[qet] [2206] fix bug about default conductor rotation text with an existing potential

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Revision: 2206
Author:   blacksun
Date:     2013-06-05 01:11:05 +0200 (Wed, 05 Jun 2013)
Log Message:
fix bug about default conductor rotation text with an existing potential

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/sources/conductorautonumerotation.cpp
--- trunk/sources/conductorautonumerotation.cpp	2013-06-03 17:05:33 UTC (rev 2205)
+++ trunk/sources/conductorautonumerotation.cpp	2013-06-04 23:11:05 UTC (rev 2206)
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
 	foreach (const Conductor *cc, conductor_list) strl<<(cc->text());
 	//the texts is identicals
 	if (eachIsEqual(strl)) {
-		ConductorProperties cp;
+		ConductorProperties cp = conductor_ -> properties();
 		cp.text = strl.at(0);
 		conductor_ -> setProperties(cp);
 		conductor_ -> setText(strl.at(0));

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