Re: [xmoto-dev] Current problems with xmoto |
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Rasmus Neckelmann a écrit :
On 12/13/06, Nicolas Adenis-Lamarre <nadenislamarre@xxxxxxx> wrote:is your xmoto.bin valid ?!? can you send me your .xmotoI don't have an xmoto.bin or a .xmoto dir (I'm on windows), I just run the game from the bin dir. Is that a problem now?
no ;i changed nothing about the themes and xmoto.bin/packages/bin dir from a long time ; Then i suppose i've broken nothing about it. I've an hacked version of visual to make tests. I did one yesterday. On a computer with no install of xmoto. Just the package generated with the command from the cvs. I manage to compile and to launch xmoto with no problem. I've no warning except for highscores.xml not found (normal the first time) and something i noticed on windows, when the LCache directory does not exists, it is not created (whereas on linux, it is done)
Stupid question : have you a file called bin/Textures/Textures/Dirt.jpg ? Nicolas
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