Re: [proaudio] Several ebuilds

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About gtklick:
If it does not work with the distutils eclass' phase functions the source is broken somewhere, namely the path is incorrectly calculated as you pointed out. The proper fix is not to disable the eclass' phase functions, but to patch the source code. If the source code cannot respect the --install-scripts=... it should be fixed, because distutils is the defacto standard. Additionally, if you disable the default phase functions the eclass is not able to apply its wrapping and some other "magic" stuff (that are there for a reason).

I will try to fix the gtklick issue today.

Also, it is usually a good idea to start one thread for each package so that they can be discussed separately (=less noise and less risk for misunderstanding each other).


2013/11/25 Zlobin Nikita <nick87720z@xxxxxxxxx>
* qastools: I made it just before to find it in gentoo portage, but there is
only release, so just leaving in message :)
* ac3jack: failed to build due to some changes in boost, and previous patch
missed some headers;
* gtklick: could not find glade file, because its script fetched prefix by own
path (zero command-line argument), but distfiles functions, used for that,
aggressively broke this. Now it uses ./ build; ./ install;
directly. First time i assumed, that it will be broken by sandbox, but hope it
is not (did not try with sandbox yet).
* laditools: failed to install with USE=-wmaker, trying to remove unexisting
file without -rf flags (allowes to ignore errors on missing files and thus -
complete job).
* openoctave-midi... WHY NOT =)
Last version of live ebuild, which i got likely long time ago (because now it
is not there), was broken itself (there was not even EAPI line).
At least on kxstudio it works, when i unsuccessfully tried it on gentoo
installation, i did not have all audio-related settings, such as groups,
permissions yet, but e.g., yoshimi and zynaddsubfx failed as well due to such
lack. Now i lack only ready for usage rt-sources... hope it is not necessary

I'm not sure, could mentioning of oomidi cause my ignorance even with this
email in past, but now i know, this email works, so if you think, it is
obsoleted and unneeded, than be it :)

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