[qet] QElektrotech development version - Czech translation update

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when the development is now moved to Git: https://git.tuxfamily.org/qet/qet.git/tree/lang (and if Tuxfamily is no longer in use), I've downloaded the .ts file and completed the translation. Could you commit the file attached, please?

Greetings, Pavel Fric


in the folder with "qelectrotech_trunk" is after the executing of command svn up string "2006-2017 Les développeurs de QElectroTech", and there are about 4 untranslated strings in the file with Czech localization.

Do I have the right development version?
Could you provide the right command ? - I would delete the current folder and make it new for the translation work - for me to be able to add the missing translations - I think, that there are more unfinished strings than 4!

Greetings, Pavel Fric

Attachment: qet_cs.ts
Description: Binary data

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