Need information about acl depends in gettext

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I need some knowledge about why gettext is compiled with acl as depends. Please, can an experienced user explains what is the benefit ?

I tried to search about on the web but I'm not able to find anything relevant. gettext -as some other softwares- seems to works well without acl, but complains about is missing at compile time. This note exclude packages which need acl at compile time because they are compiled with a acl-ed gettext as this requirement disappear when we use a non-acl-ed gettext.

Using acl as gettext build-depends makes a build-depends loop as acl also need gettext as build-depends; it's not really a problem but I need to know if I have to include acl or not in cook-toolchain function. Removing acl seems me pertinent as it lights the build process and as I don't understand why it's used; but if we really need it I prefer know it and don't jump into the trap :)


GoKhlaYeh <gokhlayeh@xxxxxxxxxx>

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