Re: [proaudio] Many ebuilds are out of date

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Trinine wrote:

Does anyone still maintaining this usefull overlay ?
I can contribute a few from my local overlay.  They don't appear to have broken my system, but I'm no expert...


The cwiid overlay appears unmaintained and recent (incompatible) changes to bluez means it needs some patching.  I use cwiid as a remote control for various apps (including Ardour) - very useful if you're tracking drums on your own...

lv2core 9999

Upstream changes (directory relocation within the tree) means the current pro-audio ebuild doesn't.

slv2 (SVN rev2263)

Upstream bug in waf breaks installation.  Additionally picks a fixed SVN revision to insulate against further breakage (e.g. future revdep-rebuild).  Reported upstream.

jconv 0.8.1

Somehow this convolution engine from Fons Adriaensen disappeared a while ago.

ardour (2.8.3 and 2.8.4)

Fetch restricted packages to build from the download page at

Available if anyone wants them, but probably need some tidy-up.


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