Re: Draft announce for 3.0

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Announce 3.0 translated to Chinese.


2010/3/28 Christophe Lincoln <pankso@xxxxxxxxxx>

Hi all,

Here is a first draft for 3.0 website/press announce. Feel free to fix
typo and improve the text.

If someone want to write a shorter and a bit different announce for
Distrowatch, he would save me some precious time!

- Christophe

All SliTaz team is proud to annouce the release of SliTaz GNU/Linux 3.0
operating system. Its simpler, faster, customizable, mightier and yet 
incredibly tiny. The new SliTaz stable version is now out after one year
of development.

The core desktop provide a full featured desktop powered by Xorg 7.4, 
Openbox, LXDE componmen and home made tools. It let you easily connect to
internet to surf the web with Midori web browser, listen to music or manage
you pictures.

Defaut core system fit in 30 Mb ISO image and LiveCD flavors starts at 8 Mb.
This new version have been built by a new toolchain including GCC 4.4.1 and use
the Linux kernel You can read the full 
<a href="doc/releases/3.0/relnotes.en.html">Releases Notes</a> for more
information and <a href="get/#stable>">download</a> a LiveCD image from 
SliTaz mirrors.

SliTaz开发小组非常自豪的宣布SliTaz GNU/Linux 3.0操作系统即将发布. 他非常简单,小巧,快速,强大,容易定制。经过一年的开发,新的SliTaz稳定版提供功能强大的桌面支持,默认采用Xorg 7.4, Openbox, LXDE组件和自制工具. 使你更容易使用Midori进行网上冲浪,听音乐和管理照片.默认的核心系统镜像大小控制在30 Mb,而且LiveCD flavors启动只需要8 Mb.新版本采用GCC 4.4.1编译开发,使用Linux kernel内核. 了解更新信息,你可以阅读<a href="doc/releases/3.0/relnotes.en.html">3.0发行笔记</a> 或从官方镜像<a href="get/#stable>">下载</a>3.0 LiveCD镜像.

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