[qo-modules-dev] [8]

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Revision: 8
Author:   ytorres
Date:     2008-11-04 21:27:03 +0100 (Tue, 04 Nov 2008)

Log Message:

Modified Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/qo-kregator/install.sql
--- trunk/qo-kregator/install.sql	2008-11-03 21:28:27 UTC (rev 7)
+++ trunk/qo-kregator/install.sql	2008-11-04 20:27:03 UTC (rev 8)
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
 from (select id from qo_modules where module_id like 'qo-kregator') m;
 insert into `qo_modules_dependencies` (`qo_modules_id`, `directory`, `file`)
-select m.id, 'qo-kregator/locale/', 'Desk-Kregator-en.js'
+select m.id, 'qo-kregator/locale/', 'qo-kregator-en.js'
 from (select id from qo_modules where module_id like 'qo-kregator') m;
 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deleted: trunk/qo-kregator/qo-kregator_old.js
--- trunk/qo-kregator/qo-kregator_old.js	2008-11-03 21:28:27 UTC (rev 7)
+++ trunk/qo-kregator/qo-kregator_old.js	2008-11-04 20:27:03 UTC (rev 8)
@@ -1,3434 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of Qo-Kregator.
- Qo-Kregator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Qo-Kregator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Qo-Kregator.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *************************************************************************/
-// Allow to add a Menu after the Button is rendered
-   initComponent: function() {
-      Ext.Button.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
-      this.addEvents('click','toggle','mouseover','mouseout','menushow','menuhide','menutriggerover','menutriggerout');
-      if (this.menu) {
-         var m = this.menu;
-         delete this.menu;
-         this.setMenu(m);
-      }
-      if (typeof this.toggleGroup === 'string') {
-         this.enableToggle = true;
-      }
-   },
-   setMenu: function(menu) {
-      var hasMenu = (this.menu !== null);
-      this.menu = Ext.menu.MenuMgr.get(menu);
-      if (this.rendered && !hasMenu) {
-         this.el.child(this.menuClassTarget).addClass('x-btn-with-menu');
-         this.menu.on("show", this.onMenuShow, this);
-         this.menu.on("hide", this.onMenuHide, this);
-      }
-   },
-   clearMenu: function(destroy) {
-      if (this.rendered) {
-         this.el.child(this.menuClassTarget).removeClass('x-btn-with-menu');
-         this.menu.un('show', this.onMenuShow, this);
-         this.menu.un('hide', this.onMenuHide, this);
-      }
-      if (destroy) {
-         Ext.destroy(this.menu);
-      }
-      this.menu = null;
-   }
-QoDesk.QoKregator = Ext.extend(Ext.app.Module, {
-    moduleType : 'internet',
-    moduleId : 'qo-kregator',
-    menuPath: 'StartMenu/Internet',
-    appVer : '2.0',
-    // Conf var
-    ConfExpandCollapse : false,
-    ConfGoRefresh: true,
-    ConfShowSummary: true,
-    ConfTreePanelWidth:'254',
-    ConfGridPanelHeight:'150',
-    ConfPreviewPanelSouthHeight:'300',
-    ConfPreviewPanelEastWidth:'400',
-    ConfPreviewPane:'bottom',
-    ConfRefreshFeed:'10',
-    ConfOldItems:false,
-    ConfOldItemsDay:'30',
-    ConfContentFontSize: 11,
-    ConfshowStatusBar: 'on',
-    ConfOpenMode: 'Window',
-    ConfDateTimeFormat: 'd/m/y, H:i',
-    ConfDateFormat: 'd/m/y',
-    // Panel
-    PanelFeedTree:'',
-    PanelFeedTreeEditor:'',
-    PanelGridItem:'',
-    PanelPreview:'',
-    PanelCenter:'',
-    //ToolBars
-    tbFeedBtnAvailable: ['AddFeed', 'AddFolder', 'Import', 'Export', 'ExpandCollapse', 'RefreshFeed', 'ContextMenu'],
-    tbFeedBtnCurrent: [],
-    // DataStore
-    dsItems:'',
-    dsItemDesc:'',
-    // Window
-    winAbout:false,
-    // Task
-    TaskSearchFeed:false,
-    TaskCleanFeed:false,
-    // others vars
-    FeedNeedUpdate:false,
-    LastClick:0,
-    curNodeId:'',
-    curFeedId:'',
-    columnUnseenWidth:50, // change this value to modify Unseen column width
-    columnTotalWidth:50, // change this value to modify Total column width
-    linkDefaultTab:'',
-    init: function(){
-        this.launcher = {
-            text: 'Qo-Kregator',
-            tooltip: '<b>Qo-Kregator</b><br />' + QoKregator.LauncherDescription,
-            iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon',
-            shortcutIconCls: 'qo-kregator-win-shortcut',
-            handler: this.createWindow,
-            scope: this
-        };
-    },
-    createWindow: function() {
-        var desktop = this.app.getDesktop();
-        var win = desktop.getWindow('qo-kregator');
-        if (!win) {
-          // Plugins for right click on tab
-          Ext.ux.KregaTabCloseMenu = function(env){
-              var tabs, menu, ctxItem;
-              this.scope = env;
-              this.init = function(tp){
-                  tabs = tp;
-                  tabs.on('contextmenu', onContextMenu, this);
-              };
-              function onContextMenu(ts, item, e){
-                  e.preventDefault();
-                  e.stopEvent();
-                  if( item.id == 'qo-kregator-main' ) { item.linkTab = this.scope.linkDefaultTab;}
-                  if(!menu){ // create context menu on first right click
-                      menu = new Ext.menu.Menu([{
-                          id: 'qo-kregator-' + tabs.id + '-close',
-                          text: QoKregator.TabCtxCloseTab,
-                          iconCls: 'DeskKregator-close-Tab-btn',
-                          handler : function() {
-                              tabs.remove(ctxItem);
-                          }
-                      },{
-                          id: 'qo-kregator-' + tabs.id + '-close-others',
-                          text: QoKregator.TabCtxCloseOtherTabs,
-                          handler : function() {
-                              tabs.items.each(function(item){
-                                  if(item.closable && item != ctxItem){
-                                      tabs.remove(item);
-                                  }
-                              });
-                          }
-                      },'-',{
-                          id:'qo-kregator-' + tabs.id + '-open-tab-site',
-                          text:QoKregator.FeedGridItemOpenInWin,
-                          iconCls:'qo-kregator-open-site-btn',
-                          handler: function() {
-                          window.open(ctxItem.linkTab, 'win');
-                          }
-                      }]);
-                  }
-                  ctxItem = item;
-                  var items = menu.items;
-                  items.get('qo-kregator-' + tabs.id + '-close').setDisabled(!item.closable);
-                  var disableOthers = true;
-                  tabs.items.each(function(){
-                      if(this != item && this.closable){
-                          disableOthers = false;
-                          return false;
-                      }
-                  });
-                  items.get('qo-kregator-' + tabs.id + '-close-others').setDisabled(disableOthers);
-                  if( !item.linkTab ) {
-                    items.get('qo-kregator-' + tabs.id + '-open-tab-site').setDisabled(true);
-                  } else {
-                    items.get('qo-kregator-' + tabs.id + '-open-tab-site').setDisabled(false);
-                  }
-                  menu.showAt(e.getPoint());
-              }
-          };
-          // Create Splash
-          Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, {
-              tag: 'div',
-              id: 'qo-kregator-splash',
-              children: [{
-                  tag: 'div',
-                  cls: 'qo-kregator-splash-indicator',
-                  html: '<img src="system/modules/qo-kregator/img/default/logo.png" alt="" /><div id="qo-kregator-splash-msg">' + QoKregator.SplashInit + '</div>'
-              }]
-          });
-          // We load user conf before show app
-          Ext.get('qo-kregator-splash-msg').dom.innerHTML = QoKregator.SplashLoadConf;
-          Ext.Ajax.request({
-              scope: this,
-              url: this.app.connection,
-              params: {
-                  moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                  fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                  what: 'get_user_conf'
-              },
-              success: function(response, options) {
-                  var o = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
-                  if (o.success) {
-                      this.ConfRefreshFeed = o.refresh_feed;
-                      this.ConfOldItems = o.old_items;
-                      this.ConfOldItemsDay = o.old_items_day;
-                      this.ConfPreviewPane = o.preview_pane;
-                      this.ConfShowSummary = o.showSummary;
-                      this.ConfContentFontSize = o.content_font_size;
-                      this.ConfshowStatusBar = o.showStatusBar;
-                      this.tbFeedBtnCurrent = o.tbFeedBtn;
-                      this.ConfOpenMode = o.openMode;
-                      this.ConfDateTimeFormat = o.dateTimeFormat;
-                      this.ConfDateFormat = o.dateFormat;
-                      this.ConfTreePanelWidth = o.tree_panel_width;
-                      this.ConfGridPanelHeight = o.grid_panel_height;
-                      this.ConfPreviewPanelSouthHeight = o.preview_panel_south_height;
-                      this.ConfPreviewPanelEastWidth = o.preview_panel_east_width;
-                  } else {
-                      this.ConfRefreshFeed = 10;
-                      this.ConfOldItems = false;
-                      this.ConfOldItemsDay = 30;
-                      this.ConfPreviewPane = 'bottom';
-                      this.ConfShowSummary = true;
-                      this.ConfContentFontSize = 11;
-                      this.ConfshowStatusBar = 'on';
-                      this.ConfOpenMode = 'Window';
-                      this.ConfDateTimeFormat = 'd/m/y, H:i';
-                      this.ConfDateFormat = 'd/m/y';
-                      this.ConfTreePanelWidth = '254';
-                      this.ConfGridPanelHeight = '150';
-                      this.ConfPreviewPanelSouthHeight = '300';
-                      this.ConfPreviewPanelEastWidth = '400';
-                      this.tbFeedBtnCurrent = ['AddFeed', 'AddFolder', 'Import', 'Export', 'ExpandCollapse', 'RefreshFeed'];
-                  }
-                  // Custom ColumnTree
-                  Ext.tree.KregaColumnTree = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreePanel, {
-                      lines:false,
-                      borderWidth: Ext.isBorderBox ? 0 : 2, // the combined left/right border for each cell
-                      cls:'qo-kregator-x-column-tree',
-                      onRender : function(){
-                          Ext.tree.KregaColumnTree.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments);
-                          this.headers = this.body.createChild(
-                              {id:'qo-kregator-x-tree-headers-id', cls:'qo-kregator-x-tree-headers'},this.innerCt.dom);
-                          var cols = this.columns, c;
-                          var totalWidth = 0;
-                          for(var i = 0, len = cols.length; i < len; i++) {
-                                var clsHere;
-                                if( i === 0 ) { clsHere = 'qo-kregator-x-tree-hd-text-feed';}
-                                else  { clsHere = 'qo-kregator-x-tree-hd-text';}
-                                c = cols[i];
-                                totalWidth += c.width;
-                                this.headers.createChild({
-                                    id: 'qo-kregator-feed-hd-'+i,
-                                    cls:'qo-kregator-x-tree-hd ' + (c.cls?c.cls+'-hd':''),
-                                    cn: {
-                                        cls: clsHere,
-                                        html: c.header
-                                    },
-                                    style:'width:'+(c.width-this.borderWidth)+'px;'
-                                });
-                          }
-                          this.headers.createChild({cls:'x-clear'});
-                          // prevent floats from wrapping when clipped
-                          this.headers.setWidth(totalWidth);
-                          this.innerCt.setWidth(totalWidth);
-                      }
-                  });
-             Ext.tree.KregaColumnNodeUI = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI, {
-                 focus: Ext.emptyFn, // prevent odd scrolling behavior
-                 renderElements : function(n, a, targetNode, bulkRender){
-                     this.indentMarkup = n.parentNode ? n.parentNode.ui.getChildIndent() : '';
-                     var t = n.getOwnerTree();
-                     var cols = t.columns;
-                     var bw = t.borderWidth;
-                     var c = cols[0];
-                     var colID;
-                     var buf = [
-                          '<li class="x-tree-node"><div ext:tree-node-id="',n.id,'" class="x-tree-node-el x-tree-node-leaf ', a.cls,'">',
-                             '<div class="qo-kregator-x-tree-col" style="width:',c.width-bw,'px;">',
-                                 '<span class="x-tree-node-indent">',this.indentMarkup,"</span>",
-                                 '<img src="', this.emptyIcon, '" class="x-tree-ec-icon x-tree-elbow">',
-                                 '<img src="', a.icon || this.emptyIcon, '" class="x-tree-node-icon',(a.icon ? " x-tree-node-inline-icon" : ""),(a.iconCls ? " "+a.iconCls : ""),'" unselectable="on">',
-                                 '<a hidefocus="on" class="x-tree-node-anchor" href="',a.href ? a.href : "#",'" tabIndex="1" ',
-                                 a.hrefTarget ? ' target="'+a.hrefTarget+'"' : "", '>',
-                                 '<span unselectable="on">', n.text || (c.renderer ? c.renderer(a[c.dataIndex], n, a) : a[c.dataIndex]),"</span></a>",
-                             "</div>"];
-                      for(var i = 1, len = cols.length; i < len; i++) {
-                          c = cols[i];
-                          if( i == 1 ) { colID = 'qo-kregator-unSeen-'+n.id; }
-                          else { colID = 'qo-kregator-Total-'+n.id; }
-                          buf.push('<div class="qo-kregator-x-tree-col ',(c.cls?c.cls:''),'" style="width:',c.width-bw,'px;">',
-                                     '<div class="qo-kregator-x-tree-col-text" id="'+colID+'">',(c.renderer ? c.renderer(a[c.dataIndex], n, a) : a[c.dataIndex]),"</div>",
-                                   "</div>");
-                      }
-                      buf.push(
-                         '<div class="x-clear"></div></div>',
-                         '<ul class="x-tree-node-ct" style="display:none;"></ul>',
-                         "</li>");
-                     if(bulkRender !== true && n.nextSibling && n.nextSibling.ui.getEl()){
-                         this.wrap = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeBegin",
-                                             n.nextSibling.ui.getEl(), buf.join(""));
-                     }else{
-                         this.wrap = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeEnd", targetNode, buf.join(""));
-                     }
-                     this.elNode = this.wrap.childNodes[0];
-                     this.ctNode = this.wrap.childNodes[1];
-                     var cs = this.elNode.firstChild.childNodes;
-                     this.indentNode = cs[0];
-                     this.ecNode = cs[1];
-                     this.iconNode = cs[2];
-                     this.anchor = cs[3];
-                     this.textNode = cs[3].firstChild;
-                 }
-             });
-            this.dsItems = new Ext.data.Store({
-                proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
-                    url: this.app.connection+'?moduleId='+this.moduleId+'&fileName=php/qo-kregator.php&what=get_items'
-                }),
-                reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
-                    root: 'Items',
-                    totalProperty: 'nbItems',
-                    id: 'id'
-                }, [{
-                    name: 'id',
-                    mapping: 'id'
-                }, {
-                    name: 't',
-                    mapping: 't'
-                }, {
-                    name: 'd',
-                    mapping: 'd'
-                }, {
-                    name: 'u',
-                    mapping: 'u'
-                }, {
-                    name: 's',
-                    mapping: 's'
-                }, {
-                    name: 'i',
-                    mapping: 'i'
-                }, {
-                    name: 'f',
-                    mapping: 'f'
-                }, {
-                    name: 'id_f',
-                    mapping: 'id_f'
-                }, {
-                    name: 'sum',
-                    mapping: 'sum'
-                }])
-            });
-            // Sort by default : date, DESC
-            this.dsItems.setDefaultSort('d', 'desc');
-            this.dsItems.on('load', function(){
-                this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutDone);
-                this.selectFirstUnreadItems();
-            }, this);
-            this.dsItemDesc = new Ext.data.Store({
-                proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
-                    url: this.app.connection
-                }),
-                baseParams: {
-                    moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                    fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                    what: 'get_items_desc'
-                },
-                reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({}, [{
-                    name: 't'
-                }, {
-                    name: 'd'
-                }, {
-                    name: 'a'
-                }, {
-                    name: 'des'
-                }, {
-                    name: 'u'
-                }, {
-                    name: 'f'
-                }])
-            });
-            this.dsItemDesc.on('load', function(){
-                var nodeItem = this.dsItemDesc.getAt(0);
-                var title = nodeItem.data.t;
-                var link = nodeItem.data.u;
-                var date = this.renderDate(nodeItem.data.d, this.ConfDateTimeFormat);
-                var auteur = nodeItem.data.a;
-                var feedName = nodeItem.data.f;
-                var desc = nodeItem.data.des;
-                if (this.PanelFeedTree.selModel.selNode.attributes.view == 'site') {
-                    this.PanelPreview.setTitle(this.PanelFeedTree.selModel.selNode.attributes.text);
-                    this.PanelPreview.body.dom.innerHTML = '<div class="qo-kregator-preview-content"><iframe width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" src="' + link + '" /></div>';
-                } else {
-                    this.PanelPreview.setTitle(feedName);
-                    var content = '<div class="qo-kregator-feed-info">' +
-                    '<div class="qo-kregator-item-date">' +
-                    date +
-                    '</div>' +
-                    '<div class="qo-kregator-item-title">' +
-                    title +
-                    '</div>' +
-                    '<div class="qo-kregator-item-author">' +
-                    QoKregator.PreviewAutor +
-                    auteur +
-                    '</div>' +
-                    '</div>' +
-                    '<div class="qo-kregator-feed-content">' +
-                    desc +
-                    '</div>';
-                    this.PanelPreview.body.dom.innerHTML = content;
-                    this.setContentFontSize('=');
-                    this.PanelPreview.el.on('click', function(e, target, options) {
-                        e.preventDefault();
-                        e.stopEvent();
-                        var delai = new Date();
-                        var curClick = delai.getTime();
-                        if (this.LastClick === 0) { this.LastClick = curClick - 51; }
-                        var diff = (curClick - this.LastClick);
-                        if (target.href) {
-                            if (diff > 50) {
-                                this.LastClick = curClick;
-                                var uniq = Ext.id();
-                                this.openInTab(uniq, target.href, target.href);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }, this);
-                }
-                this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutDone);
-            }, this);
-            this.PanelFeedTree = new Ext.tree.KregaColumnTree({
-                    width:252,
-                    id: 'qo-kregator-id-tree-column',
-                    border: false,
-                    enableDD: true,
-                    autoHeight:true,
-                    rootVisible:false,
-                    autoScroll:true,
-                    containerScroll: true,
-                    listeners: {
-                        scope: this,
-                        contextmenu: this.onContextMenuFeed,
-                        click: this.onClickFeed
-                    },
-                    columns:[{
-                        id:'qo-kregator-feedTree-colum',
-                        header:QoKregator.TreeTitle,
-                        width:150,
-                        dataIndex:'text'
-                    },{
-                        header: QoKregator.TreeColumn1,
-                        width:this.columnUnseenWidth,
-                        dataIndex:'unseen'
-                    },{
-                        header: QoKregator.TreeColumn2,
-                        width:this.columnTotalWidth,
-                        dataIndex:'total'
-                    }],
-                    loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({
-                        dataUrl:this.app.connection+'?moduleId='+this.moduleId+'&fileName=php/qo-kregator.php&what=get_nodes',
-                        uiProviders:{
-                            'col': Ext.tree.KregaColumnNodeUI
-                        }
-                    }),
-                    root: new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
-                        text:'RootFeed'
-                    })
-            });
-            // Editor
-            this.PanelFeedTreeEditor = new Ext.tree.TreeEditor(this.PanelFeedTree, {
-                allowBlank: false
-            });
-            // Edit node
-            this.PanelFeedTreeEditor.on('complete', function(editor, fieldValue, beforeValue){
-                // If there is no change, go back
-                if(fieldValue == beforeValue) { return; }
-                this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutMod);
-                // Update nodeText
-                var saveFeedText = new Ext.data.Connection();
-                saveFeedText.request({
-                    scope: this,
-                    url: this.app.connection,
-                    params: {
-                        moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                        fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                        id: editor.editNode.id,
-                        value: fieldValue,
-                        what: 'mod_feed_text'
-                    },
-                    success: function(response, options){
-                        var o = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
-                        if (o.success) {
-                            this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutModOk);
-                            // Update tab title & preview Title
-                            Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-main').setTitle(Ext.util.Format.ellipsis(fieldValue,20));
-                            this.PanelPreview.setTitle(fieldValue);
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutModNok);
-                        }
-                    }
-                });
-            }, this);
-            // Drag & Drop Tree Elements
-            this.PanelFeedTree.on('enddrag', function(tree){
-                this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutReorder);
-                function simplifyNodes(node){
-                    var resultNode = {};
-                    var kids = node.childNodes;
-                    var len = kids.length;
-                    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-                        resultNode[kids[i].id] = simplifyNodes(kids[i]);
-                    }
-                    return resultNode;
-                }
-                // JSON-encode our tree
-                var encNodes = Ext.encode(simplifyNodes(this.PanelFeedTree.root));
-                // send it to the backend to save
-                var saveOrder = new Ext.data.Connection();
-                saveOrder.request({
-                    scope: this,
-                    url: this.app.connection,
-                    params: {
-                        moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                        fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                        nodes: encNodes,
-                        what: 'save_nodes'
-                    },
-                    success: function(response, options){
-                        var o = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
-                        if (o.success) {
-                            this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutReorderOk);
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-error', QoKregator.StatutReorderNok);
-                        }
-                    }
-                });
-            }, this);
-            // New SearchField
-            Ext.app.SearchField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TwinTriggerField, {
-                initComponent: function(){
-                    if (!this.store.baseParams) {
-                        this.store.baseParams = {};
-                    }
-                    Ext.app.SearchField.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
-                    this.on('specialkey', function(f, e){
-                        if (e.getKey() == e.ENTER) {
-                            this.onTrigger2Click();
-                        }
-                    }, this);
-                },
-                validationEvent: false,
-                validateOnBlur: false,
-                trigger1Class: 'x-form-clear-trigger',
-                trigger2Class: 'x-form-search-trigger',
-                hideTrigger1: true,
-                width: 100,
-                hasSearch: false,
-                emptyText: QoKregator.FeedGridFilterSearch,
-                onTrigger1Click: function(){
-                    if (this.hasSearch) {
-                        this.store.baseParams = {
-                            'id_feed': this.env.curFeedId,
-                            'id_node': this.env.curNodeId
-                        };
-                        Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-etat').setValue('all', true);
-                        var o = {
-                            start: 0,
-                            limit: 25
-                        };
-                        this.store.reload({
-                            params: o
-                        });
-                        this.el.dom.value = '';
-                        this.triggers[0].hide();
-                        this.hasSearch = false;
-                    }
-                    this.reset();
-                },
-                onTrigger2Click: function(){
-                    var v = this.getRawValue();
-                    if (v.length < 2 && v !== '') {
-                        Ext.Msg.alert(QoKregator.FeedGridBoxSearchTitle, QoKregator.FeedGridBoxSearchContent);
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    this.env.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutSearchLoad);
-                    this.store.baseParams = {
-                        'id_feed': this.env.curFeedId,
-                        'id_node': this.env.curNodeId,
-                        'searchText': v,
-                        'searchEtat': Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-etat').getValue(),
-                        'searchDate' : Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-datefilter-btn').curDate
-                    };
-                    var o = {
-                        start: 0,
-                        limit: 25
-                    };
-                    this.store.reload({
-                        params: o
-                    });
-                    this.hasSearch = true;
-                    this.triggers[0].show();
-                }
-            });
-            Ext.reg('searchfield', Ext.app.SearchField);
-            // End new searchField
-            this.PanelGridItem = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
-                scope: this,
-                id:'qo-kregator-id-gridFeed-panel',
-                store: this.dsItems,
-                lastRowClick: {
-                    time: new Date().getTime(),
-                    row: -1
-                },
-                columns: [{
-                    id: 'article',
-                    header: QoKregator.FeedGridHeaderItem,
-                    sortable: true,
-                    dataIndex: 't'
-                }, {
-                    id: 'feed',
-                    header: QoKregator.FeedGridHeaderFeed,
-                    sortable: true,
-                    width: 120,
-                    dataIndex: 'f'
-                }, {
-                    id: 'date',
-                    header: QoKregator.FeedGridHeaderDate,
-                    width: 120,
-                    sortable: true,
-                    dataIndex: 'd',
-                    scope: this,
-                    renderer: this.renderDate.createDelegate(this, [this.ConfDateTimeFormat], 1)
-                }],
-                autoExpandColumn: 'article',
-                loadMask: true,
-                viewConfig: {
-                    scope: this,
-                    forceFit: true,
-                    showSummary: this.ConfShowSummary,
-                    enableRowBody: true,
-                    getRowClass: function(record, rowIndex, p, ds) {
-                        var retour = '';
-                        if (record.data.s == 'y') {
-                            retour += 'qo-kregator-feed-read';
-                        } else {
-                            retour += 'qo-kregator-feed-unread';
-                        }
-                        if (record.data.i == 'y') {
-                            retour += ' qo-kregator-feed-important';
-                        }
-                        if( this.showSummary ) {
-                            p.body = '<p class="qo-kregator-summary">' + record.data.sum + '</p>';
-                            retour += ' x-grid3-row-expanded';
-                        }
-                        return retour;
-                    }
-                },
-                enableColumnMove: true,
-                tbar: [{
-                      xtype:'searchfield',
-                      id: 'qo-kregator-search',
-                      width: 130,
-                      store: this.dsItems,
-                      env: this,
-                      listeners: {
-                        scope: this
-                      }
-                  },'-',{
-                      xtype: 'combo',
-                      store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
-                      fields: ['etat', 'Libel'],
-                      data: [['all', QoKregator.FeedGridFilterAllItems], ['nonlu', QoKregator.FeedGridFilterUnseenItems], ['important', QoKregator.FeedGridFilterImportantItems]]
-                      }),
-                      displayField: 'Libel',
-                      valueField: 'etat',
-                      typeAhead: true,
-                      width: 120,
-                      mode: 'local',
-                      triggerAction: 'all',
-                      selectOnFocus: false,
-                      editable: false,
-                      allowBlank: false,
-                      value: 'all',
-                      id: 'qo-kregator-etat',
-                      listeners: {
-                          scope: this,
-                          select: function(){
-                              Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-search').onTrigger2Click();
-                          }
-                      }
-                  },'-',{
-                      xtype: 'tbsplit',
-                      scope:this,
-                      text: QoKregator.FeedGridFilterDateAllDate,
-                      id: 'qo-kregator-datefilter-btn',
-                      iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-datefilter',
-                      tooltip: QoKregator.FeedGridFilterDatePickDate,
-                      curDate: '*',
-                      enableToggle: true,
-                      handler: function(btn) {
-                        if( btn.pressed ) {
-                          btn.setText(QoKregator.FeedGridFilterDatePickDate);
-                          btn.showMenu();
-                          btn.curDate = '*';
-                        } else {
-                          btn.setText(QoKregator.FeedGridFilterDateAllDate);
-                          btn.hideMenu();
-                          btn.curDate = '*';
-                          Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-search').onTrigger2Click();
-                        }
-                      },
-                      menu:  new Ext.menu.DateMenu({
-                          scope: this,
-                          handler : function(dp, date){
-                              Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-datefilter-btn').setText(date.format(this.ConfDateFormat));
-                              Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-datefilter-btn').curDate = date.format('Y:m:d');
-                              Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-search').onTrigger2Click();
-                          }
-                      })
-                  }, '-', {
-                      scope: this,
-                      tooltip: {
-                          title: QoKregator.ReadingBtnTitle,
-                          text: QoKregator.ReadingBtnQtip
-                      },
-                      iconCls: 'qo-kregator-preview-bottom',
-                      handler: this.movePreview
-                  },'-',{
-                      scope: this,
-                      tooltip: {
-                          title: QoKregator.SummaryBtnTitle,
-                          text: QoKregator.SummaryBtnText
-                      },
-                      enableToggle: true,
-                      id:'qo-kregator-summary-btn-id',
-                      iconCls: 'qo-kregator-summary-btn',
-                      toggleHandler: function(btn, pressed){
-                        this.toggleSummary(pressed);
-                      }
-                  },'-', {
-                      xtype: 'button',
-                      scope:this,
-                      id: 'qo-kregator-contextmenu-news-btn',
-                      iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-contextmenu',
-                      tooltip: {
-                          title: QoKregator.ContextMenuBtnTooltipTitle,
-                          text: QoKregator.ContextMenuBtnTooltipText
-                      },
-                      menu: []
-                  }
-                ],
-                bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({
-                    pageSize: 25,
-                    store: this.dsItems,
-                    displayInfo: true,
-                    displayMsg: QoKregator.FeedGridPagingDisplay,
-                    emptyMsg: QoKregator.FeedGridPagingNoDisplay
-                }),
-                listeners: {
-                    scope: this,
-                    rowdblclick: function(grid, rowIndex, e) {
-                        var _node = this.dsItems.getAt(rowIndex);
-                        var _id = _node.data.id;
-                        var _link = _node.data.u;
-                        var _title = _node.data.t;
-                        this.openInTab('items-' + _id, _title, _link);
-                        var timeNow = new Date().getTime();
-                        if(grid.lastRowClick.row != rowIndex){
-                            grid.lastRowClick.row = rowIndex;
-                            grid.lastRowClick.time = timeNow;
-                        }
-                        else if(timeNow - grid.lastRowClick.time >= 500){
-                            return;
-                        }
-                        else{
-                            grid.lastRowClick.time = timeNow;
-                        }
-                    },
-                    rowclick: function(grid, rowIndex, e) {
-                        var timeNow = new Date().getTime();
-                        if(grid.lastRowClick.row != rowIndex){
-                            grid.lastRowClick.row = rowIndex;
-                            grid.lastRowClick.time = timeNow;
-                        }
-                        else if(timeNow - grid.lastRowClick.time < 500){
-                            return;
-                        }
-                        else{
-                            grid.lastRowClick.time = timeNow;
-                        }
-                    },
-                    rowcontextmenu: function(grid, rowIndex, e){
-                        this.onContextItemFeed(grid, rowIndex, e);
-                    }
-                }
-            });
-            // SelectionModel for GridPanel
-            var smPanelGridItem = this.PanelGridItem.getSelectionModel();
-            smPanelGridItem.on('rowselect', function(sM, rowIndex, r) {
-               //Build the sub-menu for the contextMenu-btn
-               Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-contextmenu-news-btn').setMenu(this.createContextItemFeed());
-               this.loadItem(rowIndex);
-            }, this);
-            this.PanelCenter = new Ext.TabPanel({
-                region: 'center',
-                margins: '0 0 0 0',
-                activeTab: 0,
-                border: false,
-                bodyStyle: 'background-color:#fff',
-                enableTabScroll: true,
-                plugins: new Ext.ux.KregaTabCloseMenu(this),
-                defaults: {
-                    autoScroll: true
-                },
-                items: [{
-                    title: QoKregator.FeedGridTabTitle,
-                    id: 'qo-kregator-main',
-                    border: false,
-                    margins: '0 0 0 0',
-                    layout: 'fit',
-                    items: [{
-                        region: 'center',
-                        border: false,
-                        layout: 'border',
-                        margins: '0 0 0 0',
-                        items: [{
-                            region: 'center',
-                            layout: 'fit',
-                            border: false,
-                            minHeight: 150,
-                            height: 150,
-                            split: true,
-                            items: this.PanelGridItem
-                        }, {
-                            autoScroll: true,
-                            layout: 'fit',
-                            region: 'south',
-                            split: true,
-                            height: 300,
-                            bodyStyle: 'background-color:#fff',
-                            id: 'qo-kregator-previewPanelSouth',
-                            title: QoKregator.PreviewTitle
-                        }, {
-                            autoScroll: true,
-                            layout: 'fit',
-                            region: 'east',
-                            split: true,
-                            hidden: true,
-                            width: 400,
-                            bodyStyle: 'background-color:#fff',
-                            id: 'qo-kregator-previewPanelEast',
-                            title: QoKregator.PreviewTitle
-                        }]
-                    }]
-                }]
-            });
-            this.PanelPreview = Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-previewPanelSouth');
-            var winWidth = desktop.getWinWidth() / 1.1;
-            var winHeight = desktop.getWinHeight() / 1.1;
-            // Feed ToolBar
-            this.tbFeedBtnAvailable.AddFeed = {
-                        xtype: 'button',
-                        id: 'qo-kregator-add-feed-btn',
-                        iconCls:'qo-kregator-icon-add-feed',
-                        cls: 'x-btn-icon',
-                        scope: this,
-                        handler: function(){
-                            this.showAddFeed(0);
-                        },
-                        tooltip: QoKregator.TreeAddFeed
-            };
-            this.tbFeedBtnAvailable.AddFolder = {
-                        xtype: 'button',
-                        iconCls:'qo-kregator-icon-add-folder',
-                        scope: this,
-                        handler: function(){
-                            this.showAddFolder(0);
-                        },
-                        tooltip: QoKregator.TreeAddFolder
-            };
-            this.tbFeedBtnAvailable.Import = {
-                        xtype: 'button',
-                        iconCls:'qo-kregator-icon-import',
-                        scope: this,
-                        handler: this.showImport,
-                        tooltip: QoKregator.TreeImport
-            };
-            this.tbFeedBtnAvailable.Export = {
-                        xtype: 'button',
-                        scope: this,
-                        iconCls:'qo-kregator-icon-export',
-                        handler: function(){
-                            window.location = this.app.connection+'?moduleId='+this.moduleId+'&fileName=php/export.php';
-                        },
-                        tooltip: QoKregator.TreeExport
-            };
-            this.tbFeedBtnAvailable.ExpandCollapse = {
-                        xtype: 'button',
-                        scope: this,
-                        id: 'qo-kregator-expand-collapse-btn',
-                        iconCls:'qo-kregator-icon-expand',
-                        handler: function(){
-                           if( !this.ConfExpandCollapse ) {
-                             this.ConfExpandCollapse='collapse';
-                             this.PanelFeedTree.expandAll();
-                             Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-expand-collapse-btn').setIconClass('qo-kregator-icon-collapse');
-                           } else if( this.ConfExpandCollapse == 'expand' ) {
-                             this.ConfExpandCollapse='collapse';
-                             this.PanelFeedTree.expandAll();
-                             Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-expand-collapse-btn').setIconClass('qo-kregator-icon-collapse');
-                           } else if( this.ConfExpandCollapse == 'collapse' ) {
-                             this.ConfExpandCollapse='expand';
-                             this.PanelFeedTree.collapseAll();
-                             Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-expand-collapse-btn').setIconClass('qo-kregator-icon-expand');
-                           }
-                        },
-                        tooltip: QoKregator.TreeExpandCollapse
-            };
-            this.tbFeedBtnAvailable.RefreshFeed = {
-                        xtype: 'button',
-                        scope:this,
-                        id: 'qo-kregator-add-refresh-feed-btn',
-                        iconCls: 'qo-kregator-refresh-btn',
-                        handler: function(){
-                            this.TaskSearchFeed.delay(1000);
-                        },
-                        tooltip: QoKregator.TreeRefresh
-            };
-            this.tbFeedBtnAvailable.ContextMenu = {
-                        xtype: 'button',
-                        scope:this,
-                        id: 'qo-kregator-contextmenu-btn',
-                        iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-contextmenu',
-                        tooltip: {
-                          title: QoKregator.ContextMenuBtnTooltipTitle,
-                          text: QoKregator.ContextMenuBtnTooltipText
-                        },
-                        menu: []
-            };
-            win = desktop.createWindow({
-                id: 'qo-kregator',
-                title: 'Qo-Kregator',
-                width: winWidth,
-                height: winHeight,
-                x: desktop.getWinX(winWidth),
-                y: desktop.getWinY(winHeight),
-                iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon',
-                shim: false,
-                animCollapse: false,
-                constrainHeader: true,
-                minimizable: true,
-                maximizable: true,
-                layout: 'border',
-                tools : [{
-                  scope: this,
-                  id:'gear',
-                  qtip:QoKregator.WinConfToolTip,
-                  handler:this.showConf
-                }, {
-                  scope: this,
-                  id:'help',
-                  qtip: QoKregator.WinAboutTitle,
-                  handler:this.showAbout
-                }],
-                bbar: new Ext.StatusBar({
-                          id: 'qo-kregator-statusBar',
-                          text: QoKregator.StatutReady,
-                          iconCls: 'qo-kregator-done'
-                }),
-                items: [{
-                    region: 'west',
-                    layout:'fit',
-                    id: 'qo-kregator-id-Feed-Tree',
-                    autoScroll: true,
-                    collapsible: true,
-                    collapseMode: 'mini',
-                    cmargins: '0 0 0 0',
-                    margins: '0 0 0 0',
-                    split: true,
-                    bodyStyle: 'background-color:#fff',
-                    width: 254,
-                    items: this.PanelFeedTree,
-                    scope: this,
-                    tbar: []
-                }, this.PanelCenter]
-            });
-            //Build Tb Feed
-            this.buildTbFeed();
-            this.PanelFeedTree.on('collapsenode', function(node){ this.saveFolderState(node.id, 0); }, this);
-            this.PanelFeedTree.on('expandnode', function(node){ this.saveFolderState(node.id, 1); }, this);
-            // Set preview pane position
-            this.setPreviewPanePosition(this.ConfPreviewPane);
-            // Set summary configuration
-            this.setSummary(this.ConfShowSummary);
-            // Show / Hide the statusBar
-            this.showHideStatusBar();
-            // Set Pane Size
-            this.setPanelSize('tree_panel_width',  this.ConfTreePanelWidth);
-            this.setPanelSize('grid_panel_height', this.ConfGridPanelHeight);
-            this.setPanelSize('panel_south_height',this.ConfPreviewPanelSouthHeight);
-            this.setPanelSize('panel_east_width',  this.ConfPreviewPanelEastWidth);
-            if (this.ConfOldItems) {
-                // Register task for delete old items
-                this.TaskCleanFeed = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.cleanFeed, this);
-                this.TaskCleanFeed.delay(2000); // start after 2 secondes.
-            } else {
-                // Register task for AutoRefresh Feed
-                this.TaskSearchFeed = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.searchFeed, this);
-                this.TaskSearchFeed.delay(2000); // start after 2 secondes.
-            }
-            // Unregister
-            win.on('close', function() { this.TaskSearchFeed.cancel(); }, this);
-            var Krega_taskSelectFirstFeed = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.selectFirstUnseenFeed, this);
-            Krega_taskSelectFirstFeed.delay(1000); // start after 1 seconde.
-            this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutReady);
-            // 'On' resize TreePanel
-            Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-id-Feed-Tree').on('resize', function(panel, Pwidth, Pheight) {
-              var treeWidth;
-              if( panel.body.isScrollable() ) { treeWidth = Pwidth-19; }
-              else { treeWidth = Pwidth; }
-              this.setFeedPanelWidth(treeWidth);
-              this.savePanelSizeState('tree_panel_width', treeWidth);
-            }, this);
-            // 'On' resize GridPanel
-            Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-id-gridFeed-panel').on('resize', function(panel, Pwidth, Pheight) {
-                this.savePanelSizeState('grid_panel_height', Pheight);
-            }, this);
-            // 'On' resize PreviewPanel Bottom
-            Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-previewPanelSouth').on('resize', function(panel, Pwidth, Pheight) {
-              this.savePanelSizeState('preview_panel_south_height', Pheight);
-            }, this);
-            // 'On' resize PreviewPanel Right
-            Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-previewPanelEast').on('resize', function(panel, Pwidth, Pheight) {
-              this.savePanelSizeState('preview_panel_east_width', Pwidth);
-            }, this);
-            // Remove the splash screen
-            Ext.get('qo-kregator-splash').fadeOut({
-                remove: true
-            });
-            // Handle How we must open Qo-Kregator
-            if( this.ConfOpenMode == 'Window' ) {
-              win.show();
-            } else if( this.ConfOpenMode == 'FullScreen' ) {
-              win.show();
-              win.maximize();
-            } else if( this.ConfOpenMode == 'Minimized' ) {}
-              } // End successfully load user's configuration
-          });
-        } else { win.show(); }
-    }, //createWindow
-    buildTbFeed: function() {
-      // We remove all button currently in this toolBar
-      var nbButton = Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-id-Feed-Tree').getTopToolbar().items.items.length;
-      for( var i=0; i < nbButton; i++ ) {
-        var item = Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-id-Feed-Tree').getTopToolbar().items.itemAt(i);
-        item.destroy();
-      }
-      // And now, we create the New ToolBar
-      var curTb = [];
-      Ext.each(this.tbFeedBtnCurrent, function(item) {
-        curTb.push(this.tbFeedBtnAvailable[item]);
-      }, this);
-      Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-id-Feed-Tree').getTopToolbar().add(curTb);
-      // Build the sub Menu for contextMenu button if exist
-      if( Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-contextmenu-btn') ) {
-        var node = this.PanelFeedTree.getSelectionModel().getSelectedNode();
-        if( node && node.attributes.type == 'folder' ) {
-          Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-contextmenu-btn').setMenu(this.createContextMenuTreeFolder());
-        }
-        if( node && node.attributes.type == 'file' ) {
-            Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-contextmenu-btn').setMenu(this.createContextMenuTreeFeed());
-        }
-      }
-    }, //buildTbFeed
-    selectFirstUnreadItems: function() {
-     var firstItem = false;
-     var firstItemUnread = false;
-     var rowIndex = 0;
-     // If there is no items in the dsItems, we reset the contextMenu-btn
-     if( this.dsItems.data.length === 0 ) {
-       Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-contextmenu-news-btn').setMenu('');
-     }
-     // We loop over items
-     for( var i = 0 ; i < this.dsItems.data.length ; i++ ) {
-       // State first items
-       if( i === 0 ) { firstItem = this.dsItems.data.items[i].data.id; }
-       // State first items unread
-       if( this.dsItems.data.items[i].data.s == 'n' ) {
-        firstItemUnread = this.dsItems.data.items[i].data.id;
-        rowIndex = i;
-        break;
-       }
-     }
-     if( firstItemUnread ) {
-      // Load first unread
-      this.PanelGridItem.getSelectionModel().selectRow(rowIndex);
-      this.loadItem(rowIndex);
-     } else if( firstItem ) {
-      // or load first item
-      this.PanelGridItem.getSelectionModel().selectRow(rowIndex);
-      this.loadItem(rowIndex);
-     }
-    }, // selectFirstUnreadItems
-    selectFirstUnseenFeed: function() {
-        var firstFeed = false;
-        var firstFolder = false;
-        var firstFeedUnread = false;
-        function _searchFeed(node){
-            var kids = node.childNodes;
-            var len = kids.length;
-            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-                if (kids[i].attributes.type == 'folder') {
-                    if( !firstFolder ) { firstFolder = kids[i].id; }
-                }
-                if (kids[i].attributes.type == 'file') {
-                    if( !firstFeed ) { firstFeed = kids[i].id; }
-                    if( kids[i].attributes.unseen != '-' && kids[i].attributes.unseen > 0 ) {
-                       if( !firstFeedUnread ) {
-                        firstFeedUnread = kids[i].id;
-                        break;
-                       }
-                    }
-                }
-                if( !firstFeedUnread ) { _searchFeed(kids[i]); }
-            }
-        }
-        _searchFeed(this.PanelFeedTree.getRootNode());
-        // Select Best Feed
-        if( firstFeedUnread ) {
-         this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(firstFeedUnread).select();
-         this.onClickFeed(this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(firstFeedUnread));
-        } else if( firstFeed ) {
-         this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(firstFeed).select();
-         this.onClickFeed(this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(firstFeed));
-        } else if( firstFolder ) {
-         this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(firstFolder).select();
-         this.onClickFeed(this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(firstFolder));
-        }
-    },
-    loadItem : function(rowIndex) {
-        var curArticle = this.dsItems.getAt(rowIndex).data.id;
-        this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutLoadFeedArticle + this.dsItems.getAt(rowIndex).data.t);
-        this.markAsSeenUnseen('y', curArticle, this);
-        var r = Ext.get(this.PanelGridItem.getView().getRow(rowIndex));
-        r.replaceClass("qo-kregator-feed-unread", "qo-kregator-feed-read");
-        this.dsItemDesc.load({
-            params: {
-                'id_item': curArticle
-            }
-        });
-    }, // loadItem
-    setPanelSize : function(Panel, Psize) {
-        switch (Panel) {
-            case 'tree_panel_width':
-                Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-id-Feed-Tree').setWidth(Psize);
-                this.setFeedPanelWidth(Psize);
-                break;
-            case 'grid_panel_height':
-                Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-id-gridFeed-panel').setHeight(Psize);
-                break;
-            case 'panel_south_height':
-                Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-previewPanelSouth').setHeight(Psize);
-                break;
-            case 'panel_east_width':
-                Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-previewPanelEast').setWidth(Psize);
-                break;
-        }
-    }, // setPanelSize
-    savePanelSizeState : function(Panel, Psize) {
-            Ext.Ajax.request({
-                url: this.app.connection,
-                params: {
-                  moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                  fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                  panel: Panel,
-                  panelsize: Psize,
-                  what: 'set_panelsize_state'
-                }
-            });
-    }, //savePanelWidthState
-    setFeedPanelWidth : function(treeWidth) {
-      var bw = Ext.isBorderBox ? 0 : 2;
-      var widths = [(treeWidth-(this.columnUnseenWidth+this.columnTotalWidth+4)), this.columnUnseenWidth, this.columnTotalWidth];
-      var totalWidth = 0;
-      for (var i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) {
-        totalWidth += widths[i];
-        Ext.select("div.qo-kregator-x-tree-hd:nth-child(" + (i+1) + ")", false, "*TreeID*").setWidth(widths[i] - bw);
-        Ext.select("div.qo-kregator-x-tree-col:nth-child(" + (i+1) + ")", false, "*TreeID*").setWidth(widths[i] - bw);
-        this.PanelFeedTree.columns[i].width = widths[i];
-      }
-      this.PanelFeedTree.headers.setWidth(totalWidth);
-      this.PanelFeedTree.innerCt.setWidth(totalWidth);
-    }, //setFeedPanelWidth
-    setSummary : function(pressed) {
-      this.toggleSummary(pressed);
-      Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-summary-btn-id').toggle(pressed);
-    }, // setSummary
-    toggleSummary : function(pressed) {
-       this.PanelGridItem.view.showSummary = pressed;
-       this.PanelGridItem.view.refresh();
-       // Save in DB
-       this.saveSummaryState(pressed);
-    }, // toggleSummary
-    saveSummaryState:function(state) {
-            Ext.Ajax.request({
-                url: this.app.connection,
-                params: {
-                  moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                  fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                  showSummary: state,
-                  what: 'set_summary_state'
-                }
-            });
-    }, // saveSummaryState
-    saveFolderState:function(_nodeID, expand) {
-            Ext.Ajax.request({
-                url: this.app.connection,
-                params: {
-                  moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                  fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                  nodeID: _nodeID,
-                  expand: expand,
-                  what: 'set_folder_state'
-                },
-                success: function(response, options){},
-                failure: function(response, options){}
-            });
-    }, // saveFolderState
-    movePreview: function() {
-        if( this.ConfPreviewPane == 'bottom' ) {
-         // Set to right
-         this.ConfPreviewPane = 'right';
-         this.setPreviewPanePosition('right');
-        } else if( this.ConfPreviewPane == 'right' ) {
-         //set to hide
-         this.ConfPreviewPane = 'hide';
-         this.setPreviewPanePosition('hide');
-        } else if( this.ConfPreviewPane == 'hide' ) {
-         // set to bottom
-         this.ConfPreviewPane = 'bottom';
-         this.setPreviewPanePosition('bottom');
-        }
-    }, // movePreview
-    setPreviewPanePosition : function(position) {
-        var _title = this.PanelPreview.title;
-        var _content = this.PanelPreview.body.dom.innerHTML;
-        var right = Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-previewPanelEast');
-        var bot = Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-previewPanelSouth');
-        var btn = this.PanelGridItem.getTopToolbar().items.get(6);
-        switch (position) {
-            case 'bottom':
-                this.PanelPreview = bot;
-                this.PanelPreview.setTitle(_title);
-                this.PanelPreview.body.dom.innerHTML = _content;
-                this.PanelPreview.el.on('click',this.clickInterceptor, this);
-                right.hide();
-                bot.show();
-                bot.ownerCt.doLayout();
-                btn.setIconClass('qo-kregator-preview-bottom');
-                break;
-            case 'right':
-                this.PanelPreview = right;
-                this.PanelPreview.setTitle(_title);
-                this.PanelPreview.body.dom.innerHTML = _content;
-                this.PanelPreview.el.on('click',this.clickInterceptor, this);
-                bot.hide();
-                right.show();
-                right.ownerCt.doLayout();
-                btn.setIconClass('qo-kregator-preview-right');
-                break;
-            case 'hide':
-                this.PanelPreview.hide();
-                this.PanelPreview.ownerCt.doLayout();
-                btn.setIconClass('qo-kregator-preview-hide');
-                break;
-        }
-        this.savePreviewPanePosition(position);
-    }, // setPreviewPanePosition
-    savePreviewPanePosition:function(state) {
-            Ext.Ajax.request({
-                url: this.app.connection,
-                params: {
-                  moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                  fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                  preview_pane: state,
-                  what: 'set_previewpaneposition_state'
-                }
-            });
-    }, // savePreviewPanePosition
-    updateFeedInfo : function(id_feed, nb_unseen, nb_total) {
-     if( nb_total === 0 ) { nb_total = '-'; }
-     if( nb_unseen === 0 ) {
-       // Remove class bold
-       nb_unseen = '-';
-       this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(id_feed).ui.removeClass("qo-kregator-feed-Unseen");
-       Ext.get('qo-kregator-unSeen-'+id_feed).removeClass("qo-kregator-feed-Unseen");
-     } else {
-       // Add class bold
-       this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(id_feed).ui.addClass("qo-kregator-feed-Unseen");
-       Ext.get('qo-kregator-unSeen-'+id_feed).addClass("qo-kregator-feed-Unseen");
-     }
-     Ext.get('qo-kregator-unSeen-'+id_feed).dom.innerHTML = nb_unseen;
-     Ext.get('qo-kregator-Total-'+id_feed).dom.innerHTML = nb_total;
-    }, //updateFeedInfo
-    cleanFeed: function(){
-        this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutCleanItemsWait);
-        Ext.Ajax.request({
-            scope: this,
-            url: this.app.connection,
-            params: {
-                moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                day: this.ConfOldItemsDay,
-                what: 'clean_feed'
-            },
-            success: function(response, options){
-                var o = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
-                if (o.success) {
-                    this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutCleanItemsOk + o.del_items);
-                }
-                else {
-                    this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-error', QoKregator.StatutCleanItemsNok + o.msg);
-                }
-                // Register task for AutoRefresh Feed after cleanFeed
-                this.TaskSearchFeed = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.searchFeed, this);
-                this.TaskSearchFeed.delay(2000); // start after 2 secondes.
-            }
-        });
-    }, // cleanFeed
-    clickInterceptor : function(e, target, options){
-        e.preventDefault();
-        e.stopEvent();
-        var delai = new Date();
-        var curClick = delai.getTime();
-        if (this.LastClick === 0) {
-            this.LastClick = curClick - 51;
-        }
-        var diff = (curClick - this.LastClick);
-        if (target.href) {
-            if (diff > 50) {
-                this.LastClick = curClick;
-                var uniq = Ext.id();
-                this.openInTab(uniq, target.href, target.href);
-            }
-        }
-    }, // clickInterceptor
-    /********
-     *
-     * ContextMenu
-     *
-     ********/
-    createContextMenuTreeFeed: function() {
-        var node = this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(this.curNodeId);
-        var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
-            items: [{
-                text: QoKregator.TreeFeedMarkAsRead,
-                iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-mark-all-as-read',
-                scope: this,
-                handler: function(el, ev){
-                    this.markAllAsRead(node, this);
-                }
-            }, new Ext.menu.Separator(), {
-                scope: this,
-                text: QoKregator.TreeFeedLoadFeed,
-                iconCls:'qo-kregator-refresh-btn',
-                handler: function(n, ev){
-                    this.updateFeed(node.attributes.text, node.attributes.id, node.id, 'off', -1);
-                }
-            }, new Ext.menu.Separator(), {
-                scope: this,
-                text: QoKregator.TreeFeedOpenSite,
-                iconCls: 'qo-kregator-open-site-btn',
-                handler: function(n, ev){
-                    this.openInTab(node.attributes.id, node.attributes.text, node.attributes.url);
-                }
-            }, new Ext.menu.Separator(), {
-                scope: this,
-                text: QoKregator.TreeFeedMod,
-                iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-mod-feed',
-                handler: function(n, ev){
-                    this.showModFeed(node);
-                }
-            }, {
-                scope: this,
-                text: QoKregator.TreeFeedDel,
-                iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-del-feed',
-                handler: function(n, ev){
-                    this.showDelItemArbre(node);
-                }
-            }]
-        });
-        return menu;
-    }, //createContextMenuTreeFeed
-    createContextMenuTreeFolder: function() {
-        var node = this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(this.curNodeId);
-        var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
-            items: [{
-                scope: this,
-                text: QoKregator.TreeAddNewFeed,
-                iconCls:'qo-kregator-icon-add-feed',
-                handler: function(n, ev){
-                    this.showAddFeed(node.id);
-                }
-            }, {
-                scope: this,
-                text: QoKregator.TreeAddNewFolder,
-                iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-add-folder',
-                handler: function(n, ev){
-                    this.showAddFolder(node.id);
-                }
-            }, '-', {
-                scope: this,
-                text: QoKregator.TreeFolderMod,
-                iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-mod-folder',
-                handler: function(n, ev){
-                    // Start Edit
-                    this.PanelFeedTreeEditor.editNode = node;
-                    this.PanelFeedTreeEditor.startEdit(node.ui.getAnchor(), node.text);
-                }
-            }, {
-                scope: this,
-                text: QoKregator.TreeFolderDel,
-                iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-del-folder',
-                handler: function(n, ev){
-                    this.showDelItemArbre(node);
-                }
-            }]
-        });
-        return menu;
-    }, //createContextMenuTreeFolder
-    onContextMenuFeed: function(node, ev) {
-        ev.preventDefault();
-        ev.stopEvent();
-        var actuNode = this.PanelFeedTree.getSelectionModel().getSelectedNode();
-        if (node != actuNode) {
-            node.select();
-            this.onClickFeed(node, ev);
-        }
-        this.curNodeId = node.id;
-        var nodeType = node.attributes.type;
-        if (this.curNodeId !== 0) {
-            if (nodeType == 'file') {
-                menu = this.createContextMenuTreeFeed();
-                menu.showAt(ev.getXY());
-            }
-            if (nodeType == 'folder') {
-                menu = this.createContextMenuTreeFolder();
-                menu.showAt(ev.getXY());
-            }
-        }
-    }, // onContextMenuFeed
-    createContextItemFeed : function() {
-        var rowSelected = this.PanelGridItem.getSelections(); // All row selected
-        var RowToDel = ''; // construct the string containing all row to delete
-        var isImportant = false; //Is a row is important into all rows selected ?
-        var isUnseen = false; //Is a row is unseen into all rows selected ?
-        var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu();
-        for (var j = 0; j < rowSelected.length; j++) {
-            RowToDel += rowSelected[j].id + ',';
-            if (rowSelected[j].data.i == 'y') {
-                isImportant = true;
-            }
-            if (rowSelected[j].data.s == 'n') {
-                isUnseen = true;
-            }
-        }
-        menu.add({
-            scope: this,
-            text: QoKregator.FeedGridItemOpenInTab,
-            iconCls: 'qo-kregator-open-inTab-btn',
-            handler: function(){
-                for (var i = 0; i < rowSelected.length; i++) {
-                    var _node = this.dsItems.getById(rowSelected[i].id);
-                    var _link = _node.data.u;
-                    var _title = _node.data.t;
-                    this.openInTab('items-' + rowSelected[i].id, _title, _link);
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        menu.add({
-            scope: this,
-            text: QoKregator.FeedGridItemOpenInWin,
-            iconCls: 'qo-kregator-open-site-btn',
-            handler: function(){
-                for (var i = 0; i < rowSelected.length; i++) {
-                    this.openInWindow(rowSelected[i].id);
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        menu.addSeparator();
-        var varMenuImportant;
-        if (isImportant) {
-            varMenuImportant = new Ext.menu.Item({
-                scope: this,
-                text: QoKregator.FeedGridItemRemoveMarkImportant,
-                iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-unmark-as-important',
-                handler: function(){
-                    for (var i = 0; i < rowSelected.length; i++) {
-                        this.markAsImportant('n', rowSelected[i].id);
-                        var rowId = rowSelected[i].id;
-                        var p = Ext.get(this.PanelGridItem.getView().getRow(this.dsItems.indexOfId(rowId)));
-                        p.removeClass("qo-kregator-feed-important");
-                    }
-                }
-            });
-        }
-        else {
-            varMenuImportant = new Ext.menu.Item({
-                scope: this,
-                text: QoKregator.FeedGridItemMarkAsImportant,
-                iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-mark-as-important',
-                handler: function(){
-                    for (var i = 0; i < rowSelected.length; i++) {
-                        this.markAsImportant('y', rowSelected[i].id);
-                        var rowId = rowSelected[i].id;
-                        var p = Ext.get(this.PanelGridItem.getView().getRow(this.dsItems.indexOfId(rowId)));
-                        p.addClass("qo-kregator-feed-important");
-                    }
-                }
-            });
-        }
-        var varMenuUnseen;
-        if( isUnseen ) {
-          varMenuUnseen = new Ext.menu.Item({
-              scope: this,
-              text: QoKregator.FeedGridItemMarkAsRead,
-              iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-mark-as-read',
-              handler: function(){
-                  for (var i = 0; i < rowSelected.length; i++) {
-                      this.markAsSeenUnseen('y', rowSelected[i].id, this);
-                      var rowId = rowSelected[i].id;
-                      var p = Ext.get(this.PanelGridItem.getView().getRow(this.dsItems.indexOfId(rowId)));
-                      p.addClass("qo-kregator-feed-read");
-                      p.removeClass("qo-kregator-feed-unread");
-                  }
-              }
-          });
-        } else {
-          varMenuUnseen = new Ext.menu.Item({
-              scope: this,
-              text: QoKregator.FeedGridItemMarkAsUnRead,
-              iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-mark-as-unread',
-              handler: function(){
-                  for (var i = 0; i < rowSelected.length; i++) {
-                      this.markAsSeenUnseen('n', rowSelected[i].id, this);
-                      var rowId = rowSelected[i].id;
-                      var p = Ext.get(this.PanelGridItem.getView().getRow(this.dsItems.indexOfId(rowId)));
-                      p.removeClass("qo-kregator-feed-read");
-                      p.addClass("qo-kregator-feed-unread");
-                  }
-              }
-          });
-        }
-        menu.add({
-            scope: this,
-            text: QoKregator.FeedGridItemMarkAs,
-            menu: {
-                items: [varMenuImportant, new Ext.menu.Separator(),varMenuUnseen]
-            }
-        });
-        menu.addSeparator();
-        menu.add({
-            scope: this,
-            text: QoKregator.FeedGridItemDel,
-            iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-del-feed',
-            handler: function(grid, rowIndex, ev){
-                var boxTitle='', boxMessage='';
-                // How many rows to delete ?
-                if( rowSelected.length == 1 ) {
-                 boxTitle = QoKregator.BoxConfirmDelItemTitle;
-                 boxMessage = QoKregator.BoxConfirmDelItemMessage;
-                } else {
-                 boxTitle = QoKregator.BoxConfirmDelItemsTitle;
-                 boxMessage = QoKregator.BoxConfirmDelItemsMessage;
-                }
-                // Show confirm box
-                Ext.Msg.show({
-                   scope: this,
-                   title:boxTitle,
-                   msg: boxMessage,
-                   buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNOCANCEL,
-                   fn: function(btn) {
-                     if( btn == 'yes' ) {
-                         this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutItemDel);
-                         // Update DB
-                         var delItem = new Ext.data.Connection();
-                         delItem.request({
-                             scope: this,
-                             url: this.app.connection,
-                             params: {
-                                 moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                                 fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                                 id_item: RowToDel,
-                                 what: 'del_items'
-                             },
-                             success: function(response, options){
-                                 var o = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
-                                 this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutItemDelOk);
-                                 // Delete ligne(s)
-                                 for (var i = 0; i < rowSelected.length; i++) {
-                                     var _nodeID = this.dsItems.getById(rowSelected[i].id).data.id_f;
-                                     var unSeen = o.message.Node[_nodeID].unseen;
-                                     var total = o.message.Node[_nodeID].total;
-                                     this.dsItems.remove(this.dsItems.getById(rowSelected[i].id));
-                                     this.updateFeedInfo(_nodeID, unSeen, total);
-                                 }
-                                 // Focus & Display next items
-                                 if( this.dsItems.data.items.length > 0 ) {
-                                  this.loadItem(0);
-                                  this.PanelGridItem.getSelectionModel().selectRow(0);
-                                 } else {
-                                  // Clear Preview Panel
-                                  this.PanelPreview.setTitle(QoKregator.PreviewTitle);
-                                  this.PanelPreview.body.dom.innerHTML = '';
-                                 }
-                             },
-                             failure: function(form, action){
-                                 this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-error', QoKregator.StatutItemDelNok);
-                             }
-                         });
-                     }
-                   },
-                   icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION
-                });
-            }
-        });
-        return menu;
-    }, // CreateContextItemFeed
-    onContextItemFeed: function(grid, rowIndex, ev){
-        ev.stopEvent();
-        // Get all rows selected, if any
-        var rowSelected = this.PanelGridItem.getSelections();
-        // Get the single row selected
-        var contextRowID = this.dsItems.getAt(rowIndex).id;
-        // If right-click without a rows selected, we auto-select the rows over the right-click
-        var asSelect = false;
-        for (var i = 0; i < rowSelected.length; i++) {
-            if (contextRowID == rowSelected[i].id) {
-                asSelect = true;
-            }
-        }
-        if (!asSelect) {
-            var v = this.PanelGridItem.getSelectionModel();
-            v.selectRow(rowIndex);
-            rowSelected = this.PanelGridItem.getSelections();
-        }
-        var menu;
-        menu = this.createContextItemFeed();
-        menu.showAt(ev.getXY());
-    }, // onContextItemFeed
-    markAsImportant: function(typeMark, rowId){
-        var importantStatut = this.dsItems.getById(rowId).data.i;
-        var _typeMark = typeMark;
-        var _rowId = rowId;
-        if ((importantStatut == 'y' && _typeMark == 'n') || (importantStatut == 'n' && _typeMark == 'y')) {
-            var saveImportant = new Ext.data.Connection();
-            saveImportant.request({
-                scope: this,
-                url: this.app.connection,
-                params: {
-                    moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                    fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                    id_item: _rowId,
-                    typeMark: _typeMark,
-                    what: 'save_important'
-                },
-                success: function(){
-                    if (_typeMark == 'y') {
-                        this.dsItems.getById(_rowId).data.i = 'y';
-                    } else if (_typeMark == 'n') {
-                            this.dsItems.getById(_rowId).data.i = 'n';
-                    }
-                    // ReBuilt the contextMenu-btn
-                    Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-contextmenu-news-btn').setMenu(this.createContextItemFeed());
-                }
-            });
-        }
-    }, //markAsImportant
-    markAsSeenUnseen: function(typeMark, rowId, scope){
-        this.scope = scope;
-        var seenStatut = this.dsItems.getById(rowId).data.s;
-        var _typeMark = typeMark;
-        var _rowId = rowId;
-        // Modify if necessary
-        if ((seenStatut == 'y' && _typeMark == 'n') || (seenStatut == 'n' && _typeMark == 'y')) {
-            var saveSeenUnseen = new Ext.data.Connection();
-            saveSeenUnseen.request({
-                scope: this,
-                url: this.app.connection,
-                params: {
-                    moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                    fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                    id_item: _rowId,
-                    typeMark: _typeMark,
-                    what: 'save_seenUnseen'
-                },
-                success: function(response, options){
-                    var o = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
-                    if (o.success) {
-                        var node = this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(o.nodeID);
-                        node.attributes.unseen = o.unSeen;
-                        node.attributes.total = o.total;
-                        // Update client data
-                        if (_typeMark == 'y') {
-                            this.dsItems.getById(_rowId).data.s = 'y';
-                        } else if (_typeMark == 'n') {
-                            this.dsItems.getById(_rowId).data.s = 'n';
-                        }
-                        this.updateFeedInfo(node.id, o.unSeen, o.total);
-                        // ReBuilt the contextMenu-btn
-                        Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-contextmenu-news-btn').setMenu(this.createContextItemFeed());
-                    }
-                }
-            });
-        }
-    }, //markAsSeenUnseen
-    markAllAsRead: function(node, scope) {
-        var nb = scope.dsItems.data.length;
-        for (var i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
-            var r = Ext.get(scope.PanelGridItem.getView().getRow(i));
-            r.replaceClass("qo-kregator-feed-unread", "qo-kregator-feed-read");
-        }
-        scope.markAsSeenDB(node.id, scope);
-        node.ui.removeClass("qo-kregator-feed-Unseen");
-    },
-    markAsSeenDB: function(_nodeID, scope){
-        this.scope = scope;
-        var saveSeenUnseen = new Ext.data.Connection();
-        saveSeenUnseen.request({
-            scope: this,
-            url: this.app.connection,
-            params: {
-                moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                id_feed: _nodeID,
-                what: 'save_seenDB'
-            },
-            success: function(response, options){
-                var o = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
-                if (o.success) {
-                    var node = this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(o.nodeID);
-                    node.attributes.unseen = o.unSeen;
-                    node.attributes.total = o.total;
-                    this.updateFeedInfo(node.id, o.unSeen, o.total);
-                }
-            }
-        });
-    }, //markAsSeenDB
-    openInWindow: function(rowId){
-        var node = this.dsItems.getById(rowId);
-        var link = node.data.u;
-        window.open(link, 'win' + rowId);
-    }, //openInWindow
-    openInTab: function(feedID, title, link){
-        var TabExist = this.PanelCenter.findById('qo-kregator-tab-' + feedID);
-        if (TabExist) {
-            this.PanelCenter.activate('qo-kregator-tab-' + feedID);
-        }
-        else {
-            this.PanelCenter.add({
-                id: 'qo-kregator-tab-' + feedID,
-                linkTab: link,
-                closable: true,
-                title: Ext.util.Format.ellipsis(title, 20),
-                layout: 'fit',
-                border: true,
-                html: '<div class="qo-kregator-preview-content"><iframe width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" src="' + link + '" /></div>'
-            });
-            this.PanelCenter.activate('qo-kregator-tab-' + feedID);
-        }
-    }, //openInTab
-    onClickFeed: function(node, ev){
-        this.curNodeId = node.id;
-        var nodeType = node.attributes.type;
-        this.PanelCenter.activate('qo-kregator-main');
-        this.gridClearFilter();
-        // Delete data
-        this.dsItems.removeAll();
-        if (nodeType == 'folder') {
-            this.PanelPreview.body.dom.innerHTML = '';
-            this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutLoadFolder + " " + node.attributes.text);
-            var ColIndex = this.PanelGridItem.getColumnModel().getIndexById('feed');
-            this.PanelGridItem.getColumnModel().setHidden(ColIndex, false);
-            // Set tab title
-            Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-main').setTitle(Ext.util.Format.ellipsis(node.attributes.text, 20));
-            this.linkDefaultTab = '';
-            this.curFeedId = '*';
-        } else {
-            this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutLoadFeed + " " + node.attributes.text);
-            var _ColIndex = this.PanelGridItem.getColumnModel().getIndexById('feed');
-            this.PanelGridItem.getColumnModel().setHidden(_ColIndex, true);
-            Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-main').setTitle(Ext.util.Format.ellipsis(node.attributes.text, 20));
-            this.linkDefaultTab = node.attributes.url;
-            this.curFeedId = node.id;
-            var image;
-            if ( node.attributes.image ) {
-                image = "<img src=\"" + node.attributes.image + "\" alt=\"\" />";
-            } else {
-                image = '';
-            }
-            var content = '<div class="qo-kregator-feed-info">' +
-            '<div class="qo-kregator-item-date"></div>' +
-            '<div class="qo-kregator-item-title">' +
-            node.attributes.desc +
-            '</div>' +
-            '<div class="qo-kregator-item-author"><a href="' +
-            node.attributes.url +
-            '" Ext:qtip="' +
-            QoKregator.previewLoadInNewPage +
-            '" target="_blank">' +
-            node.attributes.url +
-            '</a></div>' +
-            '</div>' +
-            '<div class="qo-kregator-feed-content">' +
-            '<div class="qo-kregator-feed-image">' +
-            image +
-            '</div>' +
-            '</div>';
-            this.PanelPreview.body.dom.innerHTML = content;
-        }
-        this.PanelPreview.setTitle(node.attributes.text);
-        this.dsItems.baseParams = {
-            'id_feed': this.curFeedId,
-            'id_node': this.curNodeId
-        };
-        this.dsItems.load({
-            params: {
-                start: 0,
-                limit: 25
-            }
-        });
-        if (nodeType == 'folder') {
-          //Handle ContextMenu
-          if( Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-contextmenu-btn') ) {
-            Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-contextmenu-btn').setMenu(this.createContextMenuTreeFolder());
-          }
-        } else {
-          //Handle ContextMenu
-          if( Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-contextmenu-btn') ) {
-            Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-contextmenu-btn').setMenu(this.createContextMenuTreeFeed());
-          }
-        }
-    }, //onClickFeed
-    showDelItemArbre: function(node){
-        var titre, message, typeObj;
-        if (node.attributes.type == 'file') {
-            titre = QoKregator.BoxConfirmDelFeedTitle;
-            message = QoKregator.BoxConfirmDelFeedMessage + node.attributes.text + ' ?';
-        }
-        if (node.attributes.type == 'folder') {
-            titre = QoKregator.BoxConfirmDelFolderTitle;
-            message = String.format(QoKregator.BoxConfirmDelFolderMessage, node.attributes.text);
-        }
-        Ext.Msg.show({
-            scope: this,
-            icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION,
-            title: titre,
-            msg: message,
-            buttons: Ext.MessageBox.YESNO,
-            fn: function(btn){
-                if (btn == 'yes') {
-                    if (node.attributes.type == 'file') {
-                        this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutDelFeed + node.attributes.text + '...');
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutDelFolder + node.attributes.text + '...');
-                    }
-                    // Update
-                    var delNode = new Ext.data.Connection();
-                    delNode.request({
-                        scope: this,
-                        url: this.app.connection,
-                        params: {
-                            moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                            fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                            id_node: node.id,
-                            what: 'del_nodes'
-                        },
-                        success: function(response, options){
-                            var o = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
-                            if (o.success) {
-                                this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutDone);
-                                //Del node
-                                var curNode = this.PanelFeedTree.selModel.selNode;
-                                //Animation
-                                Ext.fly(curNode.ui.elNode).switchOff({
-                                  easing: 'easeIn',
-                                  duration: .3,
-                                  remove: false,
-                                  useDisplay: false,
-                                  scope: this,
-                                  callback: function() { curNode.parentNode.removeChild(curNode) ; }
-                                });
-                                // Return to initial state
-                                Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-main').setTitle(QoKregator.FeedGridTabTitle);
-                                this.linkDefaultTab = '';
-                                this.dsItems.removeAll();
-                                this.PanelPreview.setTitle(QoKregator.PreviewTitle);
-                                this.PanelPreview.body.dom.innerHTML = '';
-                            }
-                            else {
-                                this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-error', QoKregator.StatutDelItemNok);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    });
-                }
-            }
-        });
-    }, // showDelItemArbre
-    showAddFeed: function(_nodeID){
-        function validForm(scope) {
-          scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutAddNewFeed);
-          var waitAddFeed = Ext.MessageBox.show({
-              msg: QoKregator.StatutAddNewFeedWait,
-              progressText: QoKregator.StatutAddNewFeedWaitInProgress,
-              width: 300,
-              wait: true,
-              waitConfig: {
-                  interval: 200
-              }
-          });
-          FormAddFeed.form.submit({
-              scope: scope,
-              url: scope.app.connection,
-              params: {
-                  moduleId: scope.moduleId,
-                  fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                  nodeID: _nodeID,
-                  what: 'add_feed'
-              },
-              success: function(form, action){
-                  // Add this new node to tree
-                  var o = action.result;
-                  var nodeToAppend = new Ext.tree.TreeNode({
-                      id:o.id,
-                      text:o.text,
-                      url: o.url,
-                      url_feed: o.url_feed,
-                      type: o.type,
-                      desc: o.desc,
-                      image: o.image,
-                      view: o.view,
-                      nodeID: o.nodeID,
-                      unseen:o.unseen,
-                      total:o.total,
-                      uiProvider:Ext.tree.KregaColumnNodeUI,
-                      leaf:true,
-                      icon:o.icon,
-                      iconCls:'',
-                      refreshCycle:'on'
-                  });
-                  if( o.nodeID === "0" ) { scope.PanelFeedTree.getRootNode().appendChild(nodeToAppend); }
-                  else { scope.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(o.nodeID).appendChild(nodeToAppend); }
-                  scope.PanelFeedTree.expandAll();
-                  var newNode = scope.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(o.id);
-                  newNode.select();
-                  scope.onClickFeed(newNode);
-                  scope.updateFeedInfo(o.id, o.unseen, o.total);
-                  FormAddFeed.form.reset();
-                  waitAddFeed.hide();
-                  winAddFeed.close();
-                  scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutAddNewFeedOk);
-              },
-              failure: function(form, action){
-                  scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-error', QoKregator.StatutAddNewFeedNok + action.result.message);
-                  waitAddFeed.hide();
-                  Ext.get('newFeed').focus();
-              }
-          });
-        } //addFeed
-        var FormAddFeed = new Ext.FormPanel({
-            labelWidth: 40,
-            frame: true,
-            bodyStyle: 'padding:5px',
-            width: 350,
-            items: [{
-                xtype:'textfield',
-                fieldLabel: QoKregator.BoxAddFeedUrl,
-                name: 'newFeed',
-                id: 'newFeed',
-                width: 300,
-                enableKeyEvents: true,
-                listeners: {
-                  scope: this,
-                  keyup: function(field, e) {
-                      if( e.getCharCode() == e.ENTER ) {
-                          validForm(this);
-                      }
-                  }
-                }
-            },{
-                xtype: 'checkbox',
-                hideLabel: true,
-                boxLabel: QoKregator.BoxModFeedView,
-                name: 'view',
-                checked: false
-            }]
-        });
-        var winAddFeed = new Ext.Window({
-            animateEl: 'qo-kregator-add-feed-btn',
-            title: QoKregator.BoxAddFeedTitle,
-            layout: 'fit',
-            modal: true,
-            iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-add-feed',
-            width: 430,
-            height: 160,
-            closeAction: 'close',
-            bodyStyle: 'padding:5px',
-            plain: true,
-            items: FormAddFeed,
-            buttons: [{
-                text: QoKregator.BoxAddFeedSaveBtn,
-                scope: this,
-                handler: function(){
-                  validForm(this);
-                }
-            }, {
-                text: QoKregator.BoxAddFeedCancelBtn,
-                handler: function(){
-                    winAddFeed.close();
-                }
-            }]
-        });
-        winAddFeed.show(this);
-        var tmp = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function() { Ext.getCmp('newFeed').focus(); }, this);
-        tmp.delay(200);
-    }, //showAddFeed
-    showConf: function() {
-        function in_array(array, it) {
-          for( var i=0; i < array.length; i++ ) {
-            if( array[i] == it ) { return 1; }
-          }
-          return 0;
-        } // array_diff
-        var _tbFeedCurrent=[], _tbFeedDisponible=[];
-        //Actual tbFeed
-        Ext.each(this.tbFeedBtnCurrent, function(item) {
-          _tbFeedCurrent.push([item, '<div class="'+this.tbFeedBtnAvailable[item].iconCls+'-conf">'+((typeof this.tbFeedBtnAvailable[item].tooltip == 'object' ) ? this.tbFeedBtnAvailable[item].tooltip.title : this.tbFeedBtnAvailable[item].tooltip) +'</div>']);
-        }, this);
-        //Disponible tbFeed
-        Ext.each(this.tbFeedBtnAvailable, function(item) {
-          if( in_array(this.tbFeedBtnCurrent,item) === 0 ) {
-            _tbFeedDisponible.push([item, '<div class="'+this.tbFeedBtnAvailable[item].iconCls+'-conf">'+((typeof this.tbFeedBtnAvailable[item].tooltip == 'object' ) ? this.tbFeedBtnAvailable[item].tooltip.title : this.tbFeedBtnAvailable[item].tooltip) +'</div>']);
-          }
-        }, this);
-        var FormConf = new Ext.FormPanel({
-        labelWidth: 75,
-        border:false,
-        autoWidth: true,
-        items: [{
-            xtype:'tabpanel',
-            deferredRender:false,
-            activeTab: 0,
-            defaults:{autoHeight:true, bodyStyle:'padding:10px'},
-            items:[{
-                title:QoKregator.WinConfTab0,
-                layout:'form',
-                items: [{
-                    layout:'column',
-                    border: false,
-                    items:[{
-                        columnWidth:0.5,
-                        layout: 'form',
-                        border: false,
-                        items: [{
-                          //1
-                          xtype: 'fieldset',
-                          anchor:'95%',
-                          title: QoKregator.WinConfFieldSetTitle0,
-                          height: 60,
-                          labelWidth: 100,
-                          items: [
-                            new Ext.ux.form.Spinner({
-                              strategy: new Ext.ux.form.Spinner.NumberStrategy({minValue: '1', maxValue: '100'}),
-                              fieldLabel: QoKregator.WinConfFieldSetLabel0,
-                              name: 'refresh_feed',
-                              editable: false,
-                              width: 50,
-                              value: this.ConfRefreshFeed
-                            })
-                          ]
-                        },{
-                          //2
-                          xtype: 'fieldset',
-                          anchor:'95%',
-                          title: QoKregator.WinConfFieldSetTitle1,
-                          height: 60,
-                          checkboxToggle: true,
-                          checkboxName: 'old_items',
-                          collapsed: !this.ConfOldItems,
-                          labelWidth: 100,
-                          items: [
-                            new Ext.ux.form.Spinner({
-                                strategy: new Ext.ux.form.Spinner.NumberStrategy({minValue: '1', maxValue: '100'}),
-                                fieldLabel: QoKregator.WinConfFieldSetLabel1,
-                                name: 'old_items_day',
-                                editable: false,
-                                width: 50,
-                                value: this.ConfOldItemsDay
-                            })
-                          ]
-                        },{
-                          xtype:'checkbox',
-                          checked: (this.ConfshowStatusBar == 'on') ? true : false,
-                          hideLabel: true,
-                          boxLabel: QoKregator.WinConfFieldSetTitle5,
-                          name: 'showStatusBar'
-                        }]
-                    },{
-                        columnWidth:0.5,
-                        layout: 'form',
-                        border: false,
-                        items: [{
-                          xtype: 'fieldset',
-                          anchor:'95%',
-                          title: QoKregator.WinConfFieldSetTitle3,
-                          height: 60,
-                          labelWidth: 100,
-                          layout:'absolute',
-                          items: [{
-                            xtype: 'slider',
-                            width: 150,
-                            value: this.ConfContentFontSize,
-                            increment: 1,
-                            minValue: 8,
-                            maxValue: 20,
-                            listeners: {
-                              change: function(s, NewValue) {
-                                Ext.getCmp('showSlider').setValue(NewValue);
-                              }
-                            }
-                          },{
-                            xtype: 'textfield',
-                            readOnly: true,
-                            id:'showSlider',
-                            name: 'ContentFontSize',
-                            width: 24,
-                            value: this.ConfContentFontSize,
-                            x: 154,
-                            y: 0
-                          }]
-                        },{
-                          xtype: 'fieldset',
-                          anchor:'95%',
-                          title: QoKregator.WinConfFieldSetTitle4,
-                          height: 60,
-                          labelWidth: 100,
-                          items: [{
-                            xtype: 'combo',
-                            hideLabel: true,
-                            store: [['FullScreen', QoKregator.WinConfFieldSetLabel41],['Window', QoKregator.WinConfFieldSetLabel42], ['Minimized', QoKregator.WinConfFieldSetLabel43]],
-                            forceSelection: true,
-                            triggerAction: 'all',
-                            hiddenName: 'openMode',
-                            mode: 'local',
-                            value: this.ConfOpenMode,
-                            editable:false,
-                            width: 100
-                          }]
-                        },{
-                          xtype: 'fieldset',
-                          anchor:'95%',
-                          title: 'Date/Time format',
-                          height: 90,
-                          labelWidth: 70,
-                          items: [{
-                            xtype: 'combo',
-                            fieldLabel: 'Date ',
-                            store: [
-                                    ['d/m/y', '31/12/99'],
-                                    ['d/m/Y', '31/12/1999'],
-                                    ['y-m-d', '99-12-31'],
-                                    ['Y-m-d', '1999-12-31']
-                                   ],
-                            forceSelection: true,
-                            triggerAction: 'all',
-                            hiddenName: 'dateFormat',
-                            mode: 'local',
-                            value: this.ConfDateFormat,
-                            editable:false,
-                            width: 120
-                          },{
-                            xtype: 'combo',
-                            fieldLabel: 'Date/Time ',
-                            store: [
-                                    ['d/m/y, H:i', '31/12/99, 14:15'],
-                                    ['d/m/Y, H:i', '31/12/1999, 14:15'],
-                                    ['y-m-d, H:i', '99-12-31, 14:15'],
-                                    ['Y-m-d, H:i', '1999-12-31, 14:15']
-                                   ],
-                            forceSelection: true,
-                            triggerAction: 'all',
-                            hiddenName: 'dateTimeFormat',
-                            mode: 'local',
-                            value: this.ConfDateTimeFormat,
-                            editable:false,
-                            width: 120
-                          }]
-                        }]
-                    }]
-                }]
-               },{
-                  title : QoKregator.WinConfTab1,
-                  layout:'form',
-                  defaults: {width: 420},
-                  items: [{
-                    xtype:"itemselector",
-                    id: "qo-kregator-conf-tb-feed",
-                    name:"tbFeedBtn",
-                    hideLabel: true,
-                    dataFields:["code", "desc"],
-                    fromData: _tbFeedDisponible,
-                    toData:_tbFeedCurrent,
-                    msWidth:200,
-                    msHeight:110,
-                    valueField:"code",
-                    displayField:"desc",
-                    imagePath:"system/modules/qo-kregator/ux/MultiselectItemSelector/",
-                    toLegend: QoKregator.WinConfTab1Selected,
-                    fromLegend: QoKregator.WinConfTab1Available
-                  }]
-                }]
-        }],
-        buttons: [{
-            text: QoKregator.WinConfSaveBtn,
-            scope: this,
-            handler: function(){
-                this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutConfWait);
-                FormConf.form.submit({
-                    scope: this,
-                    url: this.app.connection,
-                    params: {
-                        moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                        fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                        what: 'mod_user_conf'
-                    },
-                    success: function(form, action){
-                        var o = action.result;
-                        this.ConfRefreshFeed = o.refresh_feed;
-                        this.ConfOldItems = o.old_items;
-                        this.ConfOldItemsDay = o.old_items_day;
-                        this.ConfshowStatusBar = o.showStatusBar;
-                        this.tbFeedBtnCurrent = o.tbFeedBtn;
-                        this.ConfContentFontSize = o.ContentFontSize;
-                        this.ConfOpenMode = o.openMode;
-                        this.ConfDateTimeFormat = o.dateTimeFormat;
-                        this.ConfDateFormat = o.dateFormat;
-                        // Update ContentFontSize for the current preview
-                        this.setContentFontSize();
-                        // Update conf for the statusBar
-                        this.showHideStatusBar();
-                        // Update tbFeedBtn
-                        this.buildTbFeed();
-                        // Redraw the grid to handle dateFormat Change
-                        this.PanelGridItem.getColumnModel().getColumnById('date').renderer = this.renderDate.createDelegate(this, [this.ConfDateTimeFormat], 1);
-                        this.PanelGridItem.getView().refresh();
-                        this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutConfOk);
-                        winConf.close();
-                    },
-                    failure: function(form, action){
-                        this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-error', QoKregator.StatutConfNok);
-                    }
-                });
-            }
-        },{
-          text: QoKregator.WinConfCancelBtn,
-          handler: function(){
-              winConf.close();
-          }
-        }]
-        });
-        var winConf = new Ext.Window({
-            scope: this,
-            title: QoKregator.WinConfTitle,
-            layout: 'fit',
-            modal: true,
-            closeAction: 'close',
-            iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-conf',
-            width: 500,
-            height: 350,
-            plain: true,
-            items: FormConf
-        });
-        winConf.show();
-    },
-    showModFeed: function(node){
-        function validForm(node, scope) {
-          scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutModFeed);
-          FormModFeed.form.submit({
-              params: {
-                  moduleId: scope.moduleId,
-                  fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                  id_feed: node.attributes.id,
-                  what: 'mod_feed'
-              },
-              scope: scope,
-              url: scope.app.connection,
-              success: function(form, action){
-                  var o = action.result;
-                  // Update tree
-                  node.setText(o.nom);
-                  node.attributes.view = o.view;
-                  node.attributes.refreshCycle = o.refreshCycle;
-                  scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutModFeedOk);
-                  scope.winModFeed.hide();
-              },
-              failure: function(form, action){
-                  scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-error', QoKregator.StatutModFeedNok);
-              }
-          });
-        } // validForm
-        var viewValue = false;
-        if (node.attributes.view == 'site') {
-            viewValue = true;
-        }
-        var refreshCycleValue = false;
-        if (node.attributes.refreshCycle == 'off') {
-            refreshCycleValue = true;
-        }
-        var FormModFeed = new Ext.FormPanel({
-            labelWidth: 40,
-            frame: true,
-            bodyStyle: 'padding:5px',
-            items: [{
-                xtype: 'fieldset',
-                title: node.text,
-                autoHeight: true,
-                defaultType: 'textfield',
-                items: [{
-                    fieldLabel: QoKregator.BoxModFeedName,
-                    name: 'modFeed',
-                    value: node.text,
-                    width: 300,
-                    enableKeyEvents: true,
-                    listeners: {
-                      scope: this,
-                      keyup: function(field, e) {
-                          if( e.getCharCode() == e.ENTER ) {
-                              validForm(node, this);
-                          }
-                      }
-                    }
-                }, {
-                    fieldLabel: 'Url ',
-                    name: 'url',
-                    readOnly: true,
-                    value: node.attributes.url_feed,
-                    width: 300,
-                    enableKeyEvents: true,
-                    listeners: {
-                      scope: this,
-                      keyup: function(field, e) {
-                          if( e.getCharCode() == e.ENTER ) {
-                              validForm(node, this);
-                          }
-                      }
-                    }
-                }]
-            }, {
-                xtype: 'fieldset',
-                title: QoKregator.BoxModFeedOption,
-                autoHeight: true,
-                defaultType: 'checkbox',
-                items: [{
-                    hideLabel: true,
-                    boxLabel: QoKregator.BoxModFeedView,
-                    name: 'view',
-                    checked: viewValue
-                },{
-                    hideLabel: true,
-                    boxLabel: 'Exclude from refresh cycle',
-                    name: 'refreshCycle',
-                    checked: refreshCycleValue
-                }]
-            }]
-        });
-        this.winModFeed = new Ext.Window({
-            scope: this,
-            title: QoKregator.BoxModFeedTitle,
-            layout: 'fit',
-            modal: true,
-            iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-mod-feed',
-            width: 450,
-            height: 280,
-            closeAction: 'hide',
-            bodyStyle: 'padding:5px',
-            plain: true,
-            items: FormModFeed,
-            buttons: [{
-                text: QoKregator.BoxModFeedSaveBtn,
-                scope: this,
-                handler: function(){
-                  validForm(node, this);
-                }
-            }, {
-                scope:this,
-                text: QoKregator.BoxModFeedCancelBtn,
-                handler: function(){
-                    this.winModFeed.hide();
-                }
-            }]
-        });
-        this.winModFeed.show(this);
-    }, //showModFeed
-    showAddFolder: function(_nodeID){
-        function validForm(scope) {
-          // Disable btn
-          Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-btnOK-id-add-folder').disable();
-          Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-btnCANCEL-id-add-folder').disable();
-          scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutAddNewFolder);
-          FormAddFolder.form.submit({
-              scope: scope,
-              url: scope.app.connection,
-              params: {
-                  moduleId: scope.moduleId,
-                  fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                  nodeID: _nodeID,
-                  what: 'add_folder'
-              },
-              success: function(form, action){
-                  var o = action.result, node;
-                  scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutAddNewFolderOk);
-                  // Add this new node to tree
-                  if( o.nodeID !== "0" ) {
-                      scope.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(o.nodeID).appendChild(new Ext.tree.TreeNode({
-                          text: o.name,
-                          id: o.id,
-                          leaf: false,
-                          iconCls: 'qo-kregator-feed-folder',
-                          type: 'folder',
-                          children:[],
-                          nodeID: o.nodeID
-                      }));
-                  } else {
-                      scope.PanelFeedTree.getRootNode().appendChild(new Ext.tree.TreeNode({
-                          text: o.name,
-                          id: o.id,
-                          leaf: false,
-                          iconCls: 'qo-kregator-feed-folder',
-                          type: 'folder',
-                          children:[],
-                          nodeID: o.nodeID
-                      }));
-                  }
-                  var newNode = scope.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(o.id);
-                  newNode.select();
-                  FormAddFolder.form.reset();
-                  Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-btnOK-id-add-folder').enable();
-                  Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-btnCANCEL-id-add-folder').enable();
-                  winAddFolder.close();
-              },
-              failure: function(form, action){
-                  scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutAddNewFolderNok);
-              }
-          });
-        } //validForm
-        var FormAddFolder = new Ext.FormPanel({
-            labelWidth: 45,
-            id: 'form-add-folder',
-            frame: true,
-            bodyStyle: 'padding:5px 5px 0',
-            width: 350,
-            defaults: {width: 280},
-            items: [{
-                xtype: 'textfield',
-                fieldLabel: QoKregator.BoxAddFolderName,
-                name: 'newFolder',
-                id: 'newFolder',
-                enableKeyEvents: true,
-                listeners: {
-                  scope: this,
-                  keyup: function(field, e) {
-                      if( e.getCharCode() == e.ENTER ) {
-                          validForm(this);
-                      }
-                  }
-                }
-            }]
-        });
-        var winAddFolder = new Ext.Window({
-            scope: this,
-            animateEl: 'qo-kregator-add-feed-btn',
-            title: QoKregator.BoxAddFolderTitle,
-            layout: 'fit',
-            modal: true,
-            iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-add-folder',
-            width: 400,
-            height: 130,
-            closeAction: 'close',
-            plain: true,
-            items: FormAddFolder,
-            buttons: [{
-                id:'qo-kregator-btnOK-id-add-folder',
-                text: QoKregator.BoxAddFolderSaveBtn,
-                scope: this,
-                handler: function(){
-                  validForm(this);
-                }
-            }, {
-                scope:this,
-                text: QoKregator.BoxAddFolderCancelBtn,
-                id:'qo-kregator-btnCANCEL-id-add-folder',
-                handler: function(){
-                    winAddFolder.close();
-                }
-            }]
-        });
-        winAddFolder.show(this);
-        var tmp = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function() { Ext.getCmp('newFolder').focus(); }, this);
-        tmp.delay(200);
-    }, //showAddFolder
-    showImport: function(_nodeID){
-        function validForm(scope) {
-          scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutImportWait);
-          FormImport.form.submit({
-              scope: scope,
-              success: function(form, action){
-                  var o = action.result;
-                  if (o.success) {
-                      // Add folder
-                      scope.PanelFeedTree.getRootNode().appendChild(new Ext.tree.TreeNode({
-                          text: o.folderText,
-                          id: o.folderId,
-                          leaf: false,
-                          iconCls: 'qo-kregator-feed-folder',
-                          type: 'folder',
-                          children:[],
-                          nodeID: 0
-                      }));
-                      scope.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(o.folderId).expand();
-                      var new_feed = [];
-                      var reg = new RegExp("[|]+", "g");
-                      var tmp_feed = o.new_feed;
-                      new_feed = tmp_feed.split(reg);
-                      // On ajoute les flux
-                      for (var i = 0; i < new_feed.length; i++) {
-                          if ( !new_feed[i]) { continue; }
-                          scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutAddNewFeed);
-                          var saveFeed = new Ext.data.Connection();
-                          saveFeed.request({
-                              scope: scope,
-                              url: scope.app.connection,
-                              params: {
-                                  moduleId: scope.moduleId,
-                                  fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                                  newFeed: new_feed[i],
-                                  nodeID: o.folderId,
-                                  what: 'add_feed'
-                              },
-                              success: function(response, options){
-                                  var o2 = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
-                                  if (o2.success) {
-                                      // Add the new node
-                                      scope.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(o.folderId).appendChild(new Ext.tree.TreeNode({
-                                          id:o2.id,
-                                          text:o2.text,
-                                          url: o2.url,
-                                          url_feed: o2.url_feed,
-                                          type: o2.type,
-                                          desc: o2.desc,
-                                          image: o2.image,
-                                          view: o2.view,
-                                          nodeID: o2.nodeID,
-                                          unseen:o2.unseen,
-                                          total:o2.total,
-                                          uiProvider:Ext.tree.KregaColumnNodeUI,
-                                          leaf:true,
-                                          icon:o2.icon,
-                                          iconCls:'',
-                                          refreshCycle:'on'
-                                      }));
-                                      scope.updateFeedInfo(o2.id, o2.unseen, o2.total);
-                                      scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutAddNewFeedOk);
-                                  } else {
-                                      scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-error', QoKregator.StatutAddNewFeedNok + o2.message);
-                                  }
-                              }
-                          });
-                      }
-                      scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutImportOk);
-                  } else {
-                      Ext.MessageBox.show({
-                          title: 'erreur',
-                          msg: 'erreur' + o.msg,
-                          buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OK,
-                          animEl: 'mb9',
-                          icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR
-                      });
-                  }
-                  FormImport.form.reset();
-                  winImport.close();
-              },
-              failure: function(form, action){
-                  scope.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', QoKregator.StatutImportNok + action.result.msg);
-              }
-          });
-        } // validForm
-        var FormImport = new Ext.FormPanel({
-            labelWidth: 45,
-            labelAlign: 'top',
-            id: 'form-import',
-            fileUpload: true,
-            url: this.app.connection+'?moduleId='+this.moduleId+'&fileName=php/qo-kregator.php&what=import',
-            frame: true,
-            bodyStyle: 'padding: 10px 10px 0 10px;',
-            autoHeight: true,
-            labelWidth: 50,
-            defaults: {
-                anchor: '95%',
-                allowBlank: false,
-                msgTarget: 'side'
-            },
-            items: [{
-                fieldLabel: QoKregator.WinImportLibel1,
-                xtype: 'textfield',
-                name: 'importFolder',
-                value: QoKregator.WinImportDefaultValue
-            }, {
-                xtype: 'fileuploadfield',
-                fieldLabel: QoKregator.WinImportLibel2,
-                name: 'importFile',
-                id: 'importFile',
-                emptyText: QoKregator.WinImportInfo,
-                buttonCfg: {
-                    text: '',
-                    iconCls: 'upload-icon'
-                }
-            }]
-        });
-        var winImport = new Ext.Window({
-            animateEl: 'qo-kregator-add-feed-btn',
-            title: QoKregator.WinImportTitle,
-            layout: 'fit',
-            modal: true,
-            iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-import',
-            width: 400,
-            height: 210,
-            plain: true,
-            bodyStyle: 'padding:5px',
-            items: FormImport,
-            buttons: [{
-                text: QoKregator.WinImportSaveBtn,
-                scope: this,
-                handler: function(){
-                  validForm(this);
-                }
-            }, {
-                text: QoKregator.WinImportCancelBtn,
-                handler: function(){
-                    winImport.close();
-                }
-            }]
-        });
-        winImport.show(this);
-    }, //showImport
-    showAbout: function(){
-        if (!this.winAbout) {
-            this.winAbout = new Ext.Window({
-                layout: 'fit',
-                width: 560,
-                height: 520,
-                iconCls: 'qo-kregator-icon-about',
-                modal: true,
-                title: QoKregator.WinAboutTitle,
-                closeAction: 'hide',
-                plain: true,
-                bodyStyle: 'color:#000',
-                items: new Ext.TabPanel({
-                    autoTabs: true,
-                    activeTab: 0,
-                    border: false,
-                    defaults: {
-                        autoScroll: true
-                    },
-                    items: [{
-                        title: QoKregator.WinAboutTab0,
-                        html: '<div id="qo-kregator-about"><img src="system/modules/qo-kregator/img/default/logo.png" alt="" /></div><div id="qo-kregator-about-info">ver '+this.appVer+' - (c) 2007 - 2008, Yannick Torr&egrave;s - <a href="mailto:yannick.torres@xxxxxxxxxxxx";>yannick.torres@xxxxxxxxxxxx</a></div>'
-                    }, {
-                        title: QoKregator.WinAboutTab1,
-                        bodyStyle: 'padding:5px',
-                        html: '<div id="qo-kregator-credit"><ul><li><a href="http://extjs.com/forum/member.php?u=12208";>Franck Carrouget</a><br><span class="qo-kregator-credit-info">' + QoKregator.WinAboutTab1Credits0 + '</span></li><li><a href="http://extjs.com/forum/member.php?u=6915";>Andriy Levytskyy</a><br><span class="qo-kregator-credit-info">' + QoKregator.WinAboutTab1Credits1 + '</span></li><li><a href="http://extjs.com/forum/member.php?u=1485";>K0bo</a><br><span class="qo-kregator-credit-info">' + QoKregator.WinAboutTab1Credits21 + '</span></li><li><a href="http://www.alsacreations.fr";>AlsaCr&eacute;ations</a><br><span class="qo-kregator-credit-info"><a href="http://www.alsacreations.fr/dewplayer";>DewPlayer</a> & <a href="http://www.alsacreations.fr/dewtube";>DewTube</a></span></li><li><a href="http://extjs.com";>ExtJs Team</a><br><span class="qo-kregator-credit-info">' + QoKregator.WinAboutTab1Credits3 + '</span></li></ul></div>'
-                    }, {
-                        title: QoKregator.WinAboutTab2,
-                        autoLoad: {
-                            url: 'system/modules/qo-kregator/license_LGPL_v2.txt'
-                        }
-                    }]
-                }),
-                buttons: [{
-                    scope:this,
-                    text: QoKregator.WinAboutClose,
-                    handler: function(){
-                        this.winAbout.hide();
-                    }
-                }]
-            });
-        }
-        this.winAbout.show(this);
-    }, //showAbout
-    gridClearFilter: function(){
-        // Date searchField
-        Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-datefilter-btn').curDate = '*';
-        Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-datefilter-btn').setText(QoKregator.FeedGridFilterDateAllDate);
-        Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-datefilter-btn').toggle(false);
-        // Text searchField
-        Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-search').setValue('');
-        // State searchField
-        Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-etat').setValue('all', true);
-        // Reset the trigger
-        Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-search').triggers[0].hide();
-    }, // gridClearFilter
-    showHideStatusBar: function() {
-      if( this.ConfshowStatusBar == 'on' ) {
-        Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator').getBottomToolbar().show();
-      } else {
-        Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator').getBottomToolbar().hide();
-      }
-    }, //showHideStatusBar
-    setStatusBar: function(style, message){
-        var statusBar = Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-statusBar');
-        statusBar.setStatus({
-            text: message,
-            iconCls: style
-        });
-    }, // setStatusBar
-    searchFeed: function() {
-        var count = 0;
-        this.FeedNeedUpdate = [];
-        this.ConfGoRefresh = true;
-        // We change "refresh" to "stop" icon
-        if( Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-add-refresh-feed-btn') ) {
-          Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-add-refresh-feed-btn').setHandler(function() {this.ConfGoRefresh = false;}, this);
-          Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-add-refresh-feed-btn').setIconClass('qo-kregator-refresh-stop-btn');
-        }
-        function _searchFeed(node, scope){
-            var kids = node.childNodes;
-            var len = kids.length;
-            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-                if (kids[i].attributes.type == 'file') {
-                    // Exclude feed where refreshCycle == off
-                    if( kids[i].attributes.refreshCycle == 'on' ) {
-                      scope.FeedNeedUpdate[count] = [];
-                      scope.FeedNeedUpdate[count].nodeID = kids[i].id;
-                      scope.FeedNeedUpdate[count].id = kids[i].attributes.id;
-                      scope.FeedNeedUpdate[count].texte = kids[i].text;
-                      ++count;
-                    }
-                }
-                _searchFeed(kids[i], scope);
-            }
-        }
-        _searchFeed(this.PanelFeedTree.getRootNode(), this);
-        this.goUpdateAllFeed(0);
-        this.TaskSearchFeed.delay(this.ConfRefreshFeed * 60 * 1000);
-    }, //searchFeed
-    goUpdateAllFeed: function(FeedIndex){
-        if (this.FeedNeedUpdate[FeedIndex] && this.ConfGoRefresh ) {
-            this.updateFeed(this.FeedNeedUpdate[FeedIndex].texte, this.FeedNeedUpdate[FeedIndex].id, this.FeedNeedUpdate[FeedIndex].nodeID, 'on', FeedIndex + 1);
-        } else {
-          // Return to default button refresh
-          if( Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-add-refresh-feed-btn') ) {
-            Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-add-refresh-feed-btn').setHandler(function() {this.TaskSearchFeed.delay(1000);}, this);
-            Ext.getCmp('qo-kregator-add-refresh-feed-btn').setIconClass('qo-kregator-refresh-btn');
-          }
-        }
-    }, // goUpdateAllFeed
-    updateFeed: function(id_texte, id_Feed, _nodeID, cache, NextFeedIndex){
-        this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-inProgress', QoKregator.StatutUpdateFeed + id_texte + '...');
-        this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(_nodeID).ui.removeClass("qo-kregator-feed-Unseen");
-        this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(_nodeID).ui.addClass("x-tree-node-disabled");
-        var UpdateFeed = new Ext.data.Connection();
-        UpdateFeed.request({
-            scope: this,
-                url: this.app.connection,
-            params: {
-                moduleId: this.moduleId,
-                fileName: 'php/qo-kregator.php',
-                idFeed: id_Feed,
-                cache: cache,
-                what: 'update_feed'
-            },
-            success: function(response, options){
-                var o = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
-                if (o.success) {
-                    this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-done', id_texte + ' : ' + QoKregator.StatutDone);
-                    this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(_nodeID).ui.removeClass("x-tree-node-disabled");
-                    this.updateFeedInfo(_nodeID, o.unseen, o.new_nb_item);
-                    // if there is new items & items for this feed are displayed, we update the grid
-                    if (o.new_nb_item > o.old_nb_item && this.curFeedId == id_Feed) {
-                        this.dsItems.reload();
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    this.setStatusBar('qo-kregator-error', QoKregator.StatutUpdateFeedNok + id_texte);
-                    this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(_nodeID).ui.removeClass("x-tree-node-disabled");
-                    this.PanelFeedTree.getNodeById(_nodeID).ui.addClass("x-tree-node-error");
-                }
-                if (NextFeedIndex >= 0) {
-                    this.goUpdateAllFeed(NextFeedIndex);
-                }
-            }
-        });
-    }, //updateFeed
-    renderDate: function(TmpDate, GoFormat) {
-        if (TmpDate == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { return '-'; }
-        var dt = new Date();
-        dt = Date.parseDate(TmpDate, "Y-m-d h:i:s");
-        return dt.format(GoFormat);
-    }, //renderDate
-    setContentFontSize: function(choice) {
-      if( Ext.select('.qo-kregator-feed-content') ) {
-        Ext.select('.qo-kregator-feed-content').setStyle('font-size', this.ConfContentFontSize+'px');
-      }
-    } // setContentFontSize

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