Re: [proaudio] Git mirror of the overlay

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Le Tue, 29 May 2012 23:46:30 +0100,
Ignas Anikevicius <anikevicius@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> Dear list,
> I have just upgraded my sound equipment and I thought I'd give
> pro-audio overlay a try. However, I was wondering if there is any
> place for git mirror of the overlay? If there is none yet, are there
> any suggestions on where could we host it?
> I could probably make a github mirror and try to update it everyday.
> What others think about this?
> All best,
> Ignas A.

Welcome !

I cannot see a good raison to make a mirror of the overlay. To work
with 2 concurrent versions of the overlay can be source of sync errors,
and as one use git and the other svn, it can also be a source
of loose of data like the history of the files.

Another option would be to shift from svn to git, but in the case of a
project like an overlay, I cannot see the advantage of using git. 
I test all the ebuilds before committing them, and for that, I use a
local test overlay. When the ebuild is done, I checkout the devel
version of the overlay, I add the new ebuild, I digest the ebuild and I
done a commit. After that, I erase the ebuild in my test overlay and
try to merge it again. I will be doing the same even if the overlays is
shifted over to git, so it will not be a simplification.

But I can see a big disadvantage to shift from svn to git: all the
history of the files in the overlay will be lost. So I am not for
such a move.

Now, if you want to do you own git mirror, I will not stop you -:)


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