Re: [proaudio] midi use flag and alsa-libs

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Le Mon, 3 Aug 2009 10:12:27 +0200,
Dominique Michel <dominique.michel@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> Le Sun, 2 Aug 2009 11:41:13 -0500,
> Matt Henley <nwmatt@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> > I tried to update my system yesterday and now emerge just returns errors.
> > After a bit of checking it appears that a large number of my packages
> > (including pro-audio overlay) depend on the midi use option in alsa-libs.
> > This was removed per the change log because of bug #272659.  Do you have any
> > suggestions on how I should get my system stable as I have a lot if not most
> > of the packages installed that require alsa-libs be installed with the midi
> > use flag?  Also, is the alsa midi functionality now part of alsa without the
> > flag or was that functionality removed?
> > 
> > Thanks for any information.
> > 
> > Matt
> Hi Matt,
> Thanks for reporting. Try to update the overlay. I masked the just unmasked
> ALSA packages.

Fan, it doesn't work! Gentoo removed the alsa-*-1.0.20. To downgrade to
1.0.19 will arm more.
I unmasked them again.

I have no solution for now beside to report all the broken packages to their
respective overlays.

> According to the old gentoo packages.mask, it is an optional hack. I don't
> know what it mean, but the midi packages in gentoo are working in any cases.
> Cheers,
> Dominique

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