Re: [xmoto-dev] transparency in textures

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I saved it in png format, just the same as I did for sprites, but it didnt work, the textures were somhow solid filled in this case.

Kees Jongenburger wrote:
On 6/7/07, Jens <mothbox@xxxxxxx> wrote:

would it be possible to use transparent textures?
I think it would be nice to create some pseudo particle effects using
layers and transparent texture stuff. But when I tried it out (created
texture patterns with only some pixels on them) it was solid filled and
therefore not usable.
So you are only talking about full transparency (a bit mask right?)
I know this currently work for the sprites (tree etc and also for the
rider body)
and it also works for textures , perhaps you need to save the file in
a special format?

As the driver texture is also partly transparent it should be possible
doing this?


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