Re: [proaudio] Importing ladi overlay to proaudio overlay

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Dominique Michel <dominique.michel@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Another issue I can see is the dependencies on lash. Some (many?) of
> them are in portage, that is outside the overlay control. Another
> issue is that many of them are in the overlay and it will be time
> consuming to fix them all. Because of that, a world update with both
> overlays is a nightmare at that time. So we must use a way that satisfy
> both portage and the overlay.

This is one of the reasons for the ladi->proaudio merge. The ladi
overlay already has some duplicates because of the liblash virtual. I
think we need numbers for portage ebuilds that have to be duplicated and
for proaudio fixed. I don't think the overal number of lash enabled apps
is that big:

The list is probably not complete and also somewhat obsolete but maybe
it is still a good estimate.

Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: 5D1B58ED>

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