Re: [Sawfish] Keeping the correct focus on desktop switch

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On Mon, 9 Dec 2013 23:17:24 +0100
wrote "Robert 'Bobby' Zenz" <Robert.Zenz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

>Hello everyone.
>I'm using two monitors with Sawfish and MATE and the second monitor is
>mostly occupied by stickied chat applications. Now in the last time I've
>noticed that whenever I switch workspaces that the focus jumps onto the
>second monitor, despite that a window on the first one was focused.
>Assume the following:
> * Desktop 1:
>   * Monitor 1: Browser
>   * Monitor 2: Stickied applications
> * Desktop 2:
>   * Monitor 1: E-Mail client
>   * Monitor 2: Stickied applications
>Now if the browser has the focus and I switch to desktop 2, the
>stickied application get's the focus. Now I focus manually the e-mail
>client and switch back to desktop 1...the stickied application has the
>focus again.
>Did I break something in my configuration or is it supposed to be that
>Best Regards,

I have do a short test on my system (two monitors xinerama with kde)
and it works perfect here. All windows got the currect focus (with
stick or without sticky windows). If i switch the workspace the window
that has the focus as i leave the workspace got the focus if i go back
to the workspace. 

Maybe something wrong with your configuration?


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