Re: [proaudio] IRC channel

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If it can be done, and people will use it. IRC hasn't been something I have done in a very long time, but if it was active, I'm sure it would be helpful in getting finding solutions faster.

On 10/21/2010 1:22 PM, Viktor Lazarev wrote:
Hi list,

on the written:
"Join our IRC channel #proaudio-overlay

     * server:
     * channel: #proaudio-overlay "

but founder of the channel is freenode-staff, it mean the channel is orphaned.
I think it would be good to register the channel to someone from the Powers.

One staff from freenode tell me:
Okay, yourself, or someone who can demonstrate their involvement in
the project will need to file a Group Registration in order to
establish a claim on the channel. and
explain the process. the blog post is particularly important in this
case as there is a special proceedure for dealing with registrations
for orphaned channels, such as yours"

What do you think?

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