Re: [proaudio] [2723] fvwm-crystal-9999: removed non needed USE flags; updated to EAPI 5 and python-r1

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Le Sun, 05 May 2013 21:22:34 +0200,
subversion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :

> Revision: 2723
> Author:   dominique
> Date:     2013-05-05 21:22:33 +0200 (Sun, 05 May 2013)
> Log Message:
> -----------
> fvwm-crystal-9999: removed non needed USE flags; updated to EAPI 5
> and python-r1

I done 2 Fvwm-Crystal releases in a very short time. They introduce a
lot of bug fixes and improvements. Fvwm-Crystal is more than just an
advanced Fvwm theme, this is a light, fast and stable desktop.

The last 2 versions introduce a lot of bug fixes and improvements. As
example, the new Font Selector dialogue show that FVWM can be turned
into a modern desktop. The Fullscreen mode have been extended. It
make possible now to not only bring in full screen almost any
application, but also to cycle through the full screened applications
and the current desktop page. See that like a new and innovative way to
use desktop space.

With that function, Fvwm-Crystal provide not only typical X features
like multiple desktop pages, but also one of the best feature of the
Amiga OS, its applications stack.

If you like icons of the desktop, you can use ROX-Filer, Nautilus or
Thunar as desktop manager. With Thunar, Fvwm-Crystal will create Amiga
OS like icons (2 pictures icons) for each mounted partitions, / and

Also, its application menu is the one, of all the desktops I try, which
need less maintenance. It is easy to customize, have category based
preferred applications support, and you will never loose you custom
settings. In fact, it is almost nothing to customize because it do
understand the additional freedesktop categories.

For the future, I will make small steps and release more often. One
consequence is that the svn should be not only safe to use at any time,
but also coherent at any time. 

I begun to extend the Fullscreen function like a wink to the Amiga OS.
The result is that Fvwm-Crystal is able to provide the best of X and
the best of the Amiga at the same time. That show it can be tailored
for any possible use and I will consider any contribution with a very
open mind.


"We have the heroes we deserve."

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