Re: Depends and build depends in receipt

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I get that tazwok take longer to do some things but i need to keep wok compabile for tazwok and the wok. Not doing so will just brake everything me and Goklayeh have been working on.

Most of the time taking is cause of tazwok gen-wok-db. The cookorder.txt file takes a while to be made. Also that should only be run like once a week or something. Not every hour.

I will look at tazwok 4.3 to see if its stable anyway. Maybe if its faster we can at least not have that problem anymore.

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 11:01 AM, Christophe Lincoln <pankso@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It point out an other problem: wich is the official doc ? Cookbook used
from the begin or not...

I was never realy for a wiki about official doc because we must have
one official doc and not disemined info. Worse we not the same info, say
one want to start now if he ready cookbook he is out-date for Tazwok.

This is why I started to update and
will add the official and uniq way to work.

- Christophe

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