Re: [Sawfish] Debugging window-placement interactions

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What I was seeing was that the both windows appeared on the monitor that the cursor was on when I launched the program.

However, the pdpfc maintainer has now offered a cure: there's an option to deal with the issue. From the documentation:

Dual-monitor full-screen window placement is a tricky business. Some window managers (e.g., FVWM) ignore the placement if made before the window is shown. This option enables a workaround
             (bool, Default is false).

If I understand the code correctly, when this option is enabled, it waits for a GTK map-event and then issues an explicit request to move the window to its correct location.

So, problem solved.  Thanks for the help!

What exactly are you seeing? Are the windows simply not moved to the
correct locations? Are they not moved at all?

What *might* be a solution is to use the window rules to disable the window history/storing of the location. Sawfish tries to restore the locations/sizes of windows out of its history, this might interfere with application. You can also clear the existing history through the
window ops menu (the Sawfish window menu).

On Thu, 18 Jun 2020 16:58:10 -0700
Geoff Kuenning <geoff@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm using a program (pdfpc) that creates two full-screen windows on different monitors (xinerama mode). Unfortunately its approach to window placement doesn't seem to mesh correctly with Sawfish.

My current solution is to use window-matching rules like the following:

   (((WM_NAME . "^pdfpc - presentation"))
    (ignore-program-position . #t)
    (position 1920 . 0))
   (((WM_NAME . "^pdfpc - presenter"))
    (ignore-program-position . #t)
    (position 3840 . 0))

which works, but is clumsy since I have to edit the rules whenever I switch to a different display layout.

From digging into the pdfpc source, it appears that it first creates each window and then moves them to their final locations. (I'm not 100% certain of that; it's a Gtk application and there are a lot of layers.)

I tried sniffing the X11 connection with Wireshark but didn't learn much.

Is there a good way to figure out what requests are being made to Sawfish and why it's not placing things where the application asks? (FWIW, I tried modifying the above rules to set ignore-program-position to #f, without luck.)

Sawfish ML

Geoff Kuenning geoff@xxxxxxxxxx

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Sawfish ML

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