Re: [proaudio] CLAM: =libclam-9999 and =NetworkEditor-9999 patch

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Hi Natanael,

Regarding to XML backend:
libclam-9999 doesnt compile with USE="-xercesc" (I have installed
xmlpp-1.0.5). If compare 9999 & 1.4.0, it can be seen that 1.4.0
already contains lines:

IUSE="some_use_flags xercesc +xmlpp"
xercesc? ( <dev-libs/xerces-c-3 )
xmlpp? ( dev-cpp/libxmlpp:2.6 )
src_compile() {
if use xercesc; then
 if use xmlpp; then
  myconf+=" xmlbackend=both"
  myconf+=" xmlbackend=xercesc"
 if use xmlpp; then
  myconf+=" xmlbackend=xmlpp"
  myconf+=" xmlbackend=none"

also Sconstruct of svn-version contains:
opts.Add( EnumVariable( 'xmlbackend', 'XML passivation backend',
'xercesc', ('xercesc','xmlpp','both','none')) )

So, I guess live-ebuild should contains the same lines.
And one question: which xmlbackend is more preffered? As you can see,
in 1.4.0 it is xmlpp, is it right?

2011/1/20, Natanael Olaiz <nolaiz@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> Here is a patch for =media-libs/libclam-9999 (-r1) and
> =media-sound/NetworkEditor-9999
> I'm a CLAM developer since a few years, but I'm a pretty new using
> Gentoo, so probably the ebuilds are not very good...  but at least: I
> made libclam and NetworkEditor live ebuilds works!
> See attached changelogs for the changes.
> One of these days I'll check the release versions of the ebuilds, and
> the SMSTools, Annotator, Voice2MIDI and chordata... Meanwhile, all
> suggestions are welcome (I'm learning about the ebuilds and the portage
> system).
> And last but not least: thank you all for your work with the overlay!
> Best regards,
> Natanael.

WBR, Viktor

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