Re: [proaudio] Git migration

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Le Sun, 28 Jul 2013 22:06:14 +0200,
Karl Lindén <> a écrit :

> Hi all!
> Some time ago there was some discussion about whether the proaudio
> overlay should migrate to git. Would it make sense to do such a
> migration or would it be too much work for now?
> What are the arguments that support such a change? Furthermore, what
> are the arguments against?
> One supportive argument is that pull requests or equivalent are pretty
> nifty. On the contrary, SVN is (in my opinion) pretty nice to work
> with, but that is not a strictly technical argument.

I use both svn and git, and for a so simple project, the only
"advantage" I can see with git is it is never. Which is not a technical
argument either. We can now argue about the never, the better.

And well, I use a test overlay for my personal ebuilds and to work on
the pro-audio ebuilds. If I have 2 ebuilds with the same name, emerge
will use the one in my test overlay, and I see no simpler way to do the
same with a private git branch.

Also, my test overlay include things that have nothing to do with the
pro-audio overlay, so it is no point for me to include it in some
private git branch.

So well, I have no use for git with pro-audio, and I am just fine with

Also, the proaudio-dev branch can be used to put experimental or broken
ebuilds, so that every body can look at them. For now, it is old stuffs
in it, a real mess with no ChangeLog associated with the ebuilds, but
nobody stop anyone to use it. It would be best to put ChangeLog files
with new ebuilds here, with comments to explain what the issue is.

Know someone what the ebuilds in proaudio-dev are? and if yes, can
ChangeLog files be added. If not, we can purge all of them at the
exception of 1 or 2 examples to show the file hierarchy. Or purge all
of them and add a README.


> Thanks for your thoughts!
> Regards,
> Karl

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