[taste-users] Docker containers are now a fully supported option for TASTE-based development

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Dear all,

After some final work performed over the weekend, I am pleased to report that the much-requested Docker-based workflow is now officially a part of TASTE. You can read the details in the relevant section of the README in the master repo ( https://gitrepos.estec.esa.int/taste/taste-setup/blob/master/README.md ) - but as an executive summary:

- If you don't trust the TASTE VM because your company's security people "are unsure about what is inside it"
- If you can't use the TASTE VM because your attached device's device drivers don't work properly inside a Virtual Machine
- If you prefer a native install but use a non-Debian distribution, so can't build TASTE without replacing all the Debian-isms
- If you want to work inside a 64bit Linux distribution

...then go ahead and process the Dockerfile with...

    $ git clone https://gitrepos.estec.esa.int/taste/taste-setup.git tool-src
    $ cd tool-src
    $ docker build -t taste . # notice the DOT at the end

...and launch the Docker container with:

    $ ./Docker-run.sh

This script does all the necessary setup to map your local X11 socket inside the container, allowing you to use X11 applications. In addition, your $HOME folder is mapped inside the container under the /root/work folder, so any work you do in there will survive the container's eventual closing. The Docker container has privileged access to all devices, so it can run any device driver you would run in the host just as well.

Of course, as with all Docker containers, you can also commit the changes you perform in your container (via docker commit...) and create your own customized images. But even if you don't, the /root/work folder from inside the container shows your host's $HOME folder - any changes you do there are done in the host, so they will survive the container's shutdown.

As ever, if you find any issues, don't hesitate to report it back to us (taste-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) - with patches and/or PRs in the git repositories always most welcome! :-)

Kind regards,

Thanassis Tsiodras
Real-time Embedded Software Engineer
System, Software and Technology Department

Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299
NL-2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Thanassis.Tsiodras@xxxxxxx | www.esa.int
T +31 71 565 5332
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