Re: [proaudio] Mixxx-9999 Update, Moved to github

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2013/7/24 Alex Barker <alex@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Mixxx is now on github.  Attached ebuild should take care of it.
> Thanks,
> Alex


Thanks for the ebuild. However, I would appreciate if you don't use
CRLF line terminators (DOS) because diff is unable to generate a
proper diff between the ebuild in the overlay and the proposed one
without manually converting the proposed ebuild.

I will commit this along with:
* Correction of HOMEPAGE in all mixxx ebuilds. mixxx has moved to
* Correction of the fidlib dependency (which you did in the submitted ebuild).

One part of the diff:
 src_install() {
     CC="$(tc-getCC)" CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" LINKFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \
-    LIBPATH="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)" escons install \
-        install_root="${ED}"/usr
+    LIBPATH="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)" escons \
+        install_root="${ED}"/usr install

     dodoc README Mixxx-Manual.pdf
Why are you changing the order? The old order worked.

We have the mixxx-1.11.9999 ebuild which I also believe should be
updated to follow the git repo. Could you create an ebuild for that
one too?

I've found the following contradiction on the homepage:
According to [1] mixxx has not moved to git.
According to [2] mixxx has moved to git.
Could you report that?



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