Re: [wesnothfr] wesnoth et wesnoth-lib pour 1.16

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Thank you for reporting these bugs. I'll correct them.

Will you make your tool available or will you execute it regularly to report bugs to maintainer?
It's a nice idea.


Le 20/08/2021 à 18:35, Steve Cotton a écrit :

Thanks for maintaining one of the complete translations. I've been working on a tool to check whether WML variable names in the translated text match the en_US name, and it found just a few errors on the current 1.16 branch:

* po/wesnoth/fr.po: msgid 'Could not find add-ons matching the ids $addon_ids on the add-on server.': '$addon_id' in msgstr but '$addon_ids' in msgid
* po/wesnoth/fr.po: msgid 'You cannot recruit a $unit_type_name at this time.': '$unit_type_nam' in msgstr but '$unit_type_name' in msgid
* po/wesnoth-lib/fr.po: msgid "Grid '$grid' row $row has a differing number of columns ($found found, $expected expected)": '$rw' in msgstr but '$row' in msgid
* po/wesnoth-lib/fr.po: msgid 'The file or folder $path does not exist.': '$path' isn't used in msgstr

It also found something that I'm treating as a C++ error (logged it as #6036). In po/wesnoth-lib/fr.po, there are a group of msgids such as 'timespan^$num years' where the translation of "2 years" would be a literal "ans" without including the number; but these strings are only shown to people banned from the multiplayer server, and I think the C++ will change once the string-freeze finishes.

Sorry for sending this in English; while I can read French text, I can't write it.


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