Re: [Sawfish] Your future plans? (Wayland)

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> Nevertheless, I think there needs to be some kind of migration 
> path to protect us against the day when Wayland is forced down our 
> throats.    Thanks, Trevor, for bringing this horror to our 
> attention and initiating a discussion.

Can I make a suggestion? Can we leave the victimization of ourselves
out of this mailing list? I feel like Reddit, Twitter, Facebook and
similar would be a much more effective platform for such a circlejerk.
Also, I don't like to think of myself as a helpless victim, because
that's not true. I can always walk away.

Yes, the Linux GUI world is changing, for the better or worse is a
question everyone needs to answer for themselves. Arcan
( sounds like a possible migration path, and
there might be other options down the line, and one of them seems to be
to simply keep using X11. Also remember that there is the BSD community,
they didn't seem so keen on Wayland, either.

Well, that said, if you're using GNOME with Sawfish strapped to it, then
yes, you're screwed if they drop X11 support, and they seem keen to do
that for some reason. But dropping X11 in GTK or any other programs is
quite some time off. Remember, Wayland has not achieved feature parity
with X11.

Sawfish ML

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