets '(11 . -11))
-      (set-tab-adjustments #:theme-left-dec-width (nth 0 right-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-dec-width (nth 1 right-tab-adjustments)
-                           #:theme-left-margin (nth 2 right-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin (nth 3 right-tab-adjustments)
-                           #:theme-left-margin-transient (nth 4 right-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin-transient (nth 5 right-tab-adjustments))
-      (setq normal-frame
-            (append right-frame-title-group right-normal-buttons-bottom right-frame-default-border-corner-group
-                    right-frame-border-group right-normal-buttons-top))
-      (setq shaped-frame
-            (append right-frame-title-group right-normal-buttons-bottom right-frame-shaped-border-corner-group
-                    right-normal-buttons-top))
-      (setq transient-frame
-            (append right-frame-title-group right-transient-buttons-bottom right-frame-default-border-corner-group
-                    right-frame-border-group right-transient-buttons-top))
-      (setq shaped-transient-frame
-            (append right-frame-title-group right-transient-buttons-bottom right-frame-shaped-border-corner-group
-                    right-transient-buttons-top)))))
+(define (make-frame)
+  (require '
+  (when (eq current-title 'top)
+    (update-title-x-offsets `(,(- styletab-c:title-dimension 12) . 0))
+    (setq top-tab-adjustments (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"top-tab-adjustments"))
+    (set-tab-adjustments #:theme-left-dec-width (nth 0 top-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-dec-width (nth 1 top-tab-adjustments)
+                         #:theme-left-margin (nth 2 top-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin (nth 3 top-tab-adjustments)
+                         #:theme-left-margin-transient (nth 4 top-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin-transient (nth 5 top-tab-adjustments))
+    (setq normal-frame
+          (append top-frame-title-group top-frame-default-border-corner-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"top-normal-buttons-left")
+                  top-frame-border-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"top-normal-buttons-right")))
+    (setq shaped-frame
+          (append top-frame-title-group top-frame-shaped-border-corner-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"top-normal-buttons-left")
+                  (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"top-normal-buttons-right")))
+    (setq transient-frame
+          (append top-frame-title-group top-frame-default-border-corner-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"top-transient-buttons-left")
+                  top-frame-border-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"top-transient-buttons-right")))
+    (setq shaped-transient-frame
+          (append top-frame-title-group top-frame-shaped-border-corner-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"top-transient-buttons-left")
+                  (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"top-transient-buttons-right"))))
+  (when (eq current-title 'bottom)
+    (update-title-x-offsets `(,(- styletab-c:title-dimension 12) . 0))
+    (setq bottom-tab-adjustments (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"bottom-tab-adjustments"))
+    (set-tab-adjustments #:theme-left-dec-width (nth 0 bottom-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-dec-width (nth 1 bottom-tab-adjustments)
+                         #:theme-left-margin (nth 2 bottom-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin (nth 3 bottom-tab-adjustments)
+                         #:theme-left-margin-transient (nth 4 bottom-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin-transient (nth 5 bottom-tab-adjustments))
+    (setq normal-frame
+          (append bottom-frame-title-group bottom-frame-default-border-corner-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"bottom-normal-buttons-left")
+                  bottom-frame-border-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"bottom-normal-buttons-right")))
+    (setq shaped-frame
+          (append bottom-frame-title-group bottom-frame-shaped-border-corner-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"bottom-normal-buttons-left")
+                  (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"bottom-normal-buttons-right")))
+    (setq transient-frame
+          (append bottom-frame-title-group bottom-frame-default-border-corner-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"bottom-transient-buttons-left")
+                  bottom-frame-border-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"bottom-transient-buttons-right")))
+    (setq shaped-transient-frame
+          (append bottom-frame-title-group bottom-frame-shaped-border-corner-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"bottom-transient-buttons-left")
+                  (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"bottom-transient-buttons-right"))))
+  (when (eq current-title 'left)
+    (update-title-x-offsets '(11 . -11))
+    (setq left-tab-adjustments (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"left-tab-adjustments"))
+    (set-tab-adjustments #:theme-left-dec-width (nth 0 left-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-dec-width (nth 1 left-tab-adjustments)
+                         #:theme-left-margin (nth 2 left-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin (nth 3 left-tab-adjustments)
+                         #:theme-left-margin-transient (nth 4 left-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin-transient (nth 5 left-tab-adjustments))
+    (setq normal-frame
+          (append left-frame-title-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"left-normal-buttons-bottom") left-frame-default-border-corner-group
+                  left-frame-border-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"left-normal-buttons-top")))
+    (setq shaped-frame
+          (append left-frame-title-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"left-normal-buttons-bottom") left-frame-shaped-border-corner-group
+                  (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"left-normal-buttons-top")))
+    (setq transient-frame
+          (append left-frame-title-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"left-transient-buttons-bottom") left-frame-default-border-corner-group
+                  left-frame-border-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"left-transient-buttons-top")))
+    (setq shaped-transient-frame
+          (append left-frame-title-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"left-transient-buttons-bottom") left-frame-shaped-border-corner-group
+                  (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"left-transient-buttons-top"))))
+  (when (eq current-title 'right)
+    (update-title-x-offsets '(11 . -11))
+    (setq right-tab-adjustments (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"right-tab-adjustments"))
+    (set-tab-adjustments #:theme-left-dec-width (nth 0 right-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-dec-width (nth 1 right-tab-adjustments)
+                         #:theme-left-margin (nth 2 right-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin (nth 3 right-tab-adjustments)
+                         #:theme-left-margin-transient (nth 4 right-tab-adjustments) #:theme-right-margin-transient (nth 5 right-tab-adjustments))
+    (setq normal-frame
+          (append right-frame-title-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"right-normal-buttons-bottom") right-frame-default-border-corner-group
+                  right-frame-border-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"right-normal-buttons-top")))
+    (setq shaped-frame
+          (append right-frame-title-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"right-normal-buttons-bottom") right-frame-shaped-border-corner-group
+                  (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"right-normal-buttons-top")))
+    (setq transient-frame
+          (append right-frame-title-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"right-transient-buttons-bottom") right-frame-default-border-corner-group
+                  right-frame-border-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"right-transient-buttons-top")))
+    (setq shaped-transient-frame
+          (append right-frame-title-group (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"right-transient-buttons-bottom") right-frame-shaped-border-corner-group
+                  (table-ref styletab-botton-cache '"right-transient-buttons-top")))))
 (define (current-title-w w)
   (if (not (window-get w 'title-position))
@@ -2465,7 +2446,6 @@
             ((left) (setq current-title 'left))
             ((right) (setq current-title 'right)))
     (setq current-title (window-get w 'title-position)))
-  (make-buttons)
 (define (create-frames-only w)
@@ -2479,15 +2459,13 @@
        (current-title-w w)
        (reframe-window w)))))
-(define reframe-buttons
-  (lambda ()
-    (make-buttons)
-    (reframe-windows theme-name)))
+(define (reframe-buttons)
+  (make-buttons)
+  (reframe-windows theme-name))
-(define reframe-all
-  (lambda ()
-    (make-frame)
-    (reframe-windows theme-name)))
+(define (reframe-all)
+  (make-frame)
+  (reframe-windows theme-name))
 (define (reframe-one w)
   (when (not (window-get w 'tabbed))
@@ -2496,37 +2474,36 @@
       (rebuild-frame w))))
 ;; reframe-all and reset icon cache
-(define clear-icon-cache-reframe
-  (lambda ()
-    (setq styletab-c-icon-cache (make-weak-table eq-hash eq))
-    (reframe-all)))
-;; reload-frame-style and reset icon and frame cache 
-(define (clear-cache-reload-frame-style)
-  (setq styletab-c-icon-cache (make-weak-table eq-hash eq))
-  (setq styletab-c-frame-cache (make-weak-table eq-hash eq))
-  (reload-frame-style theme-name))
+(define (clear-icon-cache-reframe)
+  (when recolor-lock
+    (setq recolor-lock nil)
+    (make-buttons)
+    (recolor-all-buttons)
+    (setq styletab-icon-cache (make-weak-table eq-hash eq))
+    (reframe-all)
+    (setq recolor-lock t)))
 (define (bright-changed)
-  (recolor-tab)
-  (recolor-all-buttons)
-  (reframe-windows-with-style theme-name))
+  (when recolor-lock
+    (setq recolor-lock nil)
+    (recolor-tab)
+    (recolor-all-buttons)
+    (reframe-windows-with-style theme-name)
+    (setq recolor-lock t)))
 (define (color-changed)
-  (recolor-all)
-  (reframe-windows-with-style theme-name))
+  (when recolor-lock
+    (setq recolor-lock nil)
+    (recolor-all)
+    (reframe-windows-with-style theme-name)
+    (setq recolor-lock t)))
 (define (botton-color-changed botton)
-  (botton)
-  (reframe-windows theme-name))
-(define (initialize-theme)
-  (recolor-all)
-  (make-buttons)
-  (make-frame)
-  (reframe-windows-with-style theme-name))
+  (when recolor-lock
+    (setq recolor-lock nil)
+    (botton)
+    (reframe-windows theme-name)
+    (setq recolor-lock t)))
 ;; At last! We create the actual theme
 (add-frame-style theme-name
@@ -2540,12 +2517,21 @@
                          ((shaded-utility)      normal-frame)
                          ((unframed)            nil-frame))))
+(define (initialize-theme)
+  (when recolor-cache
+    (setq recolor-cache nil)
+    (recolor-all)
+    (setq recolor-cache t)
+    (make-buttons)
+    (make-frame)
+    (color-changed)))
 (call-after-state-changed '(sticky fixed-position stacking maximized) reframe-one)
 (call-after-state-changed '(title-position) create-frames-only)
 (add-hook 'remove-from-workspace-hook reframe-one)
-;;(custom-set-property 'styletab-c:styles ':after-set clear-cache-reload-frame-style)
 (custom-set-property 'styletab-c:title-dimension ':after-set clear-icon-cache-reframe)
 (custom-set-property 'styletab-c:custom-button-width ':after-set clear-icon-cache-reframe)
 (custom-set-property 'styletab-c:button-width ':after-set clear-icon-cache-reframe)
@@ -2559,5 +2545,3 @@
 (custom-set-property 'styletab-c:left-bottom-buttons ':after-set reframe-buttons)
 (custom-set-property 'styletab-c:right-top-buttons ':after-set reframe-buttons)
 (custom-set-property 'styletab-c:right-bottom-buttons ':after-set reframe-buttons)
-(custom-set-property 'styletab-c:do-reload ':after-set clear-cache-reload-frame-style)

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