Re: [proaudio] Mixxx-9999 Update, Moved to github

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Hey Karl,

Sorry about the dos line endings, not sure what happened with that. The upstream trunk was moved to git, however, the 1.11 trunk is still using bzr due to some build server issues. When they finish moving the source over I will submit an updated ebuild.


On 07/25/2013 04:41 AM, Karl Lindén wrote:
2013/7/24 Alex Barker <alex@xxxxxxxxxx>:
Mixxx is now on github.  Attached ebuild should take care of it.


Thanks for the ebuild. However, I would appreciate if you don't use
CRLF line terminators (DOS) because diff is unable to generate a
proper diff between the ebuild in the overlay and the proposed one
without manually converting the proposed ebuild.

I will commit this along with:
* Correction of HOMEPAGE in all mixxx ebuilds. mixxx has moved to
* Correction of the fidlib dependency (which you did in the submitted ebuild).

One part of the diff:
  src_install() {
      CC="$(tc-getCC)" CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" LINKFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \
-    LIBPATH="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)" escons install \
-        install_root="${ED}"/usr
+    LIBPATH="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)" escons \
+        install_root="${ED}"/usr install

      dodoc README Mixxx-Manual.pdf
Why are you changing the order? The old order worked.

We have the mixxx-1.11.9999 ebuild which I also believe should be
updated to follow the git repo. Could you create an ebuild for that
one too?

I've found the following contradiction on the homepage:
According to [1] mixxx has not moved to git.
According to [2] mixxx has moved to git.
Could you report that?



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