[vhffs-dev] Progress status

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When Debian Etch was released (in the begin of April), we brainstormed 
about what should be done to release vhffs 4.1. Here is a summarized 
list of changes that should be done :

- Autotools
- Panel navifation refactoring (avoid redirections)
- Lifting to template
- Listengine improvements (rights and moderation)

And we decide to delay tags to vhffs 4.2 because this is time greedy
and not necessary.


Everything is almost completed.

Things to do that seems rather important to me :

- Autotools need more flags
  - compile documentation or not
  - compile tuxshell or not
  - install panel or not
  - install listengine or not
  - install robots or not
  - install backend or not
  - install compat or not (backend?)
  - install jabber or not
  - install tests or not
  - install tools or not

- There is a problem with some files, autokill and vhffsfs can not be 
considered as 'tools', we should move that elsewhere, but I don't mind 
to create a vhffs-path for 2 files, any ideas ?

- I must finish listengine improvements because some options available
in the panel are not working ;)

Not important things for 4.1, 4.1.something instead :

- vhffs-packages is totally out of date, we must work on it. Some 
packages (pure-ftpd, mysql5) are still patched by tuxfamily's members 
(the release of Etch is going to reduce a lot the work needed on that, 
especially because tuxfamily had to backports a lot of packets).

- Tags (also known as folksonomy) ;)


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