[qet] [1435] Removed the obsolete "TemplateEditor" class.

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Revision: 1435
Author:   xavier
Date:     2012-01-08 18:09:17 +0100 (Sun, 08 Jan 2012)
Log Message:
Removed the obsolete "TemplateEditor" class.

Removed Paths:

Deleted: branches/0.3/sources/templateeditor.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/templateeditor.cpp	2012-01-08 17:05:17 UTC (rev 1434)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/templateeditor.cpp	2012-01-08 17:09:17 UTC (rev 1435)
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-#include "templateeditor.h"
-#include <QtXml>
-#include "qetproject.h"
-#include "qetapp.h"
-	Constructor
-	@param parent parent QWidget for this editor
-	@param f Windows flags for this editor
-	@see QWidget()
-TemplateEditor::TemplateEditor(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) :
-	QWidget(parent, f),
-	parent_project_(0)
-	build();
-	Destructor
-TemplateEditor::~TemplateEditor() {
-	Edit the given template.
-	@param project Parent project of the template to edit.
-	@param template_name Name of the template to edit within its parent project.
-bool TemplateEditor::edit(QETProject *project, const QString &template_name) {
-	// we require a project we will rattach templates to
-	if (!project) return(false);
-	parent_project_ = project;
-	updateProjectLabel();
-	// the template name may be empty to create a new element
-	if (template_name.isEmpty()) {
-		template_name_edit_ -> setText(tr("Nouveau-modele"));
-		template_name_edit_ -> setReadOnly(false);
-		return(true);
-	}
-	QDomElement xml_tb_template = project -> getTemplateXmlDescriptionByName(template_name);
-	if (!xml_tb_template.isNull()) {
-		QDomDocument xml_doc;
-		xml_doc.appendChild(xml_doc.importNode(xml_tb_template, true));
-		template_name_edit_ -> setText(template_name);
-		template_name_edit_ -> setReadOnly(true);
-		QString xml_str = xml_doc.toString(4);
-		xml_str.replace(QRegExp("^<titleblocktemplate[^>]*>"), "");
-		xml_str.replace(QRegExp("</titleblocktemplate>"), "");
-		template_xml_edit_ -> setPlainText("    " + xml_str.trimmed());
-		// stores the parent project and template name, in order to write/save the template later
-		template_name_ = template_name;
-		return(true);
-	}
-	return(false);
-	Validates the content of the current text area. It has to be a valid XML
-	description of a title block template for this method not to display a
-	message to the user.
-	@todo implement it.
-void TemplateEditor::validate() {
-	QMessageBox::information(
-		this,
-		tr("Not implemented yet"),
-		tr("Sorry, Not implemented yet")
-	);
-	Saves the content of the current text area to a template within the project.
-void TemplateEditor::save() {
-	if (!parent_project_) return;
-	// are we creating a new template?
-	if (!template_name_edit_ -> isReadOnly()) {
-		// Yes, so we must ensure the new name will not clatch with an existing ine
-		if (parent_project_ -> embeddedTitleBlockTemplates().contains(template_name_edit_ -> text())) {
-			QMessageBox::critical(
-				this,
-				tr("Un mod\350le de ce nom existe d\351j\340"),
-				tr("Un mod\350le de ce nom existe d\351j\340 au sein du projet - veuillez choisir un autre nom.")
-			);
-			/// TODO propose to overwrite the existing template?
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	QDomDocument xml_doc;
-	bool parsing = xml_doc.setContent(getXmlString());
-	if (!parsing) {
-		QMessageBox::critical(
-			this,
-			tr("Code XML non valide"),
-			tr("Le code XML du mod\350le ne semble pas \352tre valide. Impossible d'enregistrer le mod\350le.")
-		);
-		return;
-	}
-	if (!template_name_edit_ -> isReadOnly()) {
-		template_name_edit_ -> setReadOnly(true);
-		template_name_ = template_name_edit_ -> text();
-	}
-	parent_project_ -> setTemplateXmlDescription(template_name_, xml_doc.documentElement());
-	Exits this editor.
-void TemplateEditor::quit() {
-	/// TODO save if needed
-	close();
-	Allows the user to easily integrate a logo in to the currently edited title block
-	template.
-void TemplateEditor::integrateLogo() {
-	// we need a filepath
-	QString filepath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
-		this,
-		tr("S\351lectionnez un fichier image"),
-		QString(),
-		tr("Images vectorielles (*.svg);;Images bitmap (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.gif *.bmp *.xpm);;Tous les fichiers (*)")
-	);
-	if (filepath.isNull()) return;
-	// that filepath needs to point to a valid, readable file
-	QFileInfo filepath_info(filepath);
-	if (!filepath_info.exists() || !filepath_info.isReadable()) {
-		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Erreur"), tr("Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier sp\351cifi\351"));
-		return;
-	}
-	QString filename = filepath_info.fileName();
-	/// TODO identify whether the given file is a bitmap or vector graphics and integrate it accordingly
-	// now, we need the XML document of the currently edited template
-	QDomDocument xml_template;
-	if (!xml_template.setContent(getXmlString())) {
-		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Erreur"), tr("Le code XML du mod\350le ne semble pas \352tre valide."));
-		return;
-	}
-	// we need a <logos> section
-	QDomElement logos_section = xml_template.documentElement().firstChildElement("logos");
-	QDomElement logo_xml_elmt;
-	if (logos_section.isNull()) {
-		logos_section = xml_template.createElement("logos");
-		xml_template.documentElement().appendChild(logos_section);
-	} else {
-		// is there a logo of the same name already?
-		QString tag = "logo";
-		for (QDomElement e = logos_section.firstChildElement(tag) ; !e.isNull() ; e = e.nextSiblingElement(tag)) {
-			if (e.attribute("name") == filename) {
-				logo_xml_elmt = e;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// we read the provided logo
-	QFile logo_file(filepath);
-	logo_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
-	QString base64_string = QString(logo_file.readAll().toBase64());
-	// we insert it into our XML document
-	QDomText t = xml_template.createTextNode(base64_string);
-	if (!logo_xml_elmt.isNull()) {
-		logo_xml_elmt.setAttribute("storage", "base64");
-		QDomNodeList children = logo_xml_elmt.childNodes();
-		for (int i = 0 ; i < children .count() ; ++ i) logo_xml_elmt.removeChild(children.at(i));
-		logo_xml_elmt.appendChild(t);
-	} else {
-		QDomElement new_logo = xml_template.createElement("logo");
-		new_logo.appendChild(t);
-		new_logo.setAttribute("storage", "base64");
-		new_logo.setAttribute("type", filepath_info.suffix());
-		new_logo.setAttribute("name", filename);
-		logos_section.appendChild(new_logo);
-	}
-	// we put back the XML description in the text area
-	setXmlString(xml_template);
-	Builds the user interface.
-void TemplateEditor::build() {
-	parent_project_label_ = new QLabel();
-	updateProjectLabel();
-	static_xml_1_ = new QLabel("<titleblocktemplate name=\"");
-	static_xml_2_ = new QLabel("\">");
-	static_xml_3_ = new QLabel("</titleblocktemplate>");
-	template_name_edit_ = new QLineEdit();
-	template_xml_edit_ = new QTextEdit();
-	template_xml_edit_ -> setAcceptRichText(false);
-	template_xml_edit_ -> setFontFamily("monospace");
-	template_xml_edit_ -> setWordWrapMode(QTextOption::NoWrap);
-	integrate_logo_ = new QPushButton(tr("Int\351grer un logo"));
-	validate_button_ = new QPushButton(tr("V\351rifier le mod\350le"));
-	save_button_ = new QPushButton(tr("Enregistrer et appliquer"));
-	quit_button_ = new QPushButton(tr("Quitter"));
-	connect(integrate_logo_,  SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(integrateLogo()));
-	connect(validate_button_, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(validate()));
-	connect(save_button_,     SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(save()));
-	connect(quit_button_,     SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(quit()));
-	QHBoxLayout *h_layout0 = new QHBoxLayout();
-	h_layout0 -> addWidget(integrate_logo_);
-	h_layout0 -> addWidget(validate_button_);
-	h_layout0 -> addWidget(save_button_);
-	h_layout0 -> addWidget(quit_button_);
-	QHBoxLayout *h_layout1 = new QHBoxLayout();
-	h_layout1 -> addWidget(static_xml_1_);
-	h_layout1 -> addWidget(template_name_edit_);
-	h_layout1 -> addWidget(static_xml_2_);
-	QVBoxLayout *v_layout0 = new QVBoxLayout();
-	v_layout0 -> addWidget(parent_project_label_);
-	v_layout0 -> addLayout(h_layout1);
-	v_layout0 -> addWidget(template_xml_edit_);
-	v_layout0 -> addWidget(static_xml_3_);
-	v_layout0 -> addLayout(h_layout0);
-	setLayout(v_layout0);
-	setWindowTitle(tr("QElectroTech - \311diteur de mod\350le de cartouche"));
-	resize(700, 500);
-	Updates the "Parent project:" label.
-void TemplateEditor::updateProjectLabel() {
-	QString parent_project_title;
-	if (parent_project_) {
-		parent_project_title = parent_project_ -> pathNameTitle();
-	} else {
-		parent_project_title = tr("Non d\351fini");
-	}
-	parent_project_label_ -> setText(
-		QString(tr("Projet parent : %1")).arg(parent_project_title)
-	);
-	@return the XML description provided by the user, as a string.
-QString TemplateEditor::getXmlString() const {
-	QString xml_str = QString("<titleblocktemplate name=\"%1\">%2</titleblocktemplate>");
-	xml_str = xml_str.arg(Qt::escape(template_name_edit_ -> text())).arg(template_xml_edit_ -> toPlainText());
-	return(xml_str);
-	Displays the given title block template XML code
-	@param xml_doc The XML description of a title block template
-void TemplateEditor::setXmlString(const QDomDocument &xml_doc) {
-	QString xml_str = xml_doc.toString(4);
-	xml_str.replace(QRegExp("^<titleblocktemplate[^>]*>"), "");
-	xml_str.replace(QRegExp("</titleblocktemplate>"), "");
-	template_xml_edit_ -> setPlainText("    " + xml_str.trimmed());

Deleted: branches/0.3/sources/templateeditor.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/templateeditor.h	2012-01-08 17:05:17 UTC (rev 1434)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/templateeditor.h	2012-01-08 17:09:17 UTC (rev 1435)
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright 2006-2012 Xavier Guerrin
-	This file is part of QElectroTech.
-	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-	(at your option) any later version.
-	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtGui>
-#include <QtXml>
-class QETProject;
-	This class allows the user to edit a title block template.
-	For the moment, it simply provides a text editor.
-class TemplateEditor : public QWidget {
-	// constructors, destructor
-	public:
-	TemplateEditor(QWidget * = 0, Qt::WindowFlags = 0);
-	virtual ~TemplateEditor();
-	private:
-	TemplateEditor(const TemplateEditor &);
-	// method\s
-	public:
-	bool edit(QETProject *, const QString &);
-	private slots:
-	void validate();
-	void save();
-	void quit();
-	void integrateLogo();
-	private:
-	void build();
-	void updateProjectLabel();
-	QString getXmlString() const;
-	void setXmlString(const QDomDocument &);
-	// attributes
-	private:
-	QLabel *parent_project_label_;
-	QLabel *static_xml_1_;
-	QLabel *static_xml_2_;
-	QLabel *static_xml_3_;
-	QLineEdit *template_name_edit_;
-	QTextEdit *template_xml_edit_;
-	QPushButton *integrate_logo_;
-	QPushButton *validate_button_;
-	QPushButton *save_button_;
-	QPushButton *quit_button_;
-	QETProject *parent_project_;
-	QString template_name_;

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