The Quest for Diacritcs

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Hi all,

I'm testing the new cooking 20110329 and having issues about lang and
keymap AGAIN,
as the previous cooking. The steps i need to have diacritcs on my system were:

1) No keyboard on GUI & no diacritcs on terminal
When booting for the first time, the keyboard wasn't working at all,
using LANG=pt_BR
and kmap=us-acentos (it's the configuration for most laptops here in
brazil). Some other
combinations doesn't work also (see So, first thing
was booting using "screen=text".

On the terminal, no diacritcs (something like "can'c~ao). I was able
to solve it installing
kbd and kbd-base and rebooting, now i can use diacritcs on terminal
("canção") and use the
keyboard on GUI.

But the output of programs on terminal were messed up (something like
Had to run

# localedef -i pt_BR -f UTF-8 pt_BR

to get it working.

2) Diacritcs on terminal & no diacritcs on GUI

Then, i was able to use the keyboard on GUI, but without diacritcs.
Had to create the file
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-Keyboard.conf with the following content:

Section "InputClass"
	Identifier "Keyboard Defaults"
	Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
	Option "XkbLayout" "us"
	Option "XkbVariant" "intl"

Restaring xorg and voilà!


I'm writing this because i guess that most of users with the same
issue don't want or
don't know to follow this steps to have tildes and cedillas. Maybe
some of then will
simply stop using the distribution, without even browsing the forums
to ask for some help.

I'm also don't know if this issue is specific to my acer keyboard. So,
can anyone try to
reproduce the steps and, if the same happens, help to get it working
out of the box
on the next stable release?



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