Re: [proaudio] M-Audio Audiophile

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You can also buy a USB-MIDI adapter (edirol, m-audio, ...)

Quoting Arve Barsnes <arve.barsnes@xxxxxxxxx>:

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Xavier Miller <xavier.miller@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Check it at
Well, duh, sometimes I just can't think of the obvious solution!
Thanks for reminding me!

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 1:24 PM,  <wayne@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
nothing but great things to say about the Edirol FA-66.  however, it is
FireWire.  good luck.
Ah yes, I've never had much luck with firewire. On my latest computer,
which I built myself, I don't think I even included any firewire
ports. But thanks for the suggestion :)


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