Re: [proaudio] the overlay with funtoo as opposed to gentoo?

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On 31 May 2012 16:49, Allan Klinbail <sonofzev@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi All

I will be building a new studio machine soon. The new motherboard has
UEFI it looks like I might need to start from scratch. (unless
people can direct me to an easy way to convert to UEFI.. I will have new
disks if that's worth anything)

I've always been a big fan of Daniel Robbins' work, so I'm wondering if
the overlay will work with funtoo and if it's worth exploring that

I didn't tried so much... but I had been using Funtoo+ProAudio overlay for a few months without any problem.

In general, I found Funtoo ("current") considerably more stable that Gentoo (less problematic updates).

Just 2 cents...,


If it kind of works but is unstable I may avoid it, but if it is about
the same I'm considering taking the plunge..



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