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Revision: 9
Author: ytorres
Date: 2008-11-04 21:28:03 +0100 (Tue, 04 Nov 2008)
Log Message:
Removed Paths:
Deleted: trunk/qo-kregator/locale/Desk-Kregator-en.js
--- trunk/qo-kregator/locale/Desk-Kregator-en.js 2008-11-04 20:27:03 UTC (rev 8)
+++ trunk/qo-kregator/locale/Desk-Kregator-en.js 2008-11-04 20:28:03 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-var QoKregator = {
- "DateDisplay": "Y-m-d, H:i",
- // Launcher
- "LauncherDescription":"A RSS/Atom/Podcast Viewer",
- // Tab ContextMenu
- "TabCtxCloseTab":"Close Tab",
- "TabCtxCloseOtherTabs":"Close Other Tabs",
- // Splash Window
- "SplashLoadConf" : "Loading configuration...",
- "SplashInit" : "Initialize...",
- // Conf Window
- "WinConfToolTip":"Modify configuration",
- "WinConfTitle":"Configuration",
- "WinConfTab0":"General",
- "WinConfTab1":"Feed ToolBar",
- "WinConfTab1Selected": "Selected",
- "WinConfTab1Available": "Available",
- "WinConfFieldSetTitle0":"Refresh feed (in minutes)",
- "WinConfFieldSetLabel0":"Every ",
- "WinConfFieldSetTitle1":"Delete old Items (in Days)",
- "WinConfFieldSetLabel1":"Older than ",
- "WinConfFieldSetTitle3":"Font size when reading article",
- "WinConfFieldSetTitle4":"Open Desk-Kregator in...",
- "WinConfFieldSetLabel41":"Full Screen",
- "WinConfFieldSetLabel42":"Window",
- "WinConfFieldSetLabel43":"Minimized",
- "WinConfFieldSetTitle5":"Show the statusBar",
- "WinConfSaveBtn":"Save",
- "WinConfCancelBtn":"Cancel",
- // Import Window
- "WinImportTitle":"Import some feeds...",
- "WinImportSaveBtn":"Save",
- "WinImportCancelBtn":"Cancel",
- "WinImportLibel1": "Name of Imported Folder ",
- "WinImportDefaultValue":"Imported Folder",
- "WinImportLibel2":"File ",
- "WinImportInfo":"You must choose an Opml File",
- // About window
- "WinAboutTitle":"About",
- "WinAboutTab0":"About",
- "WinAboutTab1":"Credits",
- "WinAboutTab2":"License",
- "WinAboutClose":"Close",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits0":"For its logo, its great ideas and assistance during development",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits1":"For its ideas and its helps on debugging",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits21":"For the great Spinner extension",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits3":"For its great Javascript Framework !",
- //FeedTree
- "TreeColumn1":"Unseen", // Column is not resizable. So, be aware about translation length...
- "TreeColumn2":"Total", // Column is not resizable. So, be aware about translation length...
- "TreeRefresh": "Refresh feeds",
- "TreeAddFeed": "Add feed",
- "TreeAddNewFeed": "Add new feed",
- "TreeAddFolder": "Add folder",
- "TreeAddNewFolder": "Add new folder",
- "TreeExpandCollapse": "Expand all / Collapse all",
- "TreeTitle": "My feed",
- "TreeImport": "Import some feeds...",
- "TreeExport": "Export your feeds...",
- "TreeFeedRootTitle": "All feeds",
- "TreeFeedMarkAsRead": "Mark this feed as read",
- "TreeFeedLoadFeed": "Refresh",
- "TreeFeedOpenSite": "Open web site",
- "TreeFeedMod": "Modify",
- "TreeFeedDel": "Delete",
- "TreeFolderMod": "Modify",
- "TreeFolderDel": "Delete",
- "TreeQtipNoItemUnseen": "No item unseen",
- "TreeQtipItemUnseen": "new item unseen",
- "TreeQtipItemUnseenS": "new items unseen",
- // FeedGrid
- "FeedGridFilterSearch": "Search...",
- "FeedGridBoxSearchTitle":"Invalid Search",
- "FeedGridBoxSearchContent":"You must enter a minimum of 2 characters",
- "FeedGridFilterDateAllDate": "All date",
- "FeedGridFilterDatePickDate": "Pick a date",
- "FeedGridFilterAllItems": "All items",
- "FeedGridFilterUnseenItems": "Unseen",
- "FeedGridFilterImportantItems": "Important",
- "FeedGridFilterTitleDisplay": "Items :",
- "FeedGridItemOpenInTab": "Open in new tab",
- "FeedGridItemOpenInWin": "Open in new window",
- "FeedGridItemRemoveMarkImportant": "Remove mark 'Important'",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAsImportant": "Important",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAs": "Mark as",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAsRead": "Seen",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAsUnRead": "Unseen",
- "FeedGridItemDel": "Delete",
- "FeedGridTabTitle": "Articles",
- "FeedGridHeaderItem": "Item",
- "FeedGridHeaderFeed": "Feed",
- "FeedGridHeaderDate": "Date",
- "FeedGridLoadItems": "Please wait, loading items...",
- "FeedGridPagingDisplay": "Displaying topics {0} - {1} of {2}",
- "FeedGridPagingNoDisplay": "No feed to display",
- "ReadingBtnTitle": "Reading Pane",
- "ReadingBtnQtip": "Show, move or hide the Reading Pane",
- "ReadingBtnBottom": "Bottom",
- "ReadingBtnRight": "Right",
- "ReadingBtnHide": "Hide",
- "SummaryBtnTitle": "Summary",
- "SummaryBtnText": "Show / Hide summary",
- "ContextMenuBtnTooltipTitle": "ContextMenu",
- "ContextMenuBtnTooltipText": "Show the same menu as right-click on an element",
- // Preview Panel
- "PreviewAutor": "Autor :",
- "PreviewTitle": "Preview",
- "previewLoadInNewPage": "Open in new window",
- // Status Bar
- "StatutDone": "Done.",
- "StatutReady": "Ready.",
- "StatutLoadFeed": "Loading feed :",
- "StatutLoadFeedArticle": "Loading Article :",
- "StatutLoadFolder": "Loading folder :",
- "StatutUpdateFeed": "Fetch new items for : ",
- "StatutUpdateFeedOk": "Refresh feed with success",
- "StatutUpdateFeedNok": "Error while fetching new items for : ",
- "StatutDelOk": "Delete with success.",
- "StatutDelNok": "Error when delete.",
- "StatutReorder": "Saving Reorganization...",
- "StatutReorderOk": "Reorganization with success.",
- "StatutReorderNok": "Error while Reorganization.",
- "StatutMod": "Saving modification...",
- "StatutModOk": "Modification with success.",
- "StatutModNok": "Error while modification.",
- "StatutDelFolder": "Delete folder: ",
- "StatutDelItemNok": "Error while delete this item.",
- "StatutDelFeed": "Delete feed: ",
- "StatutModFeed": "Saving configuration in progress...",
- "StatutModFeedOk": "Update configuration with success.",
- "StatutModFeedNok": "Error while update configuration.",
- "StatutSearchLoad": "Search in progress...",
- "StatutItemDel": "Delete items...",
- "StatutItemDelOk": "Delete items : Done.",
- "StatutItemDelNok": "Error while deleted items !",
- "StatutAddNewFolder": "Add folder in progress...",
- "StatutAddNewFolderOk": "Add folder with success.",
- "StatutAddNewFolderNok": "Error while adding folder.",
- "StatutAddNewFeed": "Initialise new feed...",
- "StatutAddNewFeedWait": "Initialise new feed...",
- "StatutAddNewFeedWaitInProgress": "Please, wait...",
- "StatutAddNewFeedOk": "New feed added with success.",
- "StatutAddNewFeedNok": "Error while adding new feed. Server response : ",
- "StatutCleanItemsWait":"Clean old feeds...",
- "StatutCleanItemsOk":"Old items cleaned. Nb deleted : ",
- "StatutCleanItemsNok":"Error while cleaning up old items. Server message : ",
- "StatutConfWait" : "Modify configuration...",
- "StatutConfOk" : "Modify configuration with success.",
- "StatutConfNok" : "Error while modify configuration.",
- "StatutImportWait" : "Import in progress...",
- "StatutImportOk" : "Import with success.",
- "StatutImportNok" : "Error while import. Server response : ",
- // Confirm Dialogue
- "BoxConfirmDelItemTitle": "Delete Item",
- "BoxConfirmDelItemMessage": "Are you sur to delete this item ?",
- "BoxConfirmDelItemsTitle": "Delete Items",
- "BoxConfirmDelItemsMessage": "Are you sur to delete those items ?",
- "BoxConfirmDelFeedTitle": "Delete feed",
- "BoxConfirmDelFeedMessage": "Do you want to delete feed : ",
- "BoxConfirmDelFolderTitle": "Delete folder",
- "BoxConfirmDelFolderMessage": "Do you want to delete folder <b><i>{0}</i></b> and all sub items ?",
- "BoxModFeedTitle": "Modify feed",
- "BoxModFeedName": "Name ",
- "BoxModFeedOption": "Option",
- "BoxModFeedView": "Load the full site while reading articles",
- "BoxModFeedSaveBtn": "Save",
- "BoxModFeedCancelBtn": "Cancel",
- "BoxAddFeedTitle": "Add new feed",
- "BoxAddFeedUrl": "URL ",
- "BoxAddFeedSaveBtn": "Save",
- "BoxAddFeedCancelBtn": "Cancel",
- "BoxAddFolderTitle": "Add Folder",
- "BoxAddFolderName": "Name ",
- "BoxAddFolderSaveBtn": "Save",
- "BoxAddFolderCancelBtn": "Cancel"
Deleted: trunk/qo-kregator/locale/Desk-Kregator-fr.js
--- trunk/qo-kregator/locale/Desk-Kregator-fr.js 2008-11-04 20:27:03 UTC (rev 8)
+++ trunk/qo-kregator/locale/Desk-Kregator-fr.js 2008-11-04 20:28:03 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-var DeskKregator = {
- "DateDisplay": "d-m-Y, H:i",
- // Launcher
- "LauncherDescription":"Un lecteur RSS/Atom/Podcast",
- // Tab ContextMenu
- "TabCtxCloseTab":"Fermer l'onglet",
- "TabCtxCloseOtherTabs":"Fermer les autres onglets",
- // Splash Window
- "SplashLoadConf" : "Chargement de la configuration...",
- "SplashInit" : "Initialisation...",
- // Conf Window
- "WinConfToolTip":"Modification de la configuration",
- "WinConfTitle":"Configuration",
- "WinConfFieldSetTitle0":"Rafra\xEEchir les flux (en minutes)",
- "WinConfFieldSetLabel0":"Tous les ",
- "WinConfFieldSetTitle1":"Effacer les articles (en jours)",
- "WinConfFieldSetLabel1":"Plus vieux que ",
- "WinConfFieldSetTitle2":"Icone sur le bureau",
- "WinConfFieldSetLabel2":"Afficher l'icone sur le bureau",
- "WinConfSaveBtn":"Enregistrer",
- "WinConfCancelBtn":"Annuler",
- // Import Window
- "WinImportTitle":"Importer des flux...",
- "WinImportSaveBtn":"Enregistrer",
- "WinImportCancelBtn":"Annuler",
- "WinImportLibel1": "Nom du dossier import\xE9 ",
- "WinImportDefaultValue":"Dossier import\xE9",
- "WinImportLibel2":"Fichier ",
- "WinImportInfo":"Vous devez choisir un fichier Opml",
- // About window
- "WinAboutTitle":"A propos",
- "WinAboutTab0":"A propos",
- "WinAboutTab1":"Remerciements",
- "WinAboutTab2":"Licence",
- "WinAboutClose":"Fermer",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits0":"Pour son logo, ses superbes id\xE9es et son soutien pendant le d\xE9veloppement.",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits1":"Pour ses id\xE9es et son aide dans le d\xE9boguage.",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits21":"Pour sa superbe extension Spinner",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits3":"Pour ce superbe FrameWork Javascript !",
- //FeedTree
- "TreeColumn1":"Non-Lu",
- "TreeColumn2":"Total",
- "TreeRefresh": "Rafra\xEEchir flux",
- "TreeAddFeed": "Ajouter un flux",
- "TreeAddNewFeed": "Ajouter un nouveau flux",
- "TreeAddFolder": "Ajouter un dossier",
- "TreeAddNewFolder": "Ajouter un nouveau dossier",
- "TreeTitle": "Mes flux",
- "TreeImport": "Importer des flux...",
- "TreeExport": "Exporter vos flux...",
- "TreeFeedRootTitle": "Tous les flux",
- "TreeFeedMarkAsRead": "Marquer comme lu",
- "TreeFeedLoadFeed": "Rafra\xEEchir ce flux",
- "TreeFeedOpenSite": "Ouvrir le site",
- "TreeFeedMod": "Modifier",
- "TreeFeedDel": "Supprimer",
- "TreeFolderMod": "Modifier",
- "TreeFolderDel": "Supprimer",
- "TreeQtipNoItemUnseen": "Pas d'\xE9l\xE9ment non lu",
- "TreeQtipItemUnseen": "Nouvel \xE9l\xE9ment non lu",
- "TreeQtipItemUnseenS": "Nouveaux \xE9l\xE9ments non lus",
- // FeedGrid
- "FeedGridFilterSearch": "Recherche...",
- "FeedGridBoxSearchTitle":"Recherche invalide",
- "FeedGridBoxSearchContent":"Vous devez entrer au moins 2 caract\xE8res.",
- "FeedGridFilterAllItems": "Tous les \xE9l\xE9ments",
- "FeedGridFilterUnseenItems": "Non lu",
- "FeedGridFilterImportantItems": "Important",
- "FeedGridFilterTitleDisplay": "El\xE9ments :",
- "FeedGridItemOpenInTab": "Ouvrir dans nouvel onglet",
- "FeedGridItemOpenInWin": "Ouvrir dans nouvelle fen\xEAtre",
- "FeedGridItemRemoveMarkImportant": "Supprimer le marquage 'Important'",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAsImportant": "Important",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAs": "Marquer comme",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAsRead": "lu",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAsUnRead": "non lu",
- "FeedGridItemDel": "Supprimer cet \xE9l\xE9ment",
- "FeedGridTabTitle": "Articles",
- "FeedGridHeaderItem": "El\xE9ment",
- "FeedGridHeaderFeed": "Flux",
- "FeedGridHeaderDate": "Date",
- "FeedGridLoadItems": "Veuillez patienter, chargement en cours...",
- "FeedGridPagingDisplay": "Affichage des sujets {0} - {1} \xE0 {2}",
- "FeedGridPagingNoDisplay": "Pas de flux \xE0 afficher",
- "ReadingBtnTitle": "Panneau de pr\xE9visualisation",
- "ReadingBtnQtip": "Montrer, d\xE9placer ou cacher le panneau de pr\xE9visualisation",
- "ReadingBtnBottom": "En bas",
- "ReadingBtnRight": "A droite",
- "ReadingBtnHide": "Cach\xE9",
- "SummaryBtnTitle": "R\xE9sum\xE9",
- "SummaryBtnText": "Afficher/Cacher le r\xE9sum\xE9",
- // Preview Panel
- "PreviewAutor": "Auteur :",
- "PreviewTitle": "Previsualisation",
- "previewLoadInNewPage": "Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fen\xEAtre",
- // Status Bar
- "StatutDone": "Fait.",
- "StatutReady": "Pr\xEAt.",
- "StatutLoadFeed": "Chargement flux :",
- "StatutLoadFeedArticle": "Chargement article :",
- "StatutLoadFolder": "Chargement dossier :",
- "StatutUpdateFeed": "R\xE9cup\xE9ration des informations pour : ",
- "StatutUpdateFeedOk": "Flux rafra\xEEchi avec succ\xE8s",
- "StatutUpdateFeedNok": "Erreur pendant la r\xE9cup\xE9ration des informations : ",
- "StatutDelOk": "Supprim\xE9 avec succ\xE8s.",
- "StatutDelNok": "Erreur pendant la suppression.",
- "StatutReorder": "Enregistrement de la r\xE9organisation...",
- "StatutReorderOk": "R\xE9organis\xE9 avec succ\xE8s.",
- "StatutReorderNok": "Erreur pendant la r\xE9organisation.",
- "StatutMod": "Enregistrement des modifications...",
- "StatutModOk": "Modifi\xE9 avec succ\xE8s.",
- "StatutModNok": "Erreur pendant la modification.",
- "StatutDelFolder": "Supprimer le dossier : ",
- "StatutDelItemNok": "Erreur pendant la suppression de l'\xE9l\xE9ment.",
- "StatutDelFeed": "Supprimer le flux : ",
- "StatutModFeed": "Enregistrement de la configuration en cours...",
- "StatutModFeedOk": "Mise \xE0 jour de la configuration avec succ\xE8s.",
- "StatutModFeedNok": "Erreur pendant la mise \xE0 jour.",
- "StatutSearchLoad": "Recherche en cours...",
- "StatutItemDel": "Suppression des \xE9l\xE9ments...",
- "StatutItemDelOk": "Suppression des \xE9l\xE9ments : Fait.",
- "StatutItemDelNok": "Erreur pendant la suppression des \xE9l\xE9ments !",
- "StatutAddNewFolder": "Ajout du dossier en cours...",
- "StatutAddNewFolderOk": "Dossier ajout\xE9 avec succ\xE8s.",
- "StatutAddNewFolderNok": "Erreur pendant l'ajout du dossier.",
- "StatutAddNewFeed": "Initialisation du flux...",
- "StatutAddNewFeedWait": "Initialisation du flux...",
- "StatutAddNewFeedWaitInProgress": "Veuillez patienter...",
- "StatutAddNewFeedOk": "Nouveau flux ajout\xE9 avec succ\xE8s.",
- "StatutAddNewFeedNok": "Erreur pendant l'ajout du flux. R\xE9ponse du serveur : ",
- "StatutCleanItemsWait":"Clean old feeds...",
- "StatutCleanItemsOk":"Old items cleaned. Nb deleted : ",
- "StatutCleanItemsNok":"Error while cleaning up old items. Server message : ",
- "StatutConfWait" : "Modification de la configuration...",
- "StatutConfOk" : "Modification de la configuration avec succ\xE8s.",
- "StatutConfNok" : "Erreur lors de la modification de la configuration.",
- "StatutImportWait" : "Importation en cours...",
- "StatutImportOk" : "Importation avec succ\xE8s.",
- "StatutImportNok" : "Erreur lors de l'importation. R\xE9ponse du serveur : ",
- // Confirm Dialogue
- "BoxConfirmDelItemTitle": "Effacer un article",
- "BoxConfirmDelItemMessage": "\xCAtes-vous s\xFBr de vouloir effacer cet article ?",
- "BoxConfirmDelItemsTitle": "Effacer des articles",
- "BoxConfirmDelItemsMessage": "\xCAtes-vous s\xFBr de vouloir effacer ces articles ?",
- "BoxConfirmDelFeedTitle": "Supprimer flux",
- "BoxConfirmDelFeedMessage": "Voulez-vous supprimer le flux : ",
- "BoxConfirmDelFolderTitle": "Supprimer dossier",
- "BoxConfirmDelFolderMessage": "Voulez-vous supprimer le dossier <b><i>{0}</i></b> et les sous-dossiers ?",
- "BoxModFeedTitle": "Modifier flux",
- "BoxModFeedName": "Nom ",
- "BoxModFeedOption": "Option",
- "BoxModFeedView": "Chargement complet du site dans le panneau de pr\xE9visualisation",
- "BoxModFeedSaveBtn": "Enregistrer",
- "BoxModFeedCancelBtn": "Annuler",
- "BoxAddFeedTitle": "Ajouter un nouveau flux",
- "BoxAddFeedUrl": "URL ",
- "BoxAddFeedSaveBtn": "Enregistrer",
- "BoxAddFeedCancelBtn": "Annuler",
- "BoxAddFolderTitle": "Ajouter un nouveau dossier",
- "BoxAddFolderName": "Nom ",
- "BoxAddFolderSaveBtn": "Enregistrer",
- "BoxAddFolderCancelBtn": "Annuler"
Deleted: trunk/qo-kregator/locale/Desk-Kregator-pt_br.js
--- trunk/qo-kregator/locale/Desk-Kregator-pt_br.js 2008-11-04 20:27:03 UTC (rev 8)
+++ trunk/qo-kregator/locale/Desk-Kregator-pt_br.js 2008-11-04 20:28:03 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-var DeskKregator = {
- "DateDisplay": "d-m-Y, H:i",
- // Launcher
- "LauncherDescription":"A RSS/Atom/Podcast Viewer",
- // Tab ContextMenu
- "TabCtxCloseTab":"Close Tab",
- "TabCtxCloseOtherTabs":"Close Other Tabs",
- // Splash Window
- "SplashLoadConf" : "Loading configuration...",
- "SplashInit" : "Initialize...",
- // Conf Window
- "WinConfToolTip":"Modify configuration",
- "WinConfTitle":"Configuration",
- "WinConfFieldSetTitle0":"Refresh feed (in minutes)",
- "WinConfFieldSetLabel0":"Every ",
- "WinConfFieldSetTitle1":"Delete old Items (in Days)",
- "WinConfFieldSetLabel1":"Older than ",
- "WinConfFieldSetTitle2":"Desktop Icon",
- "WinConfFieldSetLabel2":"Show icon on Desktop",
- "WinConfSaveBtn":"Save",
- "WinConfCancelBtn":"Cancel",
- // Import Window
- "WinImportTitle":"Import some feeds...",
- "WinImportSaveBtn":"Save",
- "WinImportCancelBtn":"Cancel",
- "WinImportLibel1": "Name of Imported Folder ",
- "WinImportDefaultValue":"Imported Folder",
- "WinImportLibel2":"File ",
- "WinImportInfo":"You must choose an Opml File",
- // About window
- "WinAboutTitle":"About",
- "WinAboutTab0":"About",
- "WinAboutTab1":"Credits",
- "WinAboutTab2":"License",
- "WinAboutClose":"Close",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits0":"For its logo, its great ideas and assistance during development",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits1":"For its ideas and its helps on debugging",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits21":"For the great Spinner extension",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits3":"For its great Javascript Framework !",
- //FeedTree
- "TreeColumn1":"Unseen", // Column is not resizable. So, be aware about translation length...
- "TreeColumn2":"Total", // Column is not resizable. So, be aware about translation length...
- "TreeRefresh": "Atualizar feeds",
- "TreeAddFeed": "Novo feed",
- "TreeAddNewFeed": "Adicionar novo feed",
- "TreeAddFolder": "Criar pasta",
- "TreeAddNewFolder": "Criar nova pasta",
- "TreeTitle": "Meus feed",
- "TreeImport": "Import some feeds...",
- "TreeExport": "Export your feeds...",
- "TreeFeedRootTitle": "Todos feeds",
- "TreeFeedMarkAsRead": "Marcar como lida",
- "TreeFeedLoadFeed": "Atualizar este feed",
- "TreeFeedOpenSite": "Abrir o site",
- "TreeFeedMod": "Modificar este feed",
- "TreeFeedDel": "Excluir este feed",
- "TreeFolderMod": "Modificar esta pasta",
- "TreeFolderDel": "Excluir esta pasta",
- "TreeQtipNoItemUnseen": "N\xE3o existem itens n\xE3o lidos",
- "TreeQtipItemUnseen": "Novo item n\xE3o lido",
- "TreeQtipItemUnseenS": "Novos itens n\xE3o lidos",
- // FeedGrid
- "FeedGridFilterSearch": "Procurar :",
- "FeedGridBoxSearchTitle":"Invalid Search",
- "FeedGridBoxSearchContent":"You must enter a minimum of 2 characters",
- "FeedGridFilterAllItems": "Todos os itens",
- "FeedGridFilterUnseenItems": "N\xE3o lidos",
- "FeedGridFilterImportantItems": "Importante",
- "FeedGridFilterTitleDisplay": "Items :",
- "FeedGridItemOpenInTab": "Abrir em nova tab",
- "FeedGridItemOpenInWin": "Abrir em nova janela",
- "FeedGridItemRemoveMarkImportant": "Remover sinal de 'Importante'",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAsImportant": "Importante",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAs": "Sinalizar como",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAsRead": "Lida",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAsUnRead": "N\xE3o lida",
- "FeedGridItemDel": "Excluir este item",
- "FeedGridTabTitle": "Artigos",
- "FeedGridHeaderItem": "Item",
- "FeedGridHeaderFeed": "Feed",
- "FeedGridHeaderDate": "Data",
- "FeedGridLoadItems": "Por favor aguarde,, carregando items...",
- "FeedGridPagingDisplay": "Mostrando topicos {0} - {1} of {2}",
- "FeedGridPagingNoDisplay": "Nenhum feed para mostrar",
- "ReadingBtnTitle": "Painel de leitura",
- "ReadingBtnQtip": "Mostrar, movee ou ocultar o painel de leitura",
- "ReadingBtnBottom": "Superior",
- "ReadingBtnRight": "Direita",
- "ReadingBtnHide": "Ocultar",
- "SummaryBtnTitle": "Summary",
- "SummaryBtnText": "Show / Hide summary",
- // Preview Panel
- "PreviewAutor": "Autor :",
- "PreviewTitle": "Visualizar",
- "previewLoadInNewPage": "Abrir em nova janela",
- // Status Bar
- "StatutDone": "Pronto.",
- "StatutReady": "Preparado.",
- "StatutLoadFeed": "Carregando feed :",
- "StatutLoadFeedArticle": "Carregando Artigp :",
- "StatutLoadFolder": "Carregando pasta :",
- "StatutUpdateFeed": "Buscar novos itens de : ",
- "StatutUpdateFeedOk": "feed atualizados com sucesso",
- "StatutUpdateFeedNok": "Erro ao buscar novos itens de : ",
- "StatutDelOk": "Excluido com successo.",
- "StatutDelNok": "Erro ao excluir.",
- "StatutReorder": "Salvando reorganiza\xE7\xE3o...",
- "StatutReorderOk": "Reorganizado com sucesso.",
- "StatutReorderNok": "Erro ao reorganizar.",
- "StatutMod": "Salvando modifica\xE7\xF5es...",
- "StatutModOk": "Modificado com sucesso.",
- "StatutModNok": "erro no modifica\xE7\xE3o.",
- "StatutDelFolder": "Excluir pasta: ",
- "StatutDelItemNok": "Erro ao excluir o item.",
- "StatutDelFeed": "Feed excluido : ",
- "StatutModFeed": "Salvando configura\xE7\xE3o em progresso...",
- "StatutModFeedOk": "Configura\xE7\xE3o Atualizada com sucesso.",
- "StatutModFeedNok": "Erro na atualiza\xE7\xE3o da configura\xE7\xE3o.",
- "StatutSearchLoad": "Pesquisa em andamento...",
- "StatutItemDel": "Itens excluidos...",
- "StatutItemDelOk": "Itens excluidos : Pronto.",
- "StatutItemDelNok": "Erro ao excluir itens !",
- "StatutAddNewFolder": "Cria\xE7\xE3o da pasta em andamento...",
- "StatutAddNewFolderOk": "Pasta criada com sucesso.",
- "StatutAddNewFolderNok": "Erro ao criar a pasta.",
- "StatutAddNewFeed": "Inicializando novo feed...",
- "StatutAddNewFeedWait": "Novo feed inicializado...",
- "StatutAddNewFeedWaitInProgress": "Por favor, aguarde...",
- "StatutAddNewFeedOk": "Novo feed criado com successo.",
- "StatutAddNewFeedNok": "Erro ao criar novo feed. Resposta do servidor : ",
- "StatutCleanItemsWait":"Clean old feeds...",
- "StatutCleanItemsOk":"Old items cleaned. Nb deleted : ",
- "StatutCleanItemsNok":"Error while cleaning up old items. Server message : ",
- "StatutConfWait" : "Modify configuration...",
- "StatutConfOk" : "Modify configuration with success.",
- "StatutConfNok" : "Error while modify configuration.",
- "StatutImportWait" : "Import in progress...",
- "StatutImportOk" : "Import with success.",
- "StatutImportNok" : "Error while import. Server response : ",
- // Confirm Dialogue
- "BoxConfirmDelFeedTitle": "Excluir feed",
- "BoxConfirmDelFeedMessage": "Deseja excluir este feed : ",
- "BoxConfirmDelFolderTitle": "Excluir pasta",
- "BoxConfirmDelFolderMessage": "Deseja excluir a pasta <b><i>{0}</i></b> e todos os subitens ?",
- "BoxModFeedTitle": "Modificar feed",
- "BoxModFeedName": "Nome ",
- "BoxModFeedOption": "Op\xE7\xF5es",
- "BoxModFeedView": "Carregue o site completo ao ler artigos",
- "BoxModFeedSaveBtn": "Salvar",
- "BoxModFeedCancelBtn": "Cancelar",
- "BoxAddFeedTitle": "Novo feed",
- "BoxAddFeedUrl": "URL ",
- "BoxAddFeedSaveBtn": "Salvar",
- "BoxAddFeedCancelBtn": "Cancelar",
- "BoxAddFolderTitle": "Nova pasta",
- "BoxAddFolderName": "Nome ",
- "BoxAddFolderSaveBtn": "Salvar",
- "BoxAddFolderCancelBtn": "Cancelar"
Deleted: trunk/qo-kregator/locale/Desk-Kregator-vn.js
--- trunk/qo-kregator/locale/Desk-Kregator-vn.js 2008-11-04 20:27:03 UTC (rev 8)
+++ trunk/qo-kregator/locale/Desk-Kregator-vn.js 2008-11-04 20:28:03 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-var DeskKregator = {
- "DateDisplay": "d-m-Y, H:i",
- // Launcher
- "LauncherDescription":"A RSS/Atom/Podcast Viewer",
- // Splash Window
- "SplashLoadConf" : "Đang cấu hình...",
- "SplashInit" : "Đang khởi tạo...",
- // Conf Window
- "WinConfToolTip":"Thay đổi cấu hình",
- "WinConfTitle":"Cấu hình",
- "WinConfFieldSetTitle0":"Tải lại nội dung (theo phút)",
- "WinConfFieldSetLabel0":"Mỗi ",
- "WinConfFieldSetTitle1":"Xoá tin cũ (theo ngày)",
- "WinConfFieldSetLabel1":"Cũ hơn ",
- "WinConfFieldSetTitle2":"Hiển thị",
- "WinConfFieldSetLabel2":"Hiển thị icon trên màn hình desktop",
- "WinConfSaveBtn":"Lưu",
- "WinConfCancelBtn":"Thoát",
- // Import Window
- "WinImportTitle":"Import nguồn tin mới...",
- "WinImportSaveBtn":"Lưu",
- "WinImportCancelBtn":"Thoát",
- "WinImportLibel1": "Tên thư mục import ",
- "WinImportDefaultValue":"Thư mục được import",
- "WinImportLibel2":"File ",
- "WinImportInfo":"Bạn phải chọn file có định dạng Opml",
- // About window
- "WinAboutTitle":"Giới thiệu",
- "WinAboutTab0":"Giới thiệu",
- "WinAboutTab1":"Sáng lập",
- "WinAboutTab2":"Giấy phép sử dụng",
- "WinAboutClose":"Đóng",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits0":"Thiết kế logo, cung cấp ý tưởng và trợ giúp trong quá trình phát triển",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits1":"Hỗ trợ ý tưởng và debug",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits2":"Cung cấp gói icon",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits21":"Spinner extension",
- "WinAboutTab1Credits3":"Javascript Framework",
- //FeedTree
- "TreeColumn1":"Chưa xem", // Column is not resizable. So, be aware about translation length...
- "TreeColumn2":"Tổng", // Column is not resizable. So, be aware about translation length...
- "TreeRefresh": "Tải lại tin",
- "TreeAddFeed": "Thêm nguồn tin",
- "TreeAddNewFeed": "Thêm nguồn tin mới",
- "TreeAddFolder": "Tạo thư mục",
- "TreeAddNewFolder": "Tạo thư mục mới",
- "TreeTitle": "Tin của tôi",
- "TreeImport": "Import nguồn tin...",
- "TreeExport": "Export nguồn tin của bạn...",
- "TreeFeedRootTitle": "Tất cả nguồn tin",
- "TreeFeedMarkAsRead": "Đánh dấu đã đọc",
- "TreeFeedLoadFeed": "Tải lại",
- "TreeFeedOpenSite": "Mở website",
- "TreeFeedMod": "Sửa",
- "TreeFeedDel": "Xoá",
- "TreeFolderMod": "Sửa",
- "TreeFolderDel": "Xoá",
- "TreeQtipNoItemUnseen": "Không có tin chưa đọc",
- "TreeQtipItemUnseen": "Tin mới chưa đọc",
- "TreeQtipItemUnseenS": "Tin mới chưa đọc",
- // FeedGrid
- "FeedGridFilterEtat": "Trạng thái : ",
- "FeedGridFilterSearch": "Tim kiem...",
- "FeedGridBoxSearchTitle":"Không thể tìm kiếm",
- "FeedGridBoxSearchContent":"Bạn phải nhập ít nhất 2 từ",
- "FeedGridFilterAllItems": "Tat ca cac tin",
- "FeedGridFilterUnseenItems": "Chưa đọc",
- "FeedGridFilterImportantItems": "Quan trọng",
- "FeedGridFilterTitleDisplay": "Tin tức :",
- "FeedGridItemOpenInTab": "Mở sang một tab mới",
- "FeedGridItemOpenInWin": "Mở sang một cửa sổ mới",
- "FeedGridItemRemoveMarkImportant": "Xoá đánh dấu 'Quan trọng'",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAsImportant": "Quan trọng",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAs": "Đánh dấu thành",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAsRead": "Đã đọc",
- "FeedGridItemMarkAsUnRead": "Chưa đọc",
- "FeedGridItemDel": "Xoá tin này",
- "FeedGridTabTitle": "Các bài viết",
- "FeedGridHeaderItem": "Tin",
- "FeedGridHeaderFeed": "Feed",
- "FeedGridHeaderDate": "Ngày",
- "FeedGridLoadItems": "Xin chờ, đang tải tin...",
- "FeedGridPagingDisplay": "Hiển chị chủ đề {0} - {1} của tổng số {2}",
- "FeedGridPagingNoDisplay": "Không có tin để hiển thị",
- "ReadingBtnTitle": "Thay đổi khung đọc tin",
- "ReadingBtnQtip": "Hiển thị, di chuyển hoặc dấu vùng đọc tin",
- "ReadingBtnBottom": "Bên dưới",
- "ReadingBtnRight": "Bên phải",
- "ReadingBtnHide": "Dấu",
- "SummaryBtnTitle": "Summary",
- "SummaryBtnText": "Show / Hide summary",
- // Preview Panel
- "PreviewAutor": "Người viết :",
- "PreviewTitle": "Xem trước",
- "previewLoadInNewPage": "Mở sang một cửa sổ mới",
- // Status Bar
- "StatutDone": "Hoàn tất.",
- "StatutReady": "Sẵn sàng.",
- "StatutLoadFeed": "Đang tải tin :",
- "StatutLoadFeedArticle": "Đang tải bài viết :",
- "StatutLoadFolder": "Đang tải thư mục :",
- "StatutUpdateFeed": "Lấy tin mới : ",
- "StatutUpdateFeedOk": "Tải lại tin",
- "StatutUpdateFeedNok": "Lỗi khi tải tin mới cho mục : ",
- "StatutDelOk": "Xoá thành công.",
- "StatutDelNok": "Lỗi trong khi xoá.",
- "StatutReorder": "Đang lưu...",
- "StatutReorderOk": "Tổ chức lại thành công.",
- "StatutReorderNok": "Lỗi khi tổ chức lại.",
- "StatutMod": "Đang lưu thay đổi...",
- "StatutModOk": "Thay đổi thành công.",
- "StatutModNok": "Lỗi khi thay đổi.",
- "StatutDelFolder": "Xoá thư mục: ",
- "StatutDelItemNok": "Lỗi khi xoá thư mục.",
- "StatutDelFeed": "Xoá nguồn tin: ",
- "StatutModFeed": "Đang lưu cấu hình...",
- "StatutModFeedOk": "Cập nhật cấu hình thành công.",
- "StatutModFeedNok": "Lỗi khi lưu cấu hình.",
- "StatutSearchLoad": "Đang tìm kiếm...",
- "StatutItemDel": "Xoá tin...",
- "StatutItemDelOk": "Xoá tin : Hoà tất.",
- "StatutItemDelNok": "Lỗi khi xoá tin !",
- "StatutAddNewFolder": "Đang tạo thư mục...",
- "StatutAddNewFolderOk": "Tạo thư mục thành công.",
- "StatutAddNewFolderNok": "Lỗi trong khi tạo thư mục.",
- "StatutAddNewFeed": "Đang khởi tạo nguồn tin mới...",
- "StatutAddNewFeedWait": "Đang khởi tạo...",
- "StatutAddNewFeedWaitInProgress": "Xin chờ...",
- "StatutAddNewFeedOk": "Tạo nguồn tin thành công.",
- "StatutAddNewFeedNok": "Lỗi khi khởi tạo nguồn tin mới. Máy chủ : ",
- "StatutCleanItemsWait":"Xoá nguồn tin cũ...",
- "StatutCleanItemsOk":"Nguồn tin cũ đã được xoá : ",
- "StatutCleanItemsNok":"Lỗi trong khi xoá nguồn tin cũ. Máy chủ : ",
- "StatutConfWait" : "Thay đổi cấu hình...",
- "StatutConfOk" : "Thay đổi cấu hình thành công.",
- "StatutConfNok" : "Lỗi khi thay đổi cấu hình.",
- "StatutImportWait" : "Đang import...",
- "StatutImportOk" : "Import thành công.",
- "StatutImportNok" : "Lỗi khi import. Máy chủ : ",
- // Confirm Dialogue
- "BoxConfirmDelFeedTitle": "Xoá nguồn tin",
- "BoxConfirmDelFeedMessage": "Bạn có muốn xoá nguồn tin : ",
- "BoxConfirmDelFolderTitle": "Xoá thư mục",
- "BoxConfirmDelFolderMessage": "Bạn có muốn xoá thư mục <b><i>{0}</i></b> và tất cả nguồn tin bên trong nó ?",
- "BoxModFeedTitle": "Thay đổi nguồn tin",
- "BoxModFeedName": "Tên ",
- "BoxModFeedOption": "Lựa chọn",
- "BoxModFeedView": "Tải toàn bộ trang khi đọc tin",
- "BoxModFeedSaveBtn": "Lưu",
- "BoxModFeedCancelBtn": "Thoát",
- "BoxAddFeedTitle": "Tạo nguồn tin mới",
- "BoxAddFeedUrl": "Địa chỉ ",
- "BoxAddFeedSaveBtn": "Lưu",
- "BoxAddFeedCancelBtn": "Thoát",
- "BoxAddFolderTitle": "Tạo thư mục",
- "BoxAddFolderName": "Tên ",
- "BoxAddFolderSaveBtn": "Lưu",
- "BoxAddFolderCancelBtn": "Thoát"