Re: [qet] Fwd: instalacion windows

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> I forward this email. Untill February 2010, I would probably be not very
>  active.
Thanks for the forward, and good luck for whatever you're doing until 
February 2010 :)

> E visto que no hay documentación para la instalación de Qelectrotech
> para todos los usuarios, no se si sea valido como lo instale yo para
> no estar abriendo la carpeta contenedora cada ves que se tenga que
> usar, puedes verlo en:
> lo subí
> para mostrártelo y si crees que es correcto así entonces subirlo al
> wiki.
Hmm.... from my point of view, the only thing detailed in your page that 
isn't already mentioned on the following page (that you translated):
... is the creation of a shortcut to launch QElectroTech from the desktop.
I can be add this point to the original documentation (i.e. the french one) 
if you want; it could then be translated back to Spanish.
Also, the screenshots from qet_instal_win.html are better than the one used 
on the spanish documentation, which has been made under Ubuntu. You could 
use one of them to replace it.

> E avanzado un poco mas en la traducción en el wiki,
Yeah, I saw you had worked on it. Thus, I have added you on the following 
Keep up the good work :)

> lo que creo que no
> e hecho bien son los enlaces, ya que si estoy en la sección de español
> al seguir algun otro vinculo me manda a la de frances y logicamente
> debo darle click al boton "ES" no se si eso es normal, por lo que te
> pido me hagan favor de prepararme los links para que sean correctos.
> Si ves algo que creas que no es correcto en las traducciónes favor de
> comunicarmelo
Here are two advices when you work on the wiki:
1 - When you want to translate a new page, edit the french version by 
clicking on the "Éditer cette page" button at the bottom of the web page.
This will allow you to select the whole "Wiki code" and copy/paste it to the 
newly created Spanish page. Once you have pasted the original code, you just 
need to translate it, without having to try to make titles, code area and 
lists again. Just replace the French text with its Spanish translation, 
don't add extra blank lines nor delete them. This will ease the future 
maintenance/comparison of pages.

2 - You will often want to translate links this way:
Before : [[doc:installation|Installation]]
After  : [[es:doc:installation|Instalación]]
This way, the translated link will point to the translated target page (if 
it has been translated, of course). :)

> No se a quien mas dirigirme sobre esto directamente
When you don't know, write to our mailing list, someone will know ;)
=> qet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Also, when you answer to someone from the project, don't forget to mention 
qet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in the CC (Carbon Copy) field.

> Saludos
> Alfredo Carreto
Xavier G.
QElectroTech project developer

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